Materi Storm buff

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Akageshi, Feb 6, 2019.

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  1. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    As I play Materi Storm mini-events, I use this opportunity to collect some more group leaderboard points so I play just fatal, so it's fast, with random people.

    And people just don't seem to understand the whole buff thing.

    There's this buff that increases the stack of materi prisms that drop from event minibosses.
    You receive this buff only if the miniboss is killed AND you're standing very close to it. The buff then lasts for a short time, and if you manage to kill another miniboss in that time limit while standing close to it, the buff is increased by 1, and so on up to 10.

    But what people usually do is, that they just run the map on their own pace and often in different directions, ignoring where others are heading. Some people run too slow, killing unnecessary monsters, some rush too fast, as if they are about to run out of the buff; and so the party spreads and eventually only the miniboss killer gets the buff.

    If I'm too fast, I just stand next to the miniboss, and wait for others, but then one of them who appears to be the fastest runner, just commences the miniboss butchery regardless of the rest of the party. It's infuriating how some people not only have no idea what's going on and why I'm not shooting the miniboss yet, and they deliberately sabotage the operation! (-__-)

    I'm not saying you can't finish the event without using the buff. Of course you can, easily.
    It just hurts my brain how almost everyone is so clueless about the whole mechanic that is supposed to make the event a little more than just a usual farm (= less boring) & a little bit faster (= fewer necessary runs).
    silverseas, Bubble and navelko like this.
  2. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Most of the time I run the Materi Storms solo just for the reasons that you ran into. I can do the whole thing on the first map and keep a 10x buff continuous past the second run and do the whole thing in under 2 hours.

    Sometimes you can get a good group (like I had this last Grimmag Materi Storm) where everyone stays together and we all killed Grimmag most of the time with 10-15 seconds to spare and got 8x/9x/10x multiplier on Grimmag's drop. It was sweet. For me it starts at 10pm and we went till 12:30 am to completion.
    Next day I helped others get through the masses (I needed not the buff) to help those that aren't as capable. In return, I got lots of Materi drops and cube drops for me. :)

    To the Dev's: It would be really nice if those Materi Prisms that we get after completing the progress bar could be "melted" to Materi Fragments !!!
  3. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Yep, solo is best. You have the best control.
    I don't know about the materi prism drop based on difficulty, but on fatal, starting from buff = 0 and making it to the boss with buff = 10, I get 900 materi prism, out of which about 500 drops from the boss. Some people complained the event was tedious. It's not.

    Yes, or it should be possible to sell them for lots of gold.
  4. deliburan78

    deliburan78 Advanced

    Don`t lose your time with this buff, buy ports from Tabbo , 20-30 runs fat /inf1 max and event is finished, without any fools which only interfere with you.
  5. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    This. :| It doesn't help that the event critter is so squishy most people are killing it in just a few hits even with a maxed out party size.
  6. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    From the few times i played this 'event' in a group i never noticed you get the buff only if you re close enough to the mini. I always assumed the buff gets stacked/refreshed upon picking up the materi prisms.
    Most of the times now, i just do them solo, since it is much faster.
  7. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    I'm seriously ignoring these "events" (just like the regular monster hunts and All for One None - we haven't had those in a while though) altogether. If I get some progress during my regular farming - good. I don't care anyways. The rewards are too crappy. Very few drakens and insultingly low (for the today's drops & needs) amount of materi fragments.
    This could seriously help, but at a fair ratio. One materi prism should be worth at least like 5 fragments.
  8. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Seriously? for an average to strong player you can finish in 1-2 hours. I do it usually in 60 minutes. 250 draken for just one hour of play is pretty good.
    deliburan78 likes this.