Bug Fix the Singularity bug!

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by ΣMiwel, Feb 18, 2019.

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Fix this bug in the next release!

  1. Yes!

  2. No!

  1. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    Professional is to know what to do even if you know some crybabies will burn the forum with nonsense proposals or wanting to return an overpowered bug.
    If they were professionals they would not bring back a bug, but even more, in the past release the bug should be fixed both PvP and PvE, but you know, they are not professionals and they could not do it.
    Anyway the players have some responsibility and knowing how devs "work", we should not use the forum to ask for stratospheric things or believe we have the right to keep a bug of one class and not the bugs of the other classes.
  2. Shiro

    Shiro Padavan

    Yep, in fact my first reaction to Mindcontrolgate was that they didn't even had the courage to stick to their decision. I don't think it was an OP bug tho (not even 100% sure it is a bug, because the description is different from how it was before, and up till now BP never said anything about it, like even them didn't notice :D)... I also got a lv55 mage on TS (only 13k dmg BTW), and after the bugfix it was a lot harder to kill bosses on fatal mode (well, using Q7... With Q4 it didn't change that much).
    Imho, they should change the description to something like "when you hit an enemy with mind control..." and make the skill work like Thunders and Metheor (but istant). This way should both sides be happy.
  3. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Pretty much doesnt matter to talk if it was a bug or not in this case, and yes, literally may be named as a bug. What matter is balance, and that fixing that bug they almost killed mage class who already was even before worst class in game. BP realized that and acted accordingly.

    Thats all story.