Shop set

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by alexbosu99, Mar 7, 2019.

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  1. alexbosu99

    alexbosu99 Forum Apprentice

    Hello! I am level 36.How good is the unique set from shop? Should I buy it or it's better to farm another set?
    and what set?
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Spend your andermant on backpack and locker space; conserve your gold as much as possible until you hit level 55 when you can start to look at crafting. I'm not as well versed as most on the nuances of this game, but I never saw anything in a shop worth buying.
    navelko and deliburan78 like this.
  3. alexbosu99

    alexbosu99 Forum Apprentice

    Thank's for advice
  4. deliburan78

    deliburan78 Advanced

    For gold bye - only premium 2h bow & shoulders ,it's worth the money .only money , not craft price. The bow is good for low & mid lvl players without craft & 5 royalle rubbys, shoulders with almost max stats - too, both not need craft for short time use. Besides, with the bow you develop basic skills for net use, indispensable for the follower q7 end build. ;)
    Andermands bye - invertory , chest & offensive gems- this is the right FTP way.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Only spend ander on locker and inventory space. Once you've unlocked most of that, start spending andermant on gems.

    The only thing you should be focused on is reaching LVL 55. Once you are LVL 55, there will be plenty of good uniques available from the Parallel Worlds and crafting will allow you to make some really nice gear. All those shop uniques will be garbage in a matter of hours or days.
    navelko likes this.
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