R216 & DtU XIII

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by trakilaki, Feb 22, 2019.

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  1. ZantezukKken

    ZantezukKken Someday Author

    So it mean that we can again do the runs circus outside event :) is it a bug or a fixed thing?

    --- MERGED ---

    An official answer should be cool :) i can't imagine the guys who farm realm fragment whyle event is runnning and can't use all the one he buy after that xD
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 14, 2019
  2. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    They said Circus entrances were disabled because the monsters weren't adjusted to the new releases yet, so I think after R216, when finally reworked, the passes have no reason for not working after the event is finished.
    Marsicanus likes this.
  3. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    It is nice that we can enter circus when the event is not runnig, but for what? It seems that drop of drakens has been nerfed at least 5x compared to the previous version of the event.
  4. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    still its free draken that otherwise u cant farm.
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    well, but it took much of the incentive to it

    I mean, the only incentives now are the ability to get the pet parts without having to play the event and if you still need it, the ability to farm wisdom
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Next patch (R216_8)

    A parody ... isn't it? XD

  7. Lemnolia

    Lemnolia Forum Apprentice

    I still did not get if the draken core amount was being increased with the difficulty or not?
    The ones dropped from chest and also bosses.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Yes ... but only from bosses (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
    The drop from chests is x2 on every difficulty ... it might be a bug.
    Lemnolia likes this.
  9. Lemnolia

    Lemnolia Forum Apprentice

    But what they call event bosses, are only Dragan and Gwen right?
    When they state in the R216 patchnotes that all "event bosses" drop draken cores now, it's only those two right ?
  10. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    I'll have to check, but i think only those two. But remember, direct passes to the boss of your choice will cost 16 realm frags. So you might want to also want to stock up on dragan direct passes in your inventory for draken and draken core farming and gear farming (for when/if inf V comes out and t8 gear starts dropping)
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