Quick build for PvP

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by DalaiLama, Apr 9, 2019.

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  1. DalaiLama

    DalaiLama Forum Greenhorn

    I'm a returning player, that would like to do some PvP, but the rules for PvP has changed massively, so old set is useless, i.e. has no PvP base stats.
    I'd like to do some PvP and would like some tips on how to get gear for PvP that isn't completely hopeless. I don't have time to grind for uniques.
    It looks like base stats are the same for green and legend items, so should I just look for good green items and upgrade them? Or what would be your advice?

    Thanx in advance :)
  2. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    1h wep and shield. Base stats go up with tier. My preferred starter pvp set is glyphed up green/blue gear with the best base stats/highest tier I can find. If you are a DK get one of the shields with CHR (just because it bugs the hell outta some folks :D)
  3. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    What mikey says. Green/blue items with the highest base stats you can get, glyphed up to level 60. Rings should be of the damage/hp/crit variety. If you happenbto have t7/t8 unique gear with gold base lines in your pve build, those item can sometimes do double duty as pvp gear.

    Ideally all of this is t8 with all gold lines in the base stats.

    Gwenfara shield (which really needs that crit line nerfed) and 1H axe is recommended if a dk. I believe one of the unique axes (i think the new moon axes) offers the best blend of speed, damage and crit on the base lines as it seems to be popular, but i am using a t8 extraordinary with gold base damage and crit lines.

    If you have a surplus of gold and glyphs and t8 items, you can think about crafting so that you can combine perfect gold base lines with t8 gear to create t8 gear with gold base lines - i did this with my t4 or t5 blue axe and a t8 trash stats 1h blue axe to create a t8 exrraordibary axe with gold base damage and crit lines.
  4. DalaiLama

    DalaiLama Forum Greenhorn

    I'm a lvl 40 mage and I guess the above still applies.
    Is it possible to get gold line base stat equipment on normal runs or must it be parallel world?
  5. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    My recommendation is to play the game normally and level up to 55 and then do pvp at level 55.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  6. ghostmagicus

    ghostmagicus Forum Pro

    Or u just can wait for naked pvp, to not bother to increase in tier white/green/blue ietems., kidding :mad: PVP nowdays is just a shame, dont worth to play at all.