Roadmap 2019

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by Phyrix, May 22, 2019.

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  1. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    A player found this on instagram.
    Lets discuss this:
    nikatar likes this.
  2. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    Bigpoint words:
    For the 1st half of the year we are planning to drop dragan proabably around end of the june
    This picture:
    Nwaaaah, of course we will not do this you will get dragan around october -november even december (who knows maybe january) (because 1 patch per month)
    or you are going to drop all those patches for 1 month? :))))))))))))))))))))))
    vegetadavid likes this.
  3. vegetadavid

    vegetadavid Forum Mogul

    I fear for boss fight changes, they are already good.
    I hope the equipment update is only concerning pvp, for me the current stats and craft system are perfect.
    Transmogrification is interesting !
    There is overall not a lot of news here... Gorga and the desert of essence could be nice but that is obviously in last.
    The Roadmap 2018 was much better but has been totally violated.
  4. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    well there was a leak of new uniques coming from sewers 2.0, that is kinda interesting.
    And yes new uniques man I would love to see legend brought back with a 400 dmg unique line :D
    Legend with stats like that will have the highest base dmg for a player in the game, however it will not destroy q7 set, it will create new opportunities for non q7 set users.
    I have been hoping for craftable cloaks for a while now
  5. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    Craftable cloaks is indispensable.
    cogix likes this.
  6. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    There's only 5 weeks left in the 2nd quarter. The third quarter starts with July. That means that 219-223 is one update per week. Yup, I don't see that happening. Maybe this should be listed as "(Q2-3)" map with that last line being "Q4-2020Q1".

    If it truly is "(Q2)":
    So, in the last 3 of the next 5 weeks we are going to have Anniversary Event, Defeat the Undefeatables, and Kinghill Sewers? 3 major events that are normally 2-4 weeks each. That's some serious overlapping.
    Is it going to be the Anniversary Event followed by the Kinghill Sewers with the Defeat the Undefeatables (Circus Moonstrome) running in tandem through both?

    Somehow, me thinks the picture is someone's idea of a very late (or very very early) April Fools joke.
    LongShlong. and vegetadavid like this.
  7. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Lol no look at the releases
    219 and 220 will be the last of Q2
    It looks like we might get a July DTU instead of Dragan but I predicted Dragan would come in July so...
    Then ofc August is anniversary
    Sewers for September would be kinda perfect because it is also when it happened in 2017 (May and Sept 2017)
    I assumed that Sargon might replace Gwenfara this year however bear in mind July is Q3 start so if Dragan happens in July it leaves DTU for Oct or DOE maybe?
    Anyways lets see what the future holds xD
  8. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    so they apparently took the previous roadmap in the trash

    Also i fear what the equipment update might bring, it would be really annoying to redo our equipment again
    I fear boss fight changes

    Craftable cloaks are already announced back in january
    Well, it's long overdue, cloaks were a different item before but now they have become for all purposes a unique like the others
  9. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    The equipment update is only concerning PvE, officially said on Instagram.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  10. LongShlong.

    LongShlong. Forum Greenhorn

    Do devs not know how quarters work or are we going to have 3 events in June?Also it's a bit weird that they are bring back DtU so soon,but I'm not complaining,that event brings me so many drakens.
    Also Shangri la is coming back that's refreshing.
  11. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    devs have some quite strange ideas about maths
    i fear what they might do to Shanri-La, i welcome its return, it was an enjoyable event, but i fear that they might ruin it
    vegetadavid likes this.
  12. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    219-add new bugs, planning of more bugs
    220-boss fights will last longer+give less rewards, events will be more tedious
    221-annoyingversery event, DtU?!, equipment nerf 1.0
    222-kingshills sewers (even more tedious with implementing 220), equipment nerf 2.0
    223-planning of more bugs, trans......(I stop reading), kingshill uselles update, equipment nerf 3.0
    Q3/Q4-PW Gorga(will give uselles uniqs), dragan (nerfed), PVP change so it will be more messy then it is now, desert of agony
  13. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    Ranger equipment nerf, mage equipment buff (obviously). Now q7 buff will change from 9 to 18 sec for mage and from 2 to 1 sec for ranger, because you know... EA is just so OP, right? ...
  14. vkillerx

    vkillerx Forum Pro

    Great i don´t even wanna see the implementation of this bcs as we all know our actual DEV team ain´t the best at doing things lol
    edrogers58 likes this.
  15. Purgerzg

    Purgerzg Active Author

    Equipment nerf 2.0 EA-0.5sec buff,equipment nerf 3.0-EA 0sec buff :D
    But yes, reducing buff for RA from 3 to 2 sec is absurd. When I remember those days on was like chasing witches and putting huge pressure to dev team giving them false math calculations, false information,false everything; even some players who play RA say it is OK (stockholm sindrom?).......unfortunately they succeeded
    MaxDisappointed likes this.
  16. Mr.Tank2

    Mr.Tank2 Forum Greenhorn

    My professional opinion :

    Anniversary event - August

    Dtu - late August early September

    Sewers event - mid September

    Pw gorga - October

    Dragan - mid-late October

    Desert of Essence - November
  17. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Buff for RA? What buff for RA?
    Buff for Q7 rocket launcher users? Oh yes, then it'd be right.

    I remember them clearly, too...

    Everyone wants to be a witch chaser these days... just look at what people are doing every time a new moon comes.

    We always have to do that if we want them to do anything good... but back then, it was considerably low pressure.

    False nothing.
    Everything we can say about Q7 set is that it's too strong for all but the mage. Proof?

    While Q4 Q7 and Bloodrune are almost equal for mage, math seems to be in favour of the Bloodrune. Now... if for the other classes Bloodrune is the weakest of the three and for sure a lot weaker than Q7... we see that something is wrong. Bloodrune is the same for all the classes.

    Every player that plays RA should say it is OK... even more... it is needed. Q7 is not RA. It's a rocket launcher. It's not RA anymore.

    You don't know what that means, do you?

    To give an example of what stems from your understanding of it:
    1. Government takes down the taxes on meat. This means that meat is now the cheapest food out there.
    2. But vegetarians don't eat meat. They're unhappy because they have to pay more for food if they want to stay themselves.
    3. The vegetarians persuade the government to add back at least a little taxes on the meat. It's still not enough, but that's all government is willing to do.
    4. The meat eaters are still in a very good position compared to the original one, but they start crying about that.
    5. The meat eaters say that the vegetarians are suffering from the stockholm syndrome, because they're harming themselves by asking the government to put the taxes on meat.
    I'm not a vegetarian, but it's just the simplest way I could explain how your "RA=Q7" way of thinking is outright bonkers.


    What makes your opinion professional?

    Thanks, Captain Obvious! That event comes always in August since it was first made.

    What's June and July for though?


    That's optimistic for them, tbh.

    Nope. Gwenfara is for that. Dragan is November or the next year.

    Rather the next year.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  18. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    what's the point in making a roadmap that will be thrown in the trash a few months later?the pvp updates were supposed to be happening in these months
    And what's the logic in making one pvp milestone and then leaving it like this for months before completing the pvp updates?
    Pvp is trash, but not only that, it's incomplete trash too
    At least they must show the complete version of the trash
  19. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Excuse me?
    Excuse me?
    Let me say that again or rather not.
    A dk gets hit with a huge amount if not all his life he suffers a severe penalty for losing hp with bloodrune
    Thats the first point
    Second point
    Spellweaver does 116% of their base with their main attack.
    If dks did not get the HP penalty heck even I would use bloodrune, and for one simple reason:
    Bloodrune weapon has the highest base damage possible with the tightest damage variable with the highest speed of all 2 hand weapons in Drakensang online.
    However it also has the highest penalty for losing more than 67% hp especially for dks.
    In other words a spellweaver can use a high mana setup and bloodrune weapon and have insanely high damage and attack speed combined with high mana.
    Shame poor spellweavers
    Frozen sphere much? <- kills grimm on i4 in 47 seconds and not even Q7 users from other classes can do that, still moans...
    Now looking at bloodrune for rangers their main attack only does 66% of their base
    Once again exactly what will a ranger do with bloodrune then?
    A smart very very smart ranger like @Hetsunien will tell you that with bloodrune and 5 destructor pieces or 4 witch seeker pieces will then use that extra conc for EA and DB
    A spellweaver is the only class where the q7 buff is so long that they can swap out weapons, fight and swap back for another buff.
    The only reason bloodrune is not feasible for melee classes is because of the hp penalty and even more so at bosses.
    Tiny FYI SW can use the prem weapon too and it lands somewhere between bloodrune and Q4.
    btw have a sw in our guild on Heredur.
    We are theory building he is going for 5 destructor pieces with q1 torso and q5 shoulders as an experiment, he does not have years of runes like more experienced players but it will leave him with roughly 240 mana and 35k damage. <- without unique lines ofc
    I am not asking for spellweavers to be nerfed.
    However if the HP penatly was removed from bloodrune, I would want it for my DK.
    And refer to the R218 thread why mecs do not use bloodrune.
    Last edited: May 24, 2019
  20. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

    Where did you see this item, please tell me the source, or image.
    vegetadavid likes this.