Dailybuild_1071 & 1076

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by trakilaki, Jun 5, 2019.

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  1. Makarylli

    Makarylli Forum Apprentice

    Jesus the cloak farm is going to be really insane. But the stats that we are going to be able to achieve are pretty huge.
  2. Testador

    Testador Junior Expert

    Because these TestServer codes are not properly published at all?
    Thx @avalon31

    This one has already expired and did not even know it existed. o_O

  3. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    For those interested Shearly shared on DSO world, maybe if you want to see how some of the new things work.
    For others whom have ts accounts the video at least shows how you get started on the cloak quest.
    You can use CC and auto translate xD
  4. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    (facepalm) thanks :p

    I spent 90 minutes on TS... got 2 yarns and no cloak drops :rolleyes: Brought to us by the same devs that are going to improve drops when boss merchants are gone :D
  5. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Not to be cynical (hmmm; of course I'm cynical), but that's not what they promised. They promised to rework the drop chances; no specific commitment to improving the drops, just changing the chances; good or bad, up or down, we probably won't know until we start playing that release.

    "2. Boss Equipment Trader & Loot One of the biggest changes that comes with the first equipment update is the removal of the boss equipment traders. Why are we doing this? We think that a system like this goes against the coreloop of DSO. Going to a trader, right after a new difficulty has been introduced and buying the items within the first 20 minutes just leads to a devaluation of our equipment. Doesn’t it feel way better to finally get the item dropped that you are hunting for?
    What brings us directly to loot. We will rework the unique item drop chances with the same release as well.
  6. dragonlordz

    dragonlordz Junior Expert

    Well its gone now, any mods know when it will be back on test server?
  7. Galvard

    Galvard Forum Mogul

    Nobody knows it. In dailybuild was a lot of bugs. First we have to test repaired graphical bugs in the patch 219.
  8. Vulgrin

    Vulgrin Forum Greenhorn

    I can totally agree!
  9. megazombie1024

    megazombie1024 Active Author

    First i wanna say that i like the changes as an idea and i really hope thet bp will implement them as they should be...

    I played a little bit on the test server... pretty much everything is on streroids and an inf4 bos fight takes about 20min...
    So my question is how is this going to affect the events like new/full-moon. Do we need 3 times as much essence to kill the blood mage or use 3x50 wood for the kara/magotina.. If yes how about the rewards.... is there gonna be higher rewards or the same. A lot of questions come into my head that have i have no real answer...
  10. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    they'll probably make the rewards worse, typical of BP
  11. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I have other concerns, the new cloak of strength, it would be nice if they added hp to the base because it only has 2 base values, while the cloak of guard has 3 values, if it was up to me I would treat cloaks like rings in that regard, let me explain.
    3 base types
    hp crit and dmg or hp resist and dmg or resist crit and dmg <- just like rings in base values.

    In short my reason for proposing this is because any player whom opts for crit and damage will suffer a huge penalty resist and hp wise.
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  12. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Agreed. There is another option for the 3rd line since the cloak of strength is offense oriented. Add a crit dmg line to the base. That would allow for adding a HP line on jewelry.
  13. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Ah but critical damage is an enchantment, how do you propose a cd baseline works?
    Unless it is 0.35 critical dmg or 0.45 <- however if those were base lines it would change base critical damage and thus in other words % from rings and amulet would be hugely boosted...
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
  14. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Yup, like BS on the jewelry but accordingly a small value. Just enough to replace one, maybe two, CD enchantment.
  15. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Well 1.45 + 250% = 5.075 <- that does not really give a lot to play with maybe just maybe 1 hpoti line in 1 ring only.
    base is 100%
    Personally in my opinion (we do not know if older cloaks are craftable but I wish they were) I would have loved to craft the heroes cloak with 24% attack speed, or kera cloak with 24% attack speed. <- reason being it would bring q4 a lot closer in performance to Q7 at bosses, however with that amount of speed I suspect it will annihilate q7 on maps.
    Eample: 0.83*1.25 + 150 + 40 + 24 + 11 = 3.371 attack speed
    That excludes the 15% from smash or the % from banner of war.
    RS coming in at that speed and at 1.25 of base will map clear super fast and all smashes will be on 3.6 during banner of war
    Now 32-36 smashes in the 10 seconds of banner of war @ 300% of base leaves a pretty huge dent in boss HP.
    It would be interesting to see @_Baragain_ s' view on this.
    I checked quick at 30 smashes it = 13 mio hp gone in 10 seconds <- that is a max end game build full plat ofc.
    Added, I do not like the hp and resist stolen with a cloak of strength but we will see how it plays out.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
    cedricx2 likes this.
  16. cedricx2

    cedricx2 Forum Greenhorn

    You dont need the 3.6 Speedbreakpoint for smash because the effect of q7 set is that smash gets the breakpoint from angry strike
    So you only need 3.33 and if you use the speed boost from smash and the boost from the banner then you need even less.

    And Q4 set - Bosses are immune to bleeding. Not so good for an set effect if u cant use at bosses.
  17. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    The buf of Q7 set changes timing of smash skill - it reduces it by 50%, so the skill unblock frame is not 20, but 10.
    Frames20 (no Q7 buf)10 (with Q7 buf)
    cedricx2 likes this.
  18. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Have you tested bleed vs bosses?
    Are you aware that bleed is physical damage thus there is no immunity to it.
    Thank you now I know I can get to atleast 11 frames and very useful information indeed, and this info regarding the frames, I will pass along to old q7 users :D
    Kudos couda :D
    EDIT: There is this 1 dk that claimed he had reached 4.00 in speed and he could not see any more frames than what he had it was @Slabutul9 , however I might be wrong and he only got to 3.6 when he made that statement so this info might have q7 users opt to attempt to attain the mystical 4.00
    cedricx2 likes this.
  19. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    The most efficipent for Dk with q7 is 2.70 or 80 somewhere there , with q7 u get the last breakpoint for smash , so i see no reason for 4.0
    cedricx2 likes this.
  20. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    What do u mean in lack ?
    If u mean DoT effects , yes we lack in them , burning is garbage.
    cedricx2 likes this.