Dailybuild_1071 & 1076

Discussion in 'Test Server' started by trakilaki, Jun 5, 2019.

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  1. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Video from 'OP Spellweaver' you are all referring to, has been removed due to exploiting.
    The same exploiter has been banned on this forum due to racism.

  2. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    It's ridiculous that bosses are getting stronger and stronger while they still can drop... a bunch of blue and green items? On top of that, game economy changes devaluated even the exos a lot as well. Sorry, that's just an insultingly low drop.

    Bosses should have guaranteed at least one extraordinary item, and from infernal 1 upwards, a number of legendaries, equal to the number of infernal mode (eg. infernal 3 would be 3 legs).
  3. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I am just grateful that our stats will not be nerfed, yes the bosses and mobs will still be harder but atleast 2h dks now have a fighting chance.
    I need an update on that bear cloak :D
    Hammer of Zeal -_-
  4. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    Legendaries? For what? We don't want legendaries, we want a significant higher amount of exos to get platinum lines :/
  5. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Only in DSO you need more lesser quality items than top quality items.

    This makes as much sense as adding Skeletal Dragon drop to skeletons on Swerdfield Pastures.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
    aBDuLHaMiTHaN and MikeyMetro like this.
  6. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    Not exactly like you said. We need the top quality item (unique) but the process of crafting requires you to scale the item until you get a good legen to craft on your top item.
    What we want from bosses are uniques, not legendaries.
  7. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Im not gonna argue about my terminology.
    For me unique = special drop
    legendary = top NON special
  8. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    There is nothing to argue here, we have to create the legendary scaling from behind (in platinum case is from exos).
    So the needed drop are uniques and exos.
  9. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    There is.

    Platinum bonuses should be never put on exos exclusively.
    In what twisted wrold would you desire exos more than legends?

    Makes literally no sense whatsoever.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
    MikeyMetro likes this.
  10. MaxDisappointed

    MaxDisappointed Forum Master

    So you want platinum on green items? Because I farm Infernal 3 and I never see a green dropped :/
    Platinum lines are the next step when you have the gold values already, so it makes sense that platinum lines drop fewer and in the highest difficulties, where the most common drop are exos. If you want to drop platinum lines on green/blue items it will be impossible to create
    an item, or you farm painful with almost unexistant rate of platinum drop, or you farm Infernal 3 and never drop a green/blue item.
    I don't see nothing wrong with how it is.
    It makes sense.
    Do you want to delete workbench? So we all want legendaries already with 4 platinum dropping? There are more games where you can upgrade a low rarity item to a better rarity and get better items than dropped, I don't see the problem here, honestly. In add, for some newbies legendary drops can be the best drop for him, considering that now legendaries with 4 gold lines are dropping, but don't expect to drop a 4 platinum... yet.

    If we come back to the way it was before, you would be looking all green items for a platinum. So a green have to be desirable?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  11. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    It's only this way cause they reworked drop hence why drop changed from some greens+some blues+some exos+some legends to 90% exos+sometimes legend(s).

    Drops were much different pre platinum lines.

    Platinum lines should be put on every type of item with scaling probability depending on both item rarity and its tier (effectively replacing old golds) - the higher the tier, the higher chances for platinum & the higher the rarity the higher chances for platinum.
    This way t7 legendary would have the highest possible chance for platinum lines and exos would be 2nd best (which you can craft to 2/3 or 3/4 and then use legendary drops to craft 4/4).

    Exos should NEVER be more desireable than legendaries. Ever.

    This just proves how counter-intuitive entire drop & crafting system is.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  12. humunkulus

    humunkulus Forum Apprentice

    If they put platinums on green/blue, it would be really easy to craft final platinum items (3/4 legendary straight up from extraordinaries; 3 platina + 1 gold line would be piece of cake)
    If they put platinums on legendaries, there are 2 ways how to use them. Either for 1/1/0/0 crafts, which wouldnt really make sense, since its much more expensive than 1/1/0/0 or in this case possible 2/2/0/0 extraordinary crafts. Or use it for 2/2/1/1 or 3/3/1/1 legendary crafts, which again would make crafting of final item much easier.
    This would completely destroy idea of platinum lines.

    Low rarity items with golden lines were desired since ever, at least by people who play smart. Starting from scratch, crafting from green/blue to legendary is most effective way (in terms of gold spent). This mechanics is beautiful and i dont see anything non-intuitive about this process.

    Legendaries are still something everyone really wants to see drop. Besides gold/melting value, begginers and advanced players can use them straight up as part of their build, for endgame players theyre worth couple hundereds of gold, which would be required to craft them from purples in order to use them for legendary crafts on 3rd and 4th slot of workbench.
  13. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    You really dont understand what "scaling with rarity and tier chances" mean, dont you?

    And what exactly is the "idea" of platinum lines? More grinding? Wau, so inspiring and so interesting.
    The "idea" of platinum lines is giving players grinding material without adding fresh stuff into the game - this is called recycling my friend. Platinum lines are nothing but glorified gold lines.

    Let's add "titanium lines" after you make your entire equipment platinum cause why not. 110% more damage on this item per line. Cause who doesnt like unnecessary stats inflation which is the exact reason why we're getting r220?
    Is this really the way you want the game to progress.

    There is literally no "idea" behind platinum lines. It's just another layer of vertical progression that leads to inevitable nerfs like r220.
    Once again, proving you didnt even took a while to process what I wrote.

    Green t0 - chance
    Blue t0 - chance+
    Exo t0 - chance++
    Legend t0 - chance+++
    Green t7 - chance++++
    Blue t7 - chance+++++
    Exo t7 - chance++++++
    Legend t7 - chance+++++++

    *the plus sign means higher chance, im not using numbers on purpose so you cant fight with theoretical numbers just for the sake of arguing

    Also, platinum lines (on top of upgrading royal gems, royal gemes themeselves, collector's bag not being account shared, ect) is the reason we have constant "class" wars. Let people make alts quickly and let meta abusers abuse meta. Abusing meta leads to meta tweaking and since only these who picked x class year(s) ago can abuse current meta, meta never is addressed and everybody but the "meta character(s)" are held hostage in "balance limbo".
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
    MikeyMetro and .iulian96. like this.
  14. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Actually the stats inflation has nothing to do with it.
    Thanks to 12 pages of moaning from various parties the stats we have have been reverted in r220_6 to the stats we have now in r219
    However the boss mechanics is similar to what they planned with it except for a twist
    The boss now will times where he has armor break and times where he doesnt.
    This is good news for 2h dks.
  15. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Actually the stats inflation has everything to do with it.

    Nobody would have to increase bosses hp/armor/resists if we wouldnt have 60 or 70 THOUSANDS of DAMAGE on top of x5 CRIT MULTIPLIER while having 3.xxx ATTACK SPEED on TWO-HANDED WEAPONS which have +150% MORE DAMAGE and FREE MAIN DAMAGE SKILLS SPAM included as SET BONUS.

    This is what vertical progression is. This is what TOO MUCH vertical progression is. This is what WoW struggled with and this is why they had 4 times their items level squished back to reasonable numbers and stats. DSO NEVER had item power squish. On the other hand they had way, WAY too many item power vertically progress which started with crafting (aka 300% more item damage, 3x40% damage, 40% attack speed, ect), through broken sets (*cough* Q7 *cough*), adding base stats, then unique stats, and now platinum lines.

    Do you even remember times when an actual Q3 run took about half an hour and just heredur taking about 1/3 of that time?
    Do you remember old sigris taking up to 10-15 minutes of constant dpsing?
    Do you remember destructor being one of the most challenging bosses taking up to 10-15 minutes?
    Do you even remember pre-nerf mortis when 50% dmg, speed, armor buffs were NECESSARY?
    Do you even remember balor taking about 10-15 minutes?

    This is what the game was BEFORE we got CRAFTING (and all that other stats inflating patches), before our states INFLATED to the SPACE AND BEYOND.

    But now game is balanced around such short runs/bossfights. You slow down clear time - you slow down cores, infernal fragments, materi, ranking points, ranking event progress, platinum lines, anders (which were cut by about 80% on last, thursday 20/06 patch), gold, events (like new moon's wood, full moon's pebbles, DtU progress) farm.

    And you will feel that. And you will beg for changes - mark my words.

    I have NOTHING against long runs (like Q1 taking 15-20m) but for gods sake make stuff drop 3-4 times more often or make stuff 3-4 times more valuable - it's that simple.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  16. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    Add a chest at the end of run (after boss kill) with 200 gold. Craft platinum lines is too expensive.
  17. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Dso is an isotmetric arpg is it not?
    Meaning the word action is part of the rpg
    You take 50 minutes on a map, kill a mob slowly it = little action and more of a slooow bored to death farming experience
    I have read your post regarding the more defined classes and this is good, however it will do nothing to the tiers or the enchantments, it will be a nightmare to balance which is something dso has always had issues with
    You know that post of mine regarding the unique runes and its a baaad idea?
    However I also posted the 4th modification to items and it is deemed more vertical progression?
    It is kind of but also it is not, imagine I could make my q4 set deliver 100% bleed damage per second but it does nothing with my set bonus.
    It does not increase my stats that much except for crit and increased bleed but set bonus remains the same, yes in some terms it increases stats but bear in mind there is something like infernal 7 and tier 10.
    everything happening now till tier 10 is the events that will define t10 as a whole
    Let me explain something to you, remember the weaker armor and resist?
    It is actually something from another game in development at the moment and in the said game which name is not mentioned for obvious reasons, they have decided to more indulge in the elemental aspects of dso and so for certain bosses and certain maps you would have had to have higher types of resist.
    This would have lead to no most powerful set in overall but a set needed for every world so to speak
    There is a game and I think I can mention its name due to it not being an iso arpg at all but it was a defining game for its genre and has been a pioneer and was the first game to be called a role playing shooter
    This of course is borderlands and it is insane fun, one thing that borderlands has is various types of damage.
    Electric, toxic, explosive*, well in borderlands 3 there is radioactive as a new element.
    Now I am well aware that andermagic is another element but it would be kind of cool if dso introduced another element such as dark matter or whatever
    or even better a dark world which is how the parallel world spawned in the first place.
    Anyways while we are arguing about all this if you look at the new cloaks video, that outfit that sw is wearing is actually from the cardun expension.
    So they will have some horizontal progression its just not now.
  18. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    You for real ? You want them for free? The best of the best stats , require work and u are like l..... ye give me 1 free craft after each run. while i can melt/ sell the items and potentially get another 3-5 crafts....

    @Phyrix Dso is and rpg BUT, before on lv 40 and 45 unqie items didnt have synergy. You take each item for its stat and not taking this 3 item gives you the ability to go from painfull to inf3.
    This is stat inflation. Getting free stats off of items
    Why do you think belt of zeal exist? To compete with karabossa belt , and how do we achieve that ? By making it give Karabossa s dmg from 1 item.
    Why is q1 tosro and q5 pauldrons not competing with karabossa for some classes? Because those items have bonuses on their own, and have synergo only on a dedicated build . Which is how all items should be. ]
    Why is q7 broken ? It gives resistances in the unqie values + dmg+ spammability/atack speed so we ahve 4 stats increased from 2 items.

    Problem is ,,,, we cant get back to that time. Since our items were radndom drop, so the game was "set" to a certain difficulty. Then they added dragan hard mode on lv 45 where u dIdnt require better stats , BUT u required more ppl in a group , more crowd control, more armor break comboes. So the hard mode was really rewarding, and it all dependent on how you play, you could do it faster based NOT on stats since you couldnt get better unless "rng". Instead we ahve INF4 where you need like 45k dmg to clear it fast. You HAVE the possibility to be stronger and 1shot everything , which makes the ppl greedy thinking " more runs, more drop" but what if we DIDNT have the possibility to go beyond 30k dmg ? And we required all classes? Then suddenly noone will care who is OP adn who is not , because noone wil be able to solo, so it will be advantegous to everyone if lets say mages have almost permanent ice wind for those pesky q1 packs of mobs.
    Powercreep has hit toxic levels in this game. Im playing alone a lot lately , and i feel the lack of group play, the fact that i can solo because i have broken stats makes the game lonely, playing with others with lower stats might be the key we need.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
  19. humunkulus

    humunkulus Forum Apprentice

    You really didnt come to discuss, you just came to argue with others, dont you?

    More grinding for rare items in MMORPG based on grinding? Damn thats sooo wierd!

    You really didnt come to discuss, you just came to ... oh i alredy wrote something liek that.

    When people get 4 items from your chance to chance +++ interval, they can make endgame platinum gear easily. Even if they get only 2 of them, especially when they would be able to combine them with chance ++++ to chance+++++++ items. Unless these chances are really close to ZERO. And thats basicaly how its implemented in game. Platinum lines are alredy super rare in extraordinary items, zero chance for blue and green items left. Zero chance for legendary, since same or even higher chance than current chance on exos would make final craft much easier, as i explained before. And still people are able to make full platinum gears in couple of months.

    Maybe I could imagine even lower drop chance (than its right now) of platinum lines on exos and proportionaly higher drop on legos in order to maintain similar time required to craft final platinum gear. Since drop of legendaries is rare, it would require either extremely increase drop of legendaries or something like guarantee platinum line on every legendary item. Both these possibilities dont really make sense to me, especially when current mechanics works pretty well.

    You cannot get over the fact that items with lower rarity might me more desirable, yet youre still suggesting adding platinum lines on low rarity items. No matter what chance would be, (smart) people would always prefer platinum greens/blue over platinum exo/legendary. Thats contrary to your original statement, that lower rarity itemes cannot be EVER more desirable than higher quality ones. I am explaining you this again in case you didnt get it on first time. Youre basicaly fighting your own arguments.

    I came to discuss, actually i clearly wrote you and explained how badly wrong you are. Besides being unnecessarily offensive only valuable opinion i got back from you is that you cosider griding in game based on grinding boring. Youre really not someone I am interested to talk with, so dont even bother with responding me, I let you share your bad mood with someone else :)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
    MaxDisappointed likes this.
  20. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    While we're at it:
    Make killing the map leader in PW count for the whole map quest part, like it is the case with miller on q3 m1 (you don't have to collect/throw bones in - if the group kills the miller, you can go on with the quest). It should be enough that one group member does the quest.

    Q9. When I'm farming with a group, sometimes the person who goes into m2 first just jumps down, clicks the first metronome - and boom, no chest for those who didn't go into map faster than/as fast as him.
    Q3 (sometimes). When you stay a short while on the first map, sometimes somebody goes m2, rushes to one of the targets (guardian, when he's close to the entrance), and boom - not even a boss entrance for the others. Solution for this? Make it require the killing of the guardian + one rune, that would drop from the leader (bloody arrow).

    Meaning that you carry out battle actions live, and not in rounds, like in some rpgs.

    It's way better than the race we have now...

    You must be bonkers. What we have NOW is boring to death farming experience. What we need is less farming/grinding. When lvl50 was max, it required lots of farming and it was slow... it was bad. Less grinding, and less racing. It'd be way better.
    Of course, not just stupidly longer fights... but rather more strategy has to be involved. A more complicated skill tree would make up for that.

    And what else is it? Another layer of vertical progression.

    Oh, imagine I could have 200k damage with white ess.

    That's the same. Vertical progression. I have to say it straight up: your attitude to such stuff is simply childish. "Look mum, I built a plastic block tower talller than me!"

    That's the stupid, pointless state inflation.

    You waht? What is that? Mushrooms or herbs? Give me some!

    Anderworld? Well, that'd make sense... we need more playable content. But... let them sort out what we have for now. They're doing it immensely slow anyways.

    If they have made it, they can use it for anything... it doesn't mean the expansion is coming anytime soon. They are and have always been forth with the graphics in relation to everything else (people keep laughing at their "art department", but that's really a thing).

    But we need it NOW! And we need the current amount of vertical progression to be reduced, and generally it all has to make more sense!

    Platinum lines crafting should seriously be made a lot easier and the next step has to be NEVER taken. #stopthestatisticsinflation


    Regarding your last statement, I feel like monsters' HP should simply be tripled and instead the multiplier for group members be removed. i.e. mob HP when solo = mob HP when 5/5 grouped, but it's higher in than mob HP when solo now.

    It shouldn't be based on grinding... it's stupid.

    And when somebody doesn't agree with you, you cut out their whole explanations, and say that they have nothing to say. I don't want to bring politics etc. into here (since it's not allowed), but... let's just say that's a common method in politics.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2019
    MikeyMetro and .RakshaRanja. like this.