Announcement Release 221 Patchnotes [Part 1]

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by teddy.bear, Jul 31, 2019.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Release 221 Part 1

    Heroes of Dracania,

    With this release, we will introduce the first new unique cloaks/banners and also add some missing crafting possibilities for the cloaks which we have introduced with the last release.

    Besides that, we also bring back the jewels that some of you might still remember. This time we expanded the possibilities offered by the jewels: You will now be able to combine different gems (royal or above) to one jewel.

    This release also brings a reworked version of the Defeat the Undefeatable event.

    The second part of release 221 will contain the rework of the Dracanian Anniversary Festival event. Currently, it is planned to deploy this second part in mid-august.​

    • Equipment
      • New Unique Boss Cloaks/Banners
    Adamant Magma 01.jpg

    Unique Effect:
    Steam Mechanicus: C14 Micro-Rocket will apply the Burn debuff to hit enemies. It lasts for 3 seconds and deals 30% of your base damage as fire damage per second.

    Spellweaver: Fireball will shoot a dual fireball instead of the normal one. Each fireball will deal 75% of the normal fireball damage.

    Ranger: Explosive Arrow will apply the Burn debuff to hit enemies. It lasts for 3 seconds and deals 30% of your base damage as fire damage per second.

    Dragonknight: Banner of War will summon a taunting Living Fire next to the banner.
    Duplicitous Trophy 03.jpg

    Unique Effect:
    Steam Mechanicus: Steam Conductor will petrify nearby enemies for 3 seconds.

    Spellweaver: Teleport will petrify nearby enemies at the point of origin for 3 seconds.

    Ranger: Dive will petrify nearby enemies at the point of origin for 3 seconds.

    Dragonknight: Rage Jump will petrify nearby enemies at the point of origin for 3 seconds.

    • Items
      • Jewels
        • With this release, a new jewel framework will be introduced. There are two types of jewels: Jewel of Coalescence and different jewels with unique effects. Jewels are different from gems in the way, that only a limited amount of them can be added to the equipment. However, Jewels of Coalescence will have no slot limitation, which makes it possible to place them into every item.
          • Jewel of Coalescence can be created from Royal Gems and combine their values onto them. It is possible to combine any three Royal Gems of the same rarity to craft a Jewel of Coalescence. The Royal Gems used for crafting need to be different ones, it is not possible to create a jewel which, for example, has three damage values.
          • Crafting Example:

    Royal AmethystRoyal RubyRoyal OnyxResult: Jewel of Coalescence

    460 Health Points

    90 Damage

    900 Critical Hit Rating
    345 Health Points
    68 Damage
    675 Critical Hit Rating

    • Jewels with Unique Effects
      • This type of jewel differs from the Jewels of Coalescence in the way that they have unique effects and values, meaning values which are not present on any gem. These jewels need to be placed into an item of a specific slot. Jewels with unique effects need to be found and can not be created via crafting, it is only possible to upgrade their rarity at the workbench.
      • Jewel Overview:

    Jewel of Encouragement (Common)

    180 Health Points

    When dealing damage to an enemy, there is a 10% chance to trigger the Increasing Encouragement buff for 10 seconds. The buff increases your Resource by 5% and regenerates 5% Health Points per second of all group members (except you). The buff does not stack.
    Jewel of Contribution (Common)

    180 Health Points

    When dealing damage to an enemy, there is a 10% chance to trigger the Valuable Contribution buff for 10 seconds. The buff increases your Health Points by 5% and regenerates 5% Resource per second of all group members (except you). The buff does not stack.
    Jewel of Rejuvenation (Common)

    180 Health Points
    Health Points Regeneration per Second: 100
    Jewel of Rage (Common) – (New)

    450 Critical Hit Rating

    When dealing critical damage to an enemy, there is a 20% chance that your critical damage increases by 10% and your attack speed increases by 5% for 10 seconds.
    Jewel of Furtherance (Common)

    180 Health Points
    10 Resource

    • Exchange of Old Jewels
      • As part of the introduction of new jewels, all remaining older jewels will be exchanged and removed from the game. Further information in the table below:
    Old JewelExchanged to New Jewel
    Onyx Skull1x Jewel of Rejuvenation (Common)
    Fortified Onyx Skull1x Jewel of Rejuvenation (Common)
    Powerful Onyx Skull1x Jewel of Rejuvenation (Common)
    Jewel of Immunity

    1x Jewel of Coalescence (Common)

    188 Armor Value
    450 Critical Hit Rating
    45 Damage
    Jewel of Rage1x Jewel of Rage (Common) – (New)
    Jewel of Timeless Rage1x Jewel of Rage (Common) – (New)
    Solstice Star1x Jewel of Furtherance (Common)
    Crystal Solstice Star3x Jewel of Furtherance (Common)
    Shadow Stone

    1x Jewel of Coalescence (Common)

    188 Armor Value
    188 All Resistance Values
    180 Health Points
    • Shiny Dust
      • Shiny Dust is a new ingredient which can be obtained by grinding gems or jewels at the workbench. It is needed as an ingredient to increase the rarity of a jewel.
    • Loot
      • New Unique Cloak/Banner Ingredients
        • Herald of the Anderworld can now drop Herald's Dragon Skin
    • M’Edusa can now drop M'Edusa's Snake Skin

    Event: Defeat the Undefeatable
    • Insignia of Honor drop rate
      • The amount of Insignia of Honor being dropped has been adjusted
    ProgressNormalPainfulExcruciatingFatalInf. IInf. IIInf.
    All circus Bosses killed2024283644566476
    Portal Boss killed40506070100120140160
    Secret Lairs
    Boss killed

    • Progress Bars
      • The amount of Draken, rewarded from the progress bars, has been reduced
      • Flames of a Phoenix were exchanged with Yarn in the progress bars for Infernal I and onwards
      • Creatress’ Tears were removed and replaced with Gilded Clovers
      • Rewards like colors, emotes, effects and mounts have been exchanged so players have something new to strive for
    • A “final” progress bar for veteran players was added.
    It contains a high amount of Draken as well as a new key item​
    • Key of the Fearless and Chest of the Fearless
      • To create a better loot experience, a new type of chest was added to the Circus Monstrorum that contains valuable rewards
      • The chests can only be opened on difficulty Infernal Ior higher
      • New keys can be obtained through the final progress bar and as a drop from portal bosses (after all four circus bosses have been defeated) on difficulty Infernal I and onwards – the drop chance is scaling with the chosen difficulty
    • Bosses in the Secret Lairs
      • The amount of Gilded Clovers being dropped by these bosses is now scaling with the chosen difficulty
    • Pet Crafting
      • 30x Feather of a Gryphon is needed to craft one doll instead of 20
      • 60x Newborn Heart is needed to craft one doll instead of 20
    • Pet Ingredients
    • The drop chance for Feather of a Gryphon was increased
    • Additionally, the drop chance now scales with the chosen difficulty
    • Chests of Defeat
      • The amount of chests that can spawn now scales with the chosen difficulty
    DifficultyAmount of chests
    Infernal I4
    Infernal II4
    Infernal III4
    Infernal IV5

    • The amount of Draken Cores that drop from the Chests of Defeat now scales with the difficulty you play on
    • Keys of Defeat
      • The amount of Keys of Defeat that is being dropped from portal bosses (after all four circus bosses have been defeated) now scales with the chosen difficulty
    • Possible loot of the Chest of the Fearless
      • One of the 9 Defeat the Undefeatable pets in extraordinary rarity
      • Three of all the DtU bosses’ unique items
      • Golden Yarn
      • One of the following new jewels: the Jewel of Contribution or the Jewel of Encouragement (look above for detailed information)
      • 1-week Premium Membership
      • Gems of higher quality and more
    Other improvements
    • PvE & PvP Season
      • The order of the shown possible rewards in the event window has been changed
    • Crafting
      • The gold prices for crafting improved or magic Royal Gems has been increased while the Andermant prices have been lowered
      • The amount of Golden Yarn for unraveling a Cloak/Banner of the Desert Tomb has been lowered from 10 to 1
      • Pristine Core crafting has been added for all cloaks/banners now
    • Bosses
      • The issue that Sigrismarr still had a spawn animation on higher difficulties, has been fixed
      • The healing effect of the Bloodmage has been reduced
    • Pets
      • The armor value granted by the improved version of the Cyclops Kid has been increased
    • Event Attires
      • This release introduces the first set of so-called Event Attires
        • Event attires can be bought from the cash shop and provide special event bonuses for the time that the event is running
    Anniversary Event Attire
    • 50% increased Anniversary Forfeit drop stack size
    30 days
    Defeat the Undefeatable Event Attire
    • 50% increased Insignia of Honor drop stack size
    14 days
    Full Moon Event Attire
    • 50% increase Werewolf Blood drop stack size
    • You no longer need to use Silver Essences or Shining Silver Essences to deal damage to Full Moon event enemies
    4 days
    New Moon Event Attire
    • 50% increased Fairy Fire drop stack size
    • You no longer need to use the Fairy Woold Cauldron to deal damage to Magotina or Karabossa
    4 days

    • An issue where the Spellweavers were not able to use the Augment Core Crafting method for the Frigid Spider Silk Cloak, has been fixed
    • An issue where the Greedy Goblin and the map Sentinel could spawn at the same time in Qaizah maps has been fixed
    • An issue where the items, offered by the smith in the Fortress Forge, had no localization, has been fixed
    • An issue where the quest guidance for Cover your back 3/6 did not work, has been fixed
    • An issue where monsters on difficulty Infernal IV still had a chance to drop improved or magic items, has been fixed
    • Dragonknight
    An issue where the Recharge ( k09.png ) talent of the Charge ( k10.png ) skill did not work, has been fixed.

    Known issues
    • An issue where players of very different levels entering the Circus Monstrorum together and only receiving high-level boss portals is known but has not yet been fixed. Please attempt to refrain from grouping with players of a much lower or higher level when running the Circus Monstrorum.
    We hope you enjoy the new release,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2019
    aBDuLHaMiTHaN likes this.
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