Dks and their woes in 2019 and a set that will fix it for them

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Phyrix, Sep 12, 2019.

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  1. Ворон_Одина

    Ворон_Одина Forum Apprentice

    1. Why do I have to prove anything to you at all? This theme is designed for game developers to draw their attention to the imbalance. Let them deal with what they have done with the release of 220 for DK. Have players DK originated reasonable suspicions, that their damage unbalanced relative to other classes.

    2. Why do not you like what DK will kill the bosses with the same speed as other classes? Personally, you is somehow hurt in the game? On the contrary, it will only improve a group game, because DK will be in demand in the group - now they don't need, except maybe the Mortis.
    DBS-Flamelurker likes this.
  2. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    "Why do I have to prove anything to you at all?"
    then do i have to answer your question in 2?
    If u refuse to talk then dont expect me to talk and give u logic, which apparently ppl here dont like, nor they like math. /shrug/

    Tbh making Dks q7 to 5 seconds might be good for them , and fixing most of their dmg problems. We cant touch base damages due to pvp , so we need to touch sets, altough for endgame dks taht would mean absolutely permanent q7
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
  3. Ворон_Одина

    Ворон_Одина Forum Apprentice

    I meant carefully, meticulously, very precisely .... (i.e. for all bosses, with a large number of runs, with optimal sets and crafting).
    To do this, there are official testers, game designers, let them deal with the problem.

    UPD. Do you think PVP DKS have no problems? For example in duel, I cannot defeat strong mages and dwarves. This is a separate issue....
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
    anderson92acs likes this.
  4. gfffffgggggfff

    gfffffgggggfff Forum Apprentice

    LOL heror jou say DK has safer gameplay that the other classes it's actually totally the other way around. Have you ever even played DK?
    anderson92acs likes this.
  5. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    1st reread the thing i sad above voron s post, 2nd been playing dk for a total of 2 years and 4 months. anything else u need to ask before reading what i said ?
  6. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    In these videos I now understand how powerful the mage is and how weak the war is. Singularity + summon is devastating.
    anderson92acs likes this.
  7. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    sw is reliable but its boss element dependent , sw is strong , but nothing over that , and true dk maybe need some slight pve buff im in the process of thinking one. However i see taht in the discord a dk buff idea is being discussed.
  8. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Well now, a person that vehemently hates a class should not think of buffs for the class they hate?
    Secondly you have been debunking how "weak" dks are for months, by this logic it would be preferable that you do not speculate on what a class needs.
    Your fears in pvp would be just as invalid.
    * sidenote:
    I could do a whole array of videos for rangers where they did 430k crits vs bosses in r208 and later on 330k in r211 and later still 150k in r214. <- from this I could easily assume or argue that from seeing these videos armor break worked or EA worked differently etc.
    What I do know is that its kinda sad to see a class where they spend a few seconds to kill a boss to a staggeringly bad time.
    This would be the current case with dks
  9. heror

    heror Forum Baron

    i cant hate a class that was my first in the game and that i played for 2 and a half years , stop lying and assuming pls.
    Rangers EA was visuall issue i tought it worked at first , then i testid it with 3 other friends of mine who were dk , ra , and dwarf. Neither of us saw dmg increase.
    Also pre 209 u have 50% mitigation , it was increased post 209 to 60%, you arent even sure of stuff but u assume u are 100% right ? then u want legitimate non troll answers ?
  10. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    you do realize its from 430k to 330k is that 10% more physical mitigation?
    heck imagine 30% :O
    so in the end its just you nitpicking sentences like you always do.
    first ingame 2.5 years its 2019 now lots has changed, go through this thread a bit
    perfect just perfect

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    Last edited by moderator: Sep 16, 2019
  11. DBS-Flamelurker

    DBS-Flamelurker Exceptional Talent

    Guardian and range don't give you enough security? ...

    Return to DK and you will understand. You will return to Mage quickly.

    Singularity slows down so much some bosses that Guardian becomes optional.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2019
    kuwabaraz likes this.
  12. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    Hi, pal! Remember that the explosion of EA was touched by the time, it was dealing fire damage, while the direct impact was physical. I can assure you any break on boss was not provoked by EA intentionally, a bug from certain items, but not from the skill itself that's for sure.
  13. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    well from r214 till r218? rangers crits took a serious knock, from r220 onwards even you had to switch to q7
    Anyways Ive been trying to stand up for rangers on the side, and for mecs because their damage is focused exactly like someone from turret position would.
    However I need to focus on dks as they are the ones suffering the most at the moment
  14. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    One advice only, avoid the long terms discussion with the over inflated egocentric mages that have the best balanced characters and make people believe they are weak just to not be dethroned.

    It seems that DKs will suffer the same as Rangers, but they will be not only one, but BOTH Dragan sets dependant and block buffs if they want to play safe. And I say this 'cause I suffer the same: I still like Q4 but it is too much resource consuming compared to the mighty all above one set, so I switched to not lose my nerves while trying to leak the little fun the game has to offer.
  15. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    It is what got me banned from the other place after all...
    Anyways, would still like to promote that set I made
  16. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I remember when the war tank was the best character in the game.
    Now the others can do the same and it's nice ;)
    .RakshaRanja. likes this.
  17. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    but now dks are twice as slow as others and sometimes more than twice as slow.
    And if you dont have dragan defensive you have to be careful too
    Thats not nice
    gfffffgggggfff likes this.
  18. Ворон_Одина

    Ворон_Одина Forum Apprentice

    Protective Dragan a good set. But he has problems, too.

    1. Rage. Without banner DKS needs spend 17*20=340 rage for 3 sec. action buff of the Herald. But this set requires use not buff on rage (+100), and buff on chance bloc (+9600). It turns out that he is a good solo, but in party when other classes pour more damage than DKS boss runs to the other side and does not rage. Damage DKS even more rolls down. 190 rage enough for 190/20=9.5 in=9 hits. But even this rage, DKS have nowhere to take it, because the boss has not in DKC, and in the other place. But let's say DKS scored 190 rage and ready to give all his mighty damage. Instead of 17 strikes, DKS uses a little more than half power buff the Herald. Is obtained that any other benefits, which allows use buff on 100 rage much more effective. (190+100)/20=14,5=14 bumps.

    2. HP. Boss Gerold breaks 189-190к. damage with a single blow. Well, if work chance bloc (75-80%). And if not? DKS has less HP 190к just die in one hit. With one hand we need to accept strikes Boss, with other hand they so strong, that we can simply die in a heartbeat,. You have to Dodge the blows, but until that DKS deviates, the damage the boss does not apply. If not shy away from strikes, need use buff on hp (+20,000 hp and +24% to hp).. Buff on +20000 hp removes the possibility of using a Protective Set of Dragan. There is only buff for +24% HP, and this place could take a buff on the damage (+24% more damage). Again, the effectiveness of DCS is reduced.

    It turns out that the damage of DKS is supposed to be more even than in other classes. DKS have to win the boss damage itself, instead we were given a bunch of small hits (17) at 240%, which, moreover, is not enough rage.

    You don't give us much base damage. You tell us to hit more often, but not hard. But even then you have limited, because the threshold for the buff of the Herald - of 2.85, and what would be the speed of the DKC may be greater (3,0 3,33 3,67 and even the 4.0) you still hit only 17 times.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
  19. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    You're absolutely beyond saving if you thought this video was a valid example.
    These 2 SWs were using the infamous technique, red essence and were doing duo kills.
    Infamous technique - 150%
    Red essence - 300%

    White essence is 25% so 450% - 25% = 425% more increased damage while endgame increased damage is about 300%.
    So not only they had their damage almost x2,5 but on top of that they had group mana, group mana regen AND since bosses HP both solo and 5 man is the same on inf3/4 they effectively cut their kill time in half just cause of being duo.

    Solo time = 1x grey damage (x1)
    Duo time = 2x infamous technique + red damage (x2,5)

    Solo time would be effectively 5 times longer than duo time.
    If solo mage would kill bosses in about 1:25 (neutral), duo time with red and infamous technique would be about 17 seconds.
    8x17 = 2:16 which is slightly less (sigris and khalys were an issue as well) and this makes perfect sense.

    This just proves you use numbers whilst being completely clueless.

    yes it exactly is
    if you hit 430k on 50%
    430 / 50 = 8,6
    8,6 * 40 = 344

    If you dont care about math stop using numbers cause you just make yourself, and all of the people you want to represent so bad, look terrible.
    First of all - your smash shouldnt be 20 but 17 (15% from runes).
    Then for 17 smashes it's 17x17=289 rage
    289/3=97 rage per second.
    Your base rage should be 190 (or at least 150 if you have 0 jewels of furtherance).
    150 * 0.8 = 120
    120 = 23 more rage than you spend per second without generating rage so pots cover your base rage needs even without the banner.

    Time to start abusing rage pots exactly like every other class does. If you refuse to use rage pots then don't bring them as argument while counting other classes DPS. Very simple.

    > You have to Dodge the blows
    Everybody has to, especially solo.

    And how's that a surprise? Next breakpoint after 2.85 for 10 frames smash is beyond attack speed cap.
    Also, 3.334 attack speed greatly increases your rage attacks number making your cdr from rage attack more effective.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2019
  20. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    You should also put wizards' videos or someone might think that the magician has always been scarce and it is not!

    DBS-Flamelurker likes this.