Open letter to the Management

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by jakayba, Oct 14, 2019.

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  1. jakayba

    jakayba Forum Apprentice

    Hi, my name is jakayba, I am a german player on Heredur and I enjoy this game for almost five years now (got started Nov. 2014). Since I am not much of a gamer, I do not play any other games except online-chess :D

    My son discovered the game and as soon I had seen the graphics and the easy handling (very important for a bloody noob in gaming) I fell in love with this game.

    So I created a dragon-knight, the one I still use to play today. Meanwhile I am the leader of a pretty active guild, I think, I can say one of the biggest german guilds, if you take activitiy and amount of members as basis for evaluation. (we are all elder players, 40 years+)

    Many changes have challenged my enthusiasm about that game, like for example the expansion towards Lor-Tac, when my still very little warrioress got fillet and the nice critical hit rate I just achieved a short time before was gone. But, I came back, and struggled through, came over other obstacles and meanwhile I think I have reached a good point for easy playing.
    Now the bosses are harder, just right after I was able to kill some of the otherworld-bosses on infernal 4.
    Ok, no problem, I go on. Still had some fun, farming ore, run more in groups and enjoy the events.

    ... the events ....

    Here we are at the main reason why I write this.

    I do not like the way it's going with the events.
    I said that often enough in the german forum and I say it here, because I hope, thats a bit closer to them who are concerned.

    The sewers-event is a complete crap, sorry to say it that harsh.
    The fact, that there is no ratking, no fancy rat, no runes to be found and it's so hard to farm essences took all my joy and fun. Really. Highlight was, when a friend had the ratking on his map (the only one I have heard of) and I got: nothing.
    That was the downer de luxe.

    I have finished both big events, with the help of some guild-members, those who have bought the event-set. Otherwise I would have had not enough essences and so I was able to save a few, for Mhorblik normal the next day....
    But now I cannot help those, who are still not finished, because I have not enough essences. I know, I can kill Mhorblik every day, and thats exactly what I'm doing, but thats not enough, to really help someone, who needs the worm on infernal 3 or 4.
    After one or two runs I have to say: sry, thats it, no more ess. Thats not much of a help. :(

    My mood about the event is really bad.
    And with dreadful thoughts I read about whats going on with the upcoming events.
    I have an account on the testserver, but I do not feel like playing there, too. It takes too much time.

    But what I read gives me the idea, that the next events will be just farmful like the sewers-event, we have to use special-essences a lot more, which makes it hard to help, where it's necessary. There again is a set available and I really have to ask you, if you are out of your mind?
    For what do I actually pay premium every month if I cannot play a simple event without paying 50€ on top? And then: for what? Even those with the eventset did not see the ratking or the fancyrat, nor a rune. Thats a shame!

    I usually do not mind, to buy me some ander for a few extra-stacks of essences or buffs.
    But this makes me so angry, that I am thinking about to even stop my premium-payment.

    Don't get me wrong. I don't mind grinding, from time to time, I was playing to bloody fingers, with buffs, for the wartpig in the desert, I love that beast :D
    I circled in the spring-event, there I also bought buffs to get it finished.

    But thats nothing in comparison with what you are trying to change now.
    That dwarfs are not able to use their weapons in some event-areas can only be a mistake. Please, tell us it's a mistake.

    Overthink the event-design, please. I am afraid, that you go too far here. You are going to really mess it up big time.

    Thanks for reading ^^

    PS: I spare you with my anger about the Gwefara-Shield.
    I do not really know, what it means, when you take changes at the Bloodrune-Set, I don't use it.

    But I know: I have already heard from guild-members who are seriously going to quit, if the changes are destroying their effords over years. Since the mood is already not the best in common, I would consider that very serious if I was in your position.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I agree with all you said :)
    These events are designed for bots not for human beings.
  3. jakayba

    jakayba Forum Apprentice

    Yes, and I am so sick and tired running around in the gully. I quit. A while ago already.

    No ratking or fancyrat for me. I don't care anymore. Sad to say that.

    This is the opposite of fun ^^
    opos2012 and gbit like this.
  4. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    And imagine what are these events for the players that (whatever the reason) do it in solo...
    opos2012 likes this.
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    i agree with everything you said
  6. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    I agree with all you said...I wrote something similar in feedback 222.
    My premium deluxe expired last week and now I'm using last 40 days of normal premium.
    I have no intention of spending more cents in this game...I have a 50% discount from the beginning of the year and I have no intention to use it.
    In last 6 month I played only during events using resources I've collected in years and I have no intention to grind anymore.

    My friends (more than 30) quit game in april-may...all players full royal gems, runes, jewels, glyph, uniques, etc with all item maxed.

    Many players have written in the past but someone does not want to read that, or rather, prefers to listen to 40-50 brown noser/yes-man (wordreferences said that this is the translation for the italian words "leccapiedi/lacché/adulatore" hoping it is no bad word in english) and these are the results.

    I was kicked month ago from Players Panel (FB group) and I don't know why...probably because I didn't agree with the changes they wanted to implement in the game....and now we have these wonderful releases (215 and so on)
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
    gbit likes this.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    The thing is, they are trying to siphon money off whales and desperate frustrated players because they are making the events increasingly annoying and make bank out of frustration
    If they're the ones who make and sell the bots, that's quite a reasonable explanation
    In my opinion they are simply trying to make money out of whales and by annoying players

    As i said in the feedback for the sewers event, these events are not mistakes, they are made this way on purpose and they're gonna double down on this strategy, because it is also working, as i see more and more people buying those attires
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 14, 2019
    gbit likes this.
  8. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Well as you know I stopped playing the sewers a few weeks ago and I stuck to my decision.
    Gwenfara though, those runes, might be good, atleast we dont have to farm entries in scaling maps where only 1 is "bugged"
    Actually came here to post something then saw this.
    Marsicanus likes this.
  9. jakayba

    jakayba Forum Apprentice

    My strategy for the next events is: I will see how far I will come.
    Maybe I buy one or two stacks essences, depending on the prize... quite possible. But my willingness is veeery low.

    The message of my post is, that if its going on like this, with the event-mismanagement, weapon-nerf, crappy pvp, miserable drop-chances for special items, I guess, more players leave. Long term players who have supported the game for a long time.

    The reason why I mentioned my guild was to show what kind of players they are loosing:
    grown up adults, not depending on their parents to make a birthday- or christmasgift or just have a little allowance. Customers, with whom Bigpoint will not get troubles, because they have bought something online, which they actually were not allowed to, because they are too young (and being not contractually capable).

    Most of our members are with jobs and money, willing to pay for entertainment.
    They usually play in the afternoon/evening or at the weekends and had no chance at all to make all of these really daft planned mini-events.
    On the end I was not able to help them in the main-events, because I was broke with essences. Loose-loose-situation.

    Some of us are retirees who spend some of their pension for a little entertainment over the daytime. Most of them are in bed, when the workers come online.

    Others are shiftworking, what means, that even me as guild-leader almost just knows them by name, because when they are online, I use to be asleep. These people are forced to play solo most of the time.

    A very few (like me) are having health-issues, what means they are at home and have time to come and go, whenever they want.
    Since I do not want to be online 24/7 I'd rather buy me a buff to get done. But I have not much I can spend besides the monthly premium and even if I had it, I am not willing to support a business-practice like this.

    How are people like us supposed to play an event the way it's going to be?

    Most of us have Premium or even deluxe-accounts.

    Our guild has 49 members. One place is reserved for a player, who wants to become lvl 50 to switch from our neighbour-guild (pretty soon). 48 are online every day, one is off since a few weeks and I just hope, he's fine... a thought which is not so far away by players in our average age :eek:

    I know about at least three mages in our guild who play bloodrune set.

    If they and others loose the interest in the game, there will be a big loss in constant income over premium/deluxe-accounts and extra payments for particular situations.

    I don't know, if some quick eventset-purchases here and there can compare with cash-flow for regular membership+ over years. I think, thats simple.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
    opos2012 and kuwabaraz like this.
  10. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    I'm trying to stay in, but the frustration and constant disapointment does not inspire me to spend my money. Quite the contrary.

    Before r220, I could farm Inf3 and occasionally Inf4. I was getting crafting materials. I was making progress.
    After r220. I've not completed a single main event. Don't have the resources or the time needed. Crafting materials are extremely rare. No longer making any progress. DSO has put what is obviously an impenitrable wall. Those who were on the other side (top 1%) continue unaffected. The rest of us will never join them. I was almost there...

    One of my guild masters says "You need to spend more time.". Thing is, they made it take 3-4 times as long with needing more resources. Nobody in life has given me more hours in the day. Fact is, my job is using more time. My family, my house, etc is needing more time. Game gets less time. My frustration level is such that I will not put good money to bad game play. I'll trudge along for a little while longer... hoping... but expect to be disapointed.
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  11. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    I'm in the same boat.

    Many people are buying the attires to complete those events though... and so they are getting enough income to go on for now...
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    these people are actively damaging the prospects of players who wish to remain free
  13. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    People talk about this game as if there was nothing else to do when they are not working or studying: come on, life offers much more than a videogame, so be grateful to producers who continue to release brainless, junk-like events, and who can be avoided without regret (keep your mental health at first place guys!!).

    I have no problem spending money if something amuses me, but this is clearly not the case: so they don't/won't see a single penny from me and I will use the free time I have much better (even considering that is not that much).

    If their approach and orientation change, I will be happy to review my positions.
    gfffffgggggfff and 1vanka like this.
  14. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    And since January I've finished with the premium!

    Simply the changes made for me were bad, even if you had to try them, I said let's stop and see how it goes!

    From month to month the development of the game has been getting worse and in my opinion also a significant drop in users!

    I think that with the next event the thing does not change and then I am very curious, to see how the set of q6, will go to devastate the game, with its beautiful set of bugs and not only is its very existence not to be balanced by class to class creating problems!
  15. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    for some people videogames are an hobby and they like it
    Some people like this game

    And some people also put money in this game, so of course they expect it to be a good game
    And they want to enjoy a good game

    Why should people tolerate the garbage that BP likes to call a game, especially since they expect people to pay money?
    If you want money you should create a good game
    And a good game doesn't have any intrusive microtransactions and other money grubbing schemes

    i understand that the profit motive dictates that they have to make garbage, but the fact that they have to make a profit is not my concern or my business
    Javah likes this.
  16. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    A huge problem of our society is that many people substitutes the real life with some digital fake entertainment. For them this game is not an hobby unfortunately, it's the way to feel realised in their existence. For how absurd It could ever seem.

    As you know I also like this game, but this doesn't mean that this is my only interest, and not even one of the main ones. If these events are garbage I simply spend my spare time in a better way. And if most of people here would do like me, the next events won't be garbage anymore, be sure about it. That's all my reasoning.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2019
    gfffffgggggfff, wolfie54 and gbit like this.
  17. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    well yes, but that's because of the underlying economic system, which is alienating and strips life of meaning and so it forces people to find a meaning somewhere to fill a void life

    The next events would be garbage because there are simpletons who still for the scam and buy those overpriced attires, ruining the game for the rest of us
  18. jakayba

    jakayba Forum Apprentice

    I see your point and I am sure, there are a lot of people on this planet wasting their time by endless gaming. They do have a problem, which they should become aware of ^^

    Maybe my writing sounds a bit like I am one of them too, but, don't worry about me :D
    I have enough other things in my life which keep my mind focused.

    But, as sargon said: I enjoy(ed) this game very much. I see it as a little hobby, yes. And I spent some money for it, just like I would spend it in the cinema for example. And same like in the cinema, I do not expect the very best movie everytime I go there. Some are great, some are crap. That doesn't keep me from going to see a movie. But I would avoid a theater where I know, that they always rent the crappiest movies ^^
    And I would tell them about my decision. Just as I do it here.

    Today I heard from a guild member, that his eventset got expired before the event ended.
    Boy, thats just awfully dilletantish.

    And so they let this game go down the drain.
    gfffffgggggfff and Javah like this.
  19. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    No, of course, I don't know you and I certainly won't allow myself to make judgments based on a few sentences read on a forum. Mine was a general generic reflection: I know several persons that took refuge here, and that would even pay to breathe, if the producers would propose it.

    All of us like this game, otherwise we wouldn't be here to discuss about it and about its fate, as you do in a calm and intelligent manner. Unfortunately the dependence of many others - that widely overstep the concept of "hobby" - is money for those who make the decisions here, and who clearly think first of all to care their bank accounts. If bad events provide a great income, why ever change? And if they make people even more slaves, then even better.
  20. cogix

    cogix Regular

    I started to play this game in 2013 and I saw up and down... but recently my feeling for this game is down.
    I agree and feel the same frustration as jakayba, I saw many players leaving the game during these years.
    My perception is that when players are enjoying something in the game, DSO does not like it and change/get rid of.
    For example I noticed it with some events (defend event, desert ess event, sargon event and even first Dragan event) they had more creativity, something new something that attracted people and made them wish to spend time in the game.
    Then something happened... all grinding, all farming, all spending money and no real improvement (according me).
    And all the event left, well people were happy because new moon boss could drop 1000 draken (DSO changed new moon).... desert ess event (Too nice, let's remove it)... defeat the undefeatable (too many drakens, nerf it)... mine event (too many keys, remove event)... and so on.
    Not forgetting about the sapphire (too nice, let's remove them)
    And then, let's create many different essences for different events (now I have 40 slot in my inventory just for essences) ... let's make different event drops for each event (so players will continue will have less space in inventory).... let's create many different sets (that 90% of players will never use, most of them PW sets).
    My question to DSO is why put effort to change what people like about the game and not put any effort about what people don't like/complain?
    It's about 3 months I do not play, I enter in the game to check new "improvements" and I quit the game ...
    The big regret is that I spent many hours here instead of with my family...