boss question

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by SAGITÁRIO!!!, Oct 28, 2019.

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    SAGITÁRIO!!! Forum Apprentice

    Hello, I have a doubt about what happens in the boss map KHALYS,

    when I enter the boss map I have the right mana and full, but when I approach the boss the mana decreases the value .... why this ??

    as you can see in print I have 375 mana as soon as I enter the map ...

    and here it shows when I approach the boss my mana drops to 230, why ??

  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    There's no bug here.

    Khalys boss cuts your mana in half.

    Iirc, if you look at the debuffs on the bottom right of your screen, you'll see the debuff icon.

    SAGITÁRIO!!! Forum Apprentice

    You're right !! the icon is right there, was a lack of attention, vlw
    Can you close the topic please.
  4. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Please check this tutorial about posting images on forum.
    Thread closed.

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