
Discussion in 'Test Server' started by ΣMiwel, Nov 18, 2019.

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  1. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Riot of the Rocketmen is in the TS.

    Screenshots incoming.
    0768833 likes this.
  2. 0768833

    0768833 Forum Greenhorn

    trakilaki likes this.
  3. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

  4. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    I had too bad connection yesterday to upload the screenshots, and EmilyRose beat me to the progress bars, jewel, and the mysterious scroll. I'll point out interesting things in the progress bars however.

    Once more, a royal gem in the last progress bar:
    And something new :D :
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    I hope they're going to give us more maximum inventory space... otherwise that ^^^ reward is useless for many of us.

    There's a quest introducing the event:
    The quest isn't too slow to do... but you have to farm resources in Scaling Normal Dungeons anyways in order to enter the event.
    I haven't finished it, so I'm attaching next screens stolen from others. Second part involves collecting the entrance thing (you need 24 for one entry). You should have it anyways from doing the first part, since those mobs are dropping it.
    Third part gives a timed attire:

    The following screenshots are also stolen. :rolleyes:
    Entrance to the event map:

    Special enemies from the normal maps are marked on the minimap:

    Dwarf Jewel improved and magic:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Please note that the exact damage dealt by the explosions is different for every class.
    Alpaca, Geredis, BunterDrache and 4 others like this.
  5. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    I am very dissapointed becose the thundering jewel for rangers are su*** why we need to activate the buff with that usless skills (precise shot) REALLY devs.? Better option was EA or a small chance to activation with hunting arrow or deadly blow, omg the ranger are last on the list always i can't belive this anymore.
    Mage can activate that extra buff without trouble using firebal and are linked with q7 , warriors use smash and also are linked with q7 set why the rangers cant recived that buff linked with q7 / EA...?
    Very good for the other class bcs they have good timing with that jewel but why rangers not? you devs. really don't like us anymore? if no just tell us in the face or remove us from the game; BP for some mother for other plague, this is the truth unfortunately. Amen!
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
    kerad19711 likes this.
  6. KingsGambit

    KingsGambit Forum Expert

    Because it would be simply OP. You are like mage asking why his jewel isn't linked to sphere :rolleyes:;) We can complain as well as we don't use fireball of course. Though Bp is trying invite us to do so and with jewels on top of q7 and herald cloak maybe they will finally manage. Could be they have similar plans with ranger and they start aiming for that. Remember your q7 will be in couple months hugely nerfed and they have to prepare your class as a one dimensional class for such terrible experience :p They might have plans with switching you more to precise after it gets buffed. Who knows. You have to look into things considering future changes as BP for sure does it.
    Alpaca likes this.
  7. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    @KingsGambit I dont know why they will nerf q7 if you say they will do that or devs. can easy boost another iteems/sets this is the way not to cut from the last and the only good set for rangers.
    We rangers are the last on list this is 100% for sure, dwarf and mage are awesome, they got a big slow on boss to but i say it i don't care, good for them, only i want a some love from bp for this class. Cheers!
  8. blackassam

    blackassam Forum Expert

    ...disappointment is also with mages ... would you see a mage using a fireball? ... even if he seems to try to push this mage ... herald cloak + gem + and just nerfed set Q7 150% fireball :-D ..how transparent ...
    ... probably much easier to trim the good sets - there aren't so many ... than fix all the bad ones ....
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    PS is everything but useless skill in my book.
    Why everything has to revolve around q7 lame set? There are people playing without that set too.
    That scroll could be the one that gives the Sargon's quest.
    I haven't been on TS for more than 9 days ... I will log in today and see what are those things.
  10. Hetsunien

    Hetsunien Padavan

    I was about to post the same, PS is not used anymore by the majority because the Armor Break was included on EA and not on a separate skill, but this Jewel makes it interesting again.

    That's the only high damage skill, that can go through a massive wall of enemies, attached to this Jewel. So there's plenty of chance to activate it from only 1 shot.

    Of course it is not as powerful as the armor break from EA, but it is not useless as at first glance it seems.
  11. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    Bro let me to say this; anyone can play with what set items, builds they want, anyone can choice is freedom not mandatory, to play with or without q7 ofc...
    Now bcs a lot of players say they cant build another bcs of q7 is not very true, i already say and one is this, devs. can boost many sets.
    I know you are one handed player you love to play in this way, maybe in the future i want to but not now, why? bcs q7 save me a lot of time i farm faster right now, you can't change this to me and i can't change one handed style to you...
    I see a lot of players are sad becose the events are to hard to finished, this is one reson for me now i save a lot of time, like others say main ghost event need on inf3 about ~300 turns, with q7 maybe i save 3min per turn, and its a lot if you ghater. I can go in real life with that saved time and enjoy do things not losing in dso bcs i am stubborn and play one hand. This is my main reson to SAVE TIME ! who want to enjoy the game with 1hand is they decision and i dont have anything to say, there are a world with free choices, dont blame me! Cheers.
  12. KingsGambit

    KingsGambit Forum Expert

    Issue isn't strenght of sets in general but balance and design space. Boosting other sets to similar level doesn't work as the issue is exactly q7 and especially your version. Don't get me wrong - it's good and fair you have strongest q7 version but making ranger class based around unbalanced set so it covers lack of balance in general is very large problem not only for your class but all classes. Changing that didn't have highest priority as classes were more or less balanced but it's unevitable at some point and BP will have to do it. They just want to do it as painless as they can so it will take time to prepare + probably they have changed tactic after fail with bloodrune and whole operation will be done in 1 go instead of couple steps.

    I think everything what is being introduced from now on should be considered by some degree at frame of incoming weapon patch. I know it may sound crazy but what if BP will change your q7 to work with precise shot?:rolleyes: It's antiflavorsome but when i analyzed possible changes to your q7 from general balance standpoint it was pretty high on list with combination of couple balancing buffs across the board.
    I wouldn't totally rule it out and if so this jewel will be linked to your weapon of choice :p

    And if you look closely at this jewels all 3 other classes have jewels linked to q7 effect... In other words i think change of your q7 set is already decided :D Should be good change as it ballsy route to balance things. They wouldn't do it without decent idea which they have checked. It means also that works on weapon patch are advanced which is nice :)
    You have to read between lines :p
  13. 0768833

    0768833 Forum Greenhorn

    q7 set destroyed this game
  14. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I hope this is a bug.
    Why I defeat Roketman in the Mountains Gleaming and the quest doesn't count it ?
    trakilaki and gbit like this.
  15. wavi

    wavi Junior Expert

    Well, I think that jewel for the ranger serves against the final melee boss, but the consequence is that you run out of fingers of so much mark, explosive arrow and precision shooting, maybe they would have put it with the arrow skill of hunting because it only serves to mark or mortal impulse, mortal lunge.
    In order for the hunter to leave the set q7, the concentration costs of the explosive arrow must be reduced (reduction costs in 2-handed arches).
    Ranger with set q7, no attack speed, no yellow spells and no speed on the human's fingers, then it doesn't work hahahahaha.
    On instagram they went up to a new city of dracania, I hope it is level 60.
  16. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    I have a question: did someone know how much is the progress per run in every level of difficulty?
    thanks in advance for any information.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    LOL ... dude I am not one handed ... I have both hands in quite a good shape XD
    I use 1H build though :)
    I don't want you to change to 1H ...you just continue to play as you like. I want to have same opportunity to have reliable build as any other ranger playing with Q7 hoaxbow.
    Ranger is a destroyed class since introduction of q7 set. All skills have been nerfed so the ranger would be "balanced" only with q7 set.
    That is why the ranger is the weakest class in pvp.
    It is not use by the majority because the majority is using Q7 and the EA spam.
    I am using PS quite often.
    That is how I play against Wendigo. I jump in the fire and heal with DB ... that way I never run out of concentration and I can spam EA and PS. Q7 rangers whine because they can't reach Wendigo with EA from afar.
    EA is not effective because there is always mob between you and Wendigo ... so the arrow never hits him. The mobs are never dying because they are just like those test dummies in the arena ... but that is why they are great source of HP and concentration.
    Too bad (for us) those skins are only purchasable with cash.
    All classes have 2H and 1H skins.
    SWs have book and orb with 1H.
    Midgets have tool and absorber with 1H.
    Rangers have both shortbow and longbow with shield and quiver.
    DKs are having mace, sword and axe both as 1H and 2H.
    I am still not there I am still doing the quest.
    Maybe it is the new Kingshill?
    They mentioned it with the roadmap.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2019
    EmilyRose, AxA, Hetsunien and 4 others like this.
  18. Dемои

    Dемои Forum Pro

    Can you show your build? :)

    They show new Cardhun too, but still we dont see new bigger cardhun
  19. couda22

    couda22 Forum Commissioner

    Fatal - 100 + 4 crates each 25 = 200
    Inf1 - 200 + 4 crates each 50 = 400
    Inf2 - 300 + 4 crates each 75 = 600
    Inf3 - 400 + 4 crates each 100 = 800
    Inf4 - 500 + 4 crates each 125 = 1000

    I'm sorry but I do not know the numbers for Normal, Painful and Excruciating.
    There is a considerable delay for spawn of the machines which produce bombs. The more members in a group the less delay, so the best is to do the map in a group of 5 or 4 players. I did some solo runs on fatal with a below average toon and I had to wait for the bomb producer to spawn. So it will not be possible to do one run under certain time because even if you kill the bomb machine in 10 seconds then you have to wait until next one spawns.
  20. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    Thank you very much! :)