Gorga does not drop crafting materials.

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by Roinoss, Dec 31, 2019.

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  1. Roinoss

    Roinoss Forum Apprentice

    As in topic, tested ~5 times.
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    Gorga fatal and above definitely drops the crafting material, not sure on lower levels as those materials are pretty useless. Five runs are nothing for a test like this try 20 runs.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I am waiting more time for the rocketmen to spawn on the map than you needed time to "test" the drop :)
  4. Sunlight

    Sunlight User

    Hey there @Roinoss ,

    Welcome to the EN Forum :)
    As stated in Desecrated Sanctum 's window, Willing Eyes and Limestones are possible rewards. They are not 100%-guaranteed drop. They are dropping, but not every time. Keep trying or you can always test other bosses (e.g. Arachna or Khalys, for example).
  5. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    They melt in the water....... :rolleyes:
    Dragonnns likes this.