golden helios trash

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by kankerkanker2, Feb 18, 2020.

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  1. kankerkanker2

    kankerkanker2 Forum Apprentice

    golden helios amulet costs 300 450 600 750 900 1050 1200 1350 augment to upgrade t8? total 6600 cores..... is this a EDIT joke???? 2million materi it will cost to upgrade this thing LOL i farm 40k in an hour with a good team so i would need to grind 50 hours for this???
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 18, 2020
  2. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    it isn't forever....every 60 days you need 100 hosta and 100 limestone to recharge it ...........
  3. wavi

    wavi Junior Expert

    also when you transfer spells (pristine cores and draken cores), it's easier
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Not really.
    You can upgrade the tier in two ways. both ways have their own pros and cons.
    1. You can craft the Golden Helios Amulet and then tier it up to T8
    you already know the stats and if it is worthy of upgrading or not
    it has much higher base stats than any other amulet and it is ultimate "must" in the arena

    the price for the tier upgrade is high (but the stats are high too)

    2. You can craft the Silver Helios Amulet and tier it up to T8 for a regular price ... and then you can craft the Golden Helios Amulet.
    you can upgrade it before crafting the Golden amulet BUT the stats are changing when crafting from silver to golden. You might end up with low base stats and regret upgrading it in the first place.

    regular upgrading costs
    even if you get low base stats after crafting it from silver to golden ... those low base stats are still equal or higher than the max base stats of any of the other amulets in the game.

    The choice is yours.
    If you don't play PvP you don't have to upgrade the amulet at all, you will only need to recharge it every 2 months.

    Personally ... I have 2 amulets. One upgraded in expensive way and the second one upgraded in regular way.