Feedback Curse of the Black Knights - Return of Dragan

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Feb 21, 2020.

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    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    What really sucks is that they nerved the runedrop from GH. Allot of people didnt go cus they heard about the bug/exploit and wanted to play it save. These people all get screwed....Did 47 runs today and saw exactly 1 rune drop.

    And from what i heard, this bug only works if you do inf1+ again the weaker players stay weak and the stronger have gotten countless runes.

    The event in total was ok, but these kinda things make me rethink my opinion and see the event as 3\10 instead of 9\10 score.
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  2. Zulu

    Zulu Forum Apprentice

    I disagree.
    BP has made an update during the event and what has been the solution?
    It's always our fault and BP hasn't even made an official notice.
    How are we going to compensate the players who have stopped entering that map?
    It's always the same with BP. The fault of the player always.
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Bad event as usual: special units don't spawn enough, costume drop rate is nonsensically bad.

    The only good thing about this is event is the rewards
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  4. Lorien

    Lorien Forum Greenhorn

    My 2 cents on this event,pretty good if u have the Misterious scroll,if not just forget about it.Rely on a previous event to get that item (event that was running during Xmas holidays,which is a time where mostly of ppl do something else than playing video games,even more if what's running is so extremely boring),or hope in rng god makes really nonsense.Opened 100's of amphores,killed Dragan multiple times and so far the scroll is still Misterious :p.On top of that I've got access to the Black Widow few times when her drop was completely useless,when needed haven't seen it once.I play with 2 different accounts,one got the scroll at first Dragan kill,the other doesn't and the difference is pretty clear.Making the progress of an event linked to a previous one makes no sense,events are unique on their own and so they should stay.
  5. Парабум

    Парабум Regular

    The action ends, I poured the pearls on a group dragana, about 300. I still have 200 left, I thought they would fix and I could knock out the runes like everyone else. But no, there is no fix, my runes do not get drunk. There is no answer from the developers, from the administration either. What should I do? Go knock out runes and be banned, or leave pearls to your grandchildren?

    FAALHAAS likes this.
  6. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert

    Few words at the end:

    I love Dragan's events since .... well, forever :D, and I've rated this one very high cuz of rework .... Of course, that would be the case if that annoying rollback bug didn't appear.

    Still many good things like free castle inf 4 entries , runes in GH, random maps (but I have to admit ... after all bars are done ... not so much).

    Anyhow, there was also few annoying thingIES - maybe only for me, but maybe for all - base stats of (very rare) unique items were total garbage - every single one of them! (So bad that I'm sure that everyone I got had AT LEAST one one digit stat.

    If they fix these few, I look forward next one
    FAALHAAS likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Yea would be very nice if you get high tier unique they have a minimum % above 50% atleast. Its really annoying to farm hours and then get 1% 4% 34% lines. Its demotivating and feels like a slap in the face (specialy since the equip refine ends up in glyphs aswell).

    Either have refine with 100% succes rate or change the minimum % of lines on high tiers.
  8. Raghveir

    Raghveir Forum Greenhorn

    From my perspective, this was one of the best events for upgrading your equipment if you are lvl55 at the beginning of your journey.
    As a freshly returned player I kind of struggled with Mysterious scroll ( missed the opportunity to get it on previous event ) , however lady Fortune blessed me and managed to get it after killing Dragan in like ~20 attempts.
    The trick was simple - you just had to collect quest rewards on inf4 difficulty ( returning to castle gave the option to choose difficulty again ) or open camforas on inf4 ( a bit more difficult but returning from both Dragan locations gave 1 with no enemies around, same with Poison Desert ). And if you were lucky enough to get some free premium days - this was a piece of cake with free respawn option :D
    I managed to switch my rings, adornment and weapon to tier 6/7 purple which gave me a major overall boost ( with damage skyrocketing ), not to mention gathering lots of ingredients for future crafting.

    I had however an easier start ( cursed and empowered pearls from previous event ) - but I think it was still doable, given how long the event lasted.

    Of course, as everyone noticed, after update the drop rates were rather significantly reduced which left me little bit disgusted.
    Still, relatively easy way to farm camfora keys and ridiculously easy way to farm tier 6/7 items makes my final grade 5/6 :D
  9. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    Yes i had the scroll from riot event, but this is not my mistake who play that event have the scroll.
    Anyway i say more progress on game... let say this, i end the event in 3h or maybe 1day or 3day but what i will do in the rest 17-18 days ?

    Why to start a new char? i don't have that time, i work i don't have to much time to, only on weekend and in the evening like 2-3h on day if i have pleasure to play if no i skip...
    If BP will make a common store(for all characters) for runes,gems and jewels then i will begin a new class with all the pleasure. I will invest my time and money for premium/deluxe or whatever for sure, so they will win my time and money if this will be ever apply.(ofc this si another disscusion)

  10. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Help your guildies also get good items and grow.
  11. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert

    June 2020 edition*

    Drop of EC pearls from amphora's and map chests is nonexistent (inf 3+) since 4 pearls captured (and you need exact amount for statues needed for m1-m4 to be opened :D ).

    About progress bars can't yet say much, but it seems that for PVE season + Dragan 2 weeks you'll need to say goodbye to friends end relatives! XD
  12. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    June 2020 edition*
    Like nsdt-returns said on 235 feedacbk, too grindy. Events should be so that normal people can play those trough AND THEN if there is people with more time, they could farm for extra rewards(drakens , runes for example) . Now 1st decent prices are after too much of grinding for normal people.

    Also they have heavily nerfed drops of red pearls to get people to buy those for money... shame
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