Feedback More infernals

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ΣMiwel, Mar 13, 2020.

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Do you want more infernals than we have?

  1. Yes, a bunch of them (inf5, inf6 and inf7 or even more)

    14 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but only one (inf5 only)

    12 vote(s)
  3. No

    39 vote(s)
  1. vkillerx

    vkillerx Forum Pro

    That´d mean less grind for us as if infernals come sooner we have to tier up and then when they throw lvl60 at us rebuild onc again including tiering and new platinums.
    Something new is relative as you could see well that some people are just not happy unless this game provides them with 24/7 playtime which most of the normal people cannot afford
    Wulfrym likes this.
  2. Wulfrym

    Wulfrym Forum Apprentice

    cap level increase (if it's really gonna happen) should go first, that would be normal.
    but hey, what did ever go normal here...?
  3. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    T11 doesnt exist. T10 is the cap.
    JohnWick likes this.
  4. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Seriously? How tf?

    Welp, it's crap anyway.
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    at least t11 isn't coming.
    That's good, at least.
  6. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    More infernals are a pretty terrible idea for reasons already discussed, so I won't repeat them. No need to be redundant. The only way to make them worse, making this game unplayable were if they did something like, keep the infernal passage requirement on Inf 4, and add a new tier of fragments of passage to go beyond, whereby making a higher mod deathtrap with no guaranteed rewards for your efforts cost even more and require even more. Think of it, frags for passages, just to earn a meager amount of frags for more passages? Thank goodness they aren't doing that. Not only would that be seriously dumb and drive away the player base, it would be scummy and insulting. BP would never do something scummy and insulting to the player base.
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  7. Falcone

    Falcone Someday Author

    No inf 5-6-7-.

    ΣMiwel likes this.
  8. michalog

    michalog Forum Apprentice

    These changes from BP are very bad! :(
    They lead to the collapse of the game. :eek:
    Who will reach 2 billion HP if he is not a payer or no-life? None. :mad:

    I'm sorry I will have to stop playing my favorite game from 2012... :oops:
    BP is a bunch of non-thinking people. :confused:
    Best wishes,
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  9. meurerplay

    meurerplay Someday Author

    I think the only way to fix the difficulties would be to change the modes;
    Hard: Drop Tier1 Items
    Painful: Drop from tier 2 to 3
    Torturent: Drop from tier 4 to 5
    mortal: Drop from Tier 6 to 7
    Infernal: Drop from Tiver 8 to 9
    and nightmare (key fragmment entry) tier 10 drop.
    This math made it possible to reduce the number of layers of difficulty, but I still left the X tier of items, always playing one level up in each difficulty. as the number of maps was reduced, to have a certain balance, penalties that we find in the Infernals could be applied in this new systems starting from the painful