Realm Frags problem

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by FAALHAAS, Apr 30, 2020.

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  1. Mdk3

    Mdk3 Someday Author

    I've seen it in the announcement that the realm fragments drop has been reduced in order to close the gap between old players that have too many and new players that have none. But there was no explanation how that works.
    If both new and old player start new moon event with 300 realm fragments, the old player will play inf3 and finish event in 15 rounds and 150 realm fragments and the new player will play lower difficulty level, 30 rounds and 300 realm fragments to finish event. In practice this increases the gap. DSO should give more detailed explanations and give examples, so we can understand what they mean when they do changes to the game.
    I'm not sure they know most of the players, in general, are not playing the games the way the designers originally intended.
  2. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    This so called "explanation" is not a sincere explanation why but an excuse.
    Nobody with a functioning frontal lobe would come up with this as a genuine explanation for making it more fair for newbies.

    Instead of doubling down on producing high quality costumes with cool effects, weapon effects, emotes, etc. and selling these for money (and people LOVE looking unique and fancy) they still lean towards selling event cloaks, essences, entrances and other stuff that in all honesty should never be available for cash. Their mindset as ways of monetization are screaming 2011 which is when the game was released as closed beta. This model is outdated and wont work. It makes any potential new player have doubts even before they properly start playing.

    This RFs drop change as well as anders / blue ess / "you name it" drop nerf were implemented to make the game much grindier, more time consuming and more skewed towards buying stuff for your hard earned bucks. There is absolutely no other reason for that.
    sargon234 likes this.
  3. DarkThor

    DarkThor Forum Apprentice

    Realm Frags, i would say it was working fine before someone awoke with a nice idea of using looters event.

    1st - Idea of creating another special map to farm frags is just awful sincerely, probably not much time to farm that extra.

    2nd - I am starting this next DTU probably with half normal amount i had 13k +/-, so 7k, new players that aren't hardcore probably won't do anything (avg 3k if i remember correctly from twitch).
  4. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Exactly, the explanation didn't make sense at all, they didn't even try.

    In reality, by doing this, they have increased the gap between strong players and newbies even more, who knows how the newbies are going to get the witch seeker set items and the magotina ornament, now, with this reduced drop.
    Good thing is that now i can safely ignore the new moon event.
  5. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    Actually if I had a character full of real gems, without gold lines it would be very weak!

    The jump you do when you start to transfer the gold values, the second jump with the platinum ones!

    An example is when you go from the weapon from 150% of damage on a resource to a value of gold of 300% and then 360% with those of platinum the jump is felt with or without royal blue that help but are not the substance!

    As you wrote for an inf3 and even 4 you can get by but beyond I think you need those values a bit on everything!

    I agree on the growth of new players if I have a single platinum weapon that I had to fight for 11 months to see a new player do it in a week I wouldn't like it! But the times are still too long and we are close to the new expansion and this discussion loses value, 3 months time and the objects thus created could be worth very little!

    Perhaps the intention of the developers as usual is to attract new players to have new resources which cannot happen if new users do not have growth opportunities or do not see the end of it!

    But knowing them I don't think it's exactly like that, they will want to consume the fragments grown in the years of old users with terrible events and paid dearly!
  6. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    Yup this is how BP will go bankrupt, because every second noob got end game for less then an year.The typical noob wanting to get to the ''op dmg'' status without working. Apparently your parents never taught you that good things are coming slowly. Also how many player will quit because of this ? Big amount.
    Dw unlike you I play the game for fun if I feel I want fo farm I will farm if not I am not going to, crying in the forum won't change anything.
    BB thank you
    Good,you already quit stop complainng in this ''dead game'' and go to other MMORPG-s that are not challange.If this is what you like then go ahead.I don't like many things mages in pvp for example,no banwaves for every macro/buguser player, the entourage of EDIT ,but wanting fast proggres in MMORPG is another level of ......
    Last edited by moderator: May 3, 2020
  7. astro15

    astro15 Forum Greenhorn

    They should improve the fall of fragments between worlds come the moon events, defeat the invincibles, the event of ess and others and we without fragments the fall is zero 5 frag per map, this is too unfair we demand they fix it soon
  8. Hiro73

    Hiro73 Forum Expert

    Probably an attires will be created that reduces your event access by 50% RF. They don't care about the diversity of resources between old and new players. Everything revolves around money.
  9. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Ignorance is bliss. This entire reply just screams elitist. You lack vision but you will realize that - eventually.

    You are known on this forum for shilling for BP. You go ahead and cheerfully clap for them when they reduce drop of other stuff giving you some "half baked" excuse again for your "convenience" and "balance of game's economy" (WHAT ECONOMY? XD). When spat on pretend that its raining and turn your head around - that will definitely get you far in life.

    PS: Regarding calling me a "typical noob" ... I had higher stats than you when I quit and still have to this day while not playing for months now. If a SM (S tier) complains SW (C tier) is dealing more damage it says lots about the SM player and their skill level so maybe instead of shilling and sitting on the forums go ahead and practice some gameplay mr. "good things are coming slowly". If you're 4fun player go farm 4 RFs / day :D:D:D Just dont come back crying when your 4fun vault of RFs melts cause of all the RF events they said they wont be running :D:D:D
    If you dont know what catch up mechanics and reasonable means then maybe use instead of bashing me.

    Youre absolutely deluded if you think people should be playing for YEARS just because you had to to reach your current position. Previous content, previous items, previous stats are IRRELEVANT.

    Golden lines were a rarity, people spent TENS OF THOUSANDS (when it was worth same as HUNDREDS now since yknow, inflation) of gold for 4x gold item (with flat value crit and damage) and they were made irrelevant in a snap of fingers with release of % value lines. Then they made 4x gold lines items DROP just like that making your PRECIOUS 4FUN GAMEPLAY HOURS irrelevant. You being in denial changes absolutely N O T H I N G.

    PS2: You have a strange definition of "MMORPG" as if every MMORPG is a grindfest same as drakensang. No my friend, they arent. You just got used to the DSO's toxic design.

    MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online
    and RPG stands for Role Playing Game

    Neither MMO nor RPG imply that the game has massive (and unacceptable) amounts of grind. I can assure you that other titles:
    - provide more content than re-grinding the same maps for 94235790th time since 5 years
    - provide more diverse ingame activities than just grinding gold for crafting
    - provide more flavor content (like thematic events)
    - provide more challenge (monsters, character rotations, challenging content like raids)
    - provide more social gameplay (functioning guilds)
    and the best of all
    - include minimal amounts of grind
    - people actually can play multiple characters (and reach endgame with all of them) because they arent forced to play 12h/d per character just to keep up with all the insane grind (BECAUSE THEIR STUFF IS ACCOUNT-WIDE) and arent blocked by once-in-a-year ability to gain BiS / meta items (or jewels or w/e)

    so yeah, keep it up, pat yourself on the back for being a 4fun player that will now farm 4 RFs / day and dont forget subscribe to Jesse cringefest on twitch - he and the entire game design team deserves so much money for all the recent "improvements" to the game /s

    I wonder where the rest of the cloaks (missing 10 cloaks) are though ... or all that stuff "coming soon" ... probably where realm fragments droprates went - into the black void of "the land of empty promises" :rolleyes: these serve well as damage control for sheep that think killing grimmag for the 94235790th time and getting 45 extraordinary items or farming 4 RFs/d is fun and rewarding ;)
    Last edited: May 4, 2020
    vkillerx and 1vanka like this.
  10. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    I don't shill nobody i say what I think, infact you are the one that quit x months ago, and you are the one that still cry constantly on the forum of the ''dying game'' you quit, get lost already !
    If you want have double my stats that wont change the fact that you have no idea how to play your character correctly,and you have no idea how each class works properly, I'll still be better then you.

    Never said such a thing(except in pvp which you can't deny) in fact you and mage forum gank were the one that were saying C tier dwarf > S tier mage (rant page q7+q8 for example that is still not closed !) wich is not true at all.

    KEKW, you are the one that stalk what I've written months ago you are the one
    that sits in the forum and do nothing but cry how unfair game is for mage,and if someone has a diffrent opinion you call him a shill which is new lvl of pathetic.

    Your catch up mechanics are irrelevant in game like Dso ''I play litlle I go op mode'' the typical noob dream!

    Game is MMORPG simply if you search it in google you can see what is written.

    I will play it event with nonexistent drop As long as I have fun in the game why should I stop it.

    Why should end game be so easy ? If and endgame is easy people will be bored, the game will provide no challenge .In fact if you are able to do (fatal/inferno 1 which is not hard at all) you will be able to reach others in no time.[/QUOTE]
  11. .RakshaRanja.

    .RakshaRanja. Forum Pro

    Me quitting doesnt mean I dont care. Also, sorry but youre neither my mom nor anybody who I'd listen advice from and you are in no position to tell me what am I supposed to do.
    Youre the one complaing SWs are outdamaging your SM so stop projecting on me :rolleyes:
    You quote a part refferring to alt characters (other characters of somebody who has full royals and whatever on their main character already) and spill some absolutely irrelevant nonsense.

    People who already reached endgame on their main character should not be forced to re-farm everything from scratch which is what this point relates to.

    Like I said you just got used to ingame slavery offered as "content" in DSO and you will realize that eventually - the cold shower of realization is close since your 4fun vault of RFs will melt very quickly after new monthly DoE event on top of Stellar Gold and DtU being ran back to back :D:D:D
    sargon234 likes this.
  12. ~Μαριος~123

    ~Μαριος~123 Forum Apprentice

    I played like all day yesterday (quarantine :/ ) and got myself arround 800 RFs.

    A jump from 20 to 800 is pretty EDIT
    I think the normal drop should be arround 200-400 RFs/day and getting to like 400-600/day with the looter's fortune buff.

    We also need bigger breaks from event to event.
    3 events in a row? That's a legit joke..

    A PvE season would be suiting right now with a DtU coming after the first week of it.
    I don't know when the last PvE season came so what I'm saying could not be the best idea ever.
    Last edited by moderator: May 7, 2020
  13. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    For the Defeat the Undefeatables that starts in a mere 16 hours...
    The Realm Fragments that will be needed for a Lvl 55 w/ 7k Achievement:

    Normal: . . . 60000 / 124 = 483.87 runs x 10 RF/pass x 1 pass/run = 4840 Realm Frags
    Painful: . . . . 60000 / 155 = 387.00 runs x 10 RF/pass x 1 pass/run = 3870 Realm Frags
    Excruciating: 60000 / 186 = 322.58 runs x 10 RF/pass x 1 pass/run = 3230 Realm Frags
    Fatal: . . . . . 60000 / 248 = 241.93 runs x 10 RF/pass x 2 pass/run = 4840 Realm Frags
    Inf I: . . . . . . 60000 / 372 = 161.29 runs x 10 RF/pass x 3 pass/run = 4860 Realm Frags
    Inf 2: . . . . . 60000 / 402 = 149.25 runs x 10 RF/pass x 3 pass/run = 4500 Realm Frags
    Inf 3: . . . . . 60000 / 432 = 138.89 runs x 10 RF/pass x 3 pass/run = 4170 Realm Frags
    I won't even go into Inf 4-7 since they cost Infernal Passages as well.

    I have 206 passes to Circus Monstrorum which equates to 2060 Realm Frags. Currently I have a mere 903 Realm Frags on hand.
    That is a total of 2963. I can almost get there on Excruciating.... Except the event is only 1 weekend and a few "couple hours" weekdays. I don't even begin to have the time to do 323 runs, nor will I get the Frags I need to do it on a higher level. Why???

    Because Realm Frags only drop 20 to 30 per hour during Looter's "Mis"Fortune and this brain dead head:
    wants to DECREASE the drop rate even further because HE got 800 RF in 16 hours of play and thinks I shouldn't be able to get the needed RF to do the job because I have a job and a family and can't play all day like him!!!


    Get rid of the stupid Looter's "Mis"Fortune and bring back the old drop rate.
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
    Thoradin, KingKrazy1 and FAALHAAS like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Not sure what you mean by ''all day'' (24hrs?)

    I farmed for 3-4 hours and got 93 RFs...guess you litterly played all day or got lucky :)
    Last edited: May 8, 2020
    Ian94 and ~Μαριος~123 like this.
  15. cogix

    cogix Regular

    I guess you were very lucky... I got about 35 frags in 3 hours farming. With this kind of fortune I will be able to run DtU in 2021
    ~Μαριος~123 likes this.
  16. ~Μαριος~123

    ~Μαριος~123 Forum Apprentice

    Guys no XD

    I just go mod 1 at that fox map with movement speed buffs, max adrenaline and spread shot talent points, put on q8 torso and run like sonic arround the map one-shotting everything with spread shot.

    And no I don't think I even played 10 hours. It's just that I was just farming that 1 thing without picking up anything else.
  17. vkillerx

    vkillerx Forum Pro

    So basically you played half a day with full runspeed one of the largest AoE clears in game and the most mobile class....*clap* *clap* now reform that to any other class which cannot have permanent 220% movement speed or even more

    Also just a small note: Not everyone can play approx 10h a day:p
    JohnWick likes this.
  18. ~Μαριος~123

    ~Μαριος~123 Forum Apprentice

    I am still farming right now.
    I have been farming for like 30 mins and, let me check, +92 fragments :p
    If I can do it, everyone can do it (or even find a team at the worst case).

    I am kinda fast but I have seen dwarfs run so fast it's impossible to hit them in swerdfield, I have no f(&^kin clue how it's done but I think they can clear even faster.

    Also, yeah I'd rather play more than 10h/d than die from corona :p
  19. Ian94

    Ian94 Forum Apprentice

    I am farming in inf3 maps in these days and i noticed that a 4 hour play per day gave me around 100 RF, so 25 per hour..

    In order to obtain 600 RF, one should literally farm all day..

    GG, I will check for myself.

    CIV map painful mode you said?
    ~Μαριος~123 likes this.
  20. ~Μαριος~123

    ~Μαριος~123 Forum Apprentice

    Drops this morning are insane. Arround 1 hour in and boom +200 LOOOOOL ***?

    Mod doesn't interfere with the drop of RFs so you just have to go to the mod you clear the fastest (mod1).
    Ian94 likes this.