Question abaut a streamer.

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by prochie, May 9, 2020.

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  1. prochie

    prochie Forum Greenhorn

    Hello. I have a question abaut a streamer "EDIT" from a EDIT Channel. Yesterday he had a stream (i can find the video of it) and i saw something unusual. He was able to remove all of his HUD and i mean all of it. No skill bar, health or mana, no group no top nav bar, no currencies.. It was only the hero moving. After that he put it back but the top left bar (the one with the currencies like gold ander. etc.) was the old one from like years back. When we were able to see only gold ander. glory point and glyphs of power.

    [content removed]

    I am NOT accusing him in anything. Im just interested in the topic.

    Soo my question is how he is doing that. Is it bug or he is an admin or moderator or something and can use mods like CM Jessie use "God mode" in some of his streams and "Moving mod" to teleport fast in map.
    Last edited by moderator: May 9, 2020
  2. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Hello @prochie and welcome to DSO English forum.

    He is simply a cheater.
    Mods and admins are not employed at BigPoint, thus they cannot have access to any of those internal dev tools. They cannot have such accounts and access to such tools, not even on Test Server.
    I will escalate the matter further and ask for a permanent ban.

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