Crafting 2.0 Results

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by _Baragain_, Jun 1, 2016.

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  1. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert

    Couldn't join any plat lines from 3/3/0/0 for ages (not that I need smt :D) and then 2/2/0/0 :


    Maybe one day I become a tank once more :)
    TwiliShadow and gbit like this.
  2. vkillerx

    vkillerx Forum Pro

    *Sigh* :p

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke


    Ive tried ever since the plat lines were introduced and always failed. And I know its useless since CE is around the corner, but i dont care :) This was a personal mission and finaly succeed making 4x plat.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2020
    gbit likes this.