Feedback Release 236

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Jun 24, 2020.

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    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    a BIT low?
    did the quest 2 times.

    First one took me 15 runs (+ about 20 q5 runs)
    Second one took me 13 runs (+10-15 q5 runs) and bought 500 ander package

    Its all cus the green ones just dont drop. ATM in inventory: 297 reds and 39 greens.
    Converting on workbench give you exactly 1 of the color (not like 10 or 1 lousy powder). so thats not usefull either

    great to get 570 progress from dailys, but that still leaves about 2000 progress (20 quests) you need to collect with powders., which is absolutely boring with this uneven droprate. What makes it even worse; opened some amphoras to see if that brings some progress, but every 5 key amph I opened only gives 2 progress.
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  2. Steve75

    Steve75 Junior Expert

    I received 1/5/10/15 progress from 1 key amphorae while 4/20/60 progress from 5 key amphorae. In my view it does not worth to open them only in case you want to reach a certain progress faster, e.g. 150 or 750.
  3. TheBB

    TheBB Forum Apprentice

    I think this event is a nice event. of course, some colours drop more than others but it's not all that bad and you can practically farm anywhere and get colours and a few keys. the only problem is most players don't need a tank set apart from that it is a nice event and its something new. what I really like about this patch is the lifetime thief wisdom skill fixed...better for my toon (dk).
    Theusen likes this.
  4. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    You're right. For my calcs I need to deliver the color quest 1 time per day so I said a bit low.

    1st day: 50 (999kill) + 150 (5boss) = 200
    form 2nd to 8th day: 7 x [50(999kill) + 150 (5boss) + 300 (5sentinel)] -> 7x 500 = 3500
    Progress from Kalodoro (free amphora) 5 for run so for 40 run we can have 200 progress
    in total 200 + 3500 + 200= 3900
    8 x 5 run/day = 40 tickets (someone more in 2nd days to finish 1st bar)
    If you consider also daily quest silver+gold you'll get another 70 progress/day so 7*70 = 490

    Remaining 1810 progress you can do with 8 color quest (1/day), why you wrote 20? You get 250 progress from Stolen color.

    So progress is not a problem this time and play 40 runs/day is a nonsense because you can't "drop" progress....just play event 50min/day or less...remaining time play in Q for leaderboards or other maps to get ticket and colours like you.
    So play 2h in Q it's not a problem for me.
    I started leaderboards today so I'll get two pigeons with one stone.
    Probably like you, and many others, at end I'll have 2000 coloured-powder red/yellow/purple and 0 green but I don't need more and I don't need to buy/craft it using andermants
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
    Dragenstein and FAALHAAS like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Youre correct...dont know why i thought it gave 100 progress to be honest. My mistake
    Marsicanus likes this.
  6. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    A payer event, you have to pay anders to be able to get both the pet and mount special rewards, and you have to pay real money or anders to finish the Festival event... No more rewards from simply farming, no more challenges to gain stuff accordingly to your farm and dedication into an event, what to say about your restrictions, you go against the players independence and dedication to force us all play how you want us to. This game is getting worse and worse every month. But is not worth to go deep into it and talk certain things because you like to censor the negative opinions, so this is all my feedback, you can get my point, (if you want, of course ;) ) If you never want to get the players vision and complaints is because you are better blinded by money, keep that way, I only wish someday you regret it cause players awake and stop giving you income for bad work.
  7. Dragenstein

    Dragenstein Padavan

    Where exactly is the fun in this game? How is it fun to pay to finish an event? What is the advantage to a premium account? I got no special drops in two weeks of premium. There have been more game crashes since this latest patch. I tried farming for the colored powder, but the drop rate is ridiculously low. I was farming INF 1. I've been logging in for the daily reward and to check out whatever event is running. If there isn't ever going to be a fun event, it might be time to give up on this game.
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  8. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I wanted to give my positive feedback to the new event because I like how it works:
    daily quests, ferry tickets obtaining from enemies everywhwere, few andermant to complete it, make this event playable without stress or frustration as it asked from a game.
    Daily challenges is bugged, I run 6 time without to meet the enemy to commplete it.
    gbit likes this.
  9. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    just a comment:
    I've not paid anything and I'll be able to do progress bars, andermants you need drop while running the daily map 5times and then doing few q LB runs on top of this. You might be right about the pet&mount but those I do not care.
  10. Valhöll

    Valhöll Someday Author

    My opinion is very simple; do PvP, make sense for the guild in the game. It's time for the game to take out the MMO prefix. I play solitaire very often, but I don't pay money for it - no matter what the cards are, it's still a solitaire. You should get into the social aspects, and pvp. I've been waiting a long time for the pvp, and the guild. "The universe is finite, resources are finite," and so is the patience of people.
  11. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    andermant is needed only to buy Summer Solstice Tokens and I suggest you to buy it everyday
  12. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    Thats why this stage is called PREPARATION!
    Ofc a color will drop less than the others did U expect them all 2 drop equally? LooooL
    If Ur paying for something in this event, thats Ur choise! Im not! And Ill still get MAX from it! XD
    Caling this event a P2Wevent is REALLY off the mark! Pls get a grip on reality!
    DUDE! -maybe select the mob Ur gunna kill AFTER U entered the map and saw who was actually in there?
  13. NSDT-returns

    NSDT-returns Someday Author

    I agree on the fact that this pre-event is not that bad.
    In the end it's just about doing at least 5 runs per day to complete dailies + use all the ferry tickets you can + do the 70 daily with intelligent selecting = playing daily less than 1hour you can finish event .
    => Overall decent design, people actually thought about it :)

    However, it's not really fun (but the grind needed is acceptable) and except a nice map we get nothing really new.
    Once again the best way to do event map is low mode (because the drop is not difficulty related).
    We end up rushing map in normal - fatal to consume our ferry tickets and dropping colors because it's just far more efficient ...
    => I would have rather a DtU system with more entry cost (1 normal - excru / 2 fatal / 3 inf1-2 / ....) and bigger stacks in higher modes. At least there would have been a point in farming high modes, which are at least a little bit proactive.

    I have much reserve for the event in itself, from what I have seen in Test server videos: it seems a mix between boring and gambling (probably escapes the legal interdiction on video games but it is still gambling ....) while asking us to pay anders or event cloak to be able to take part.
    However I'll wait before judging it too harshly. Maybe it is not that bad.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
  14. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    It's still amazing that there are people defending BP.
    Delusional, like this one
    Seems like you have to get a grip on reality, because in reality this event is yet another P2W mess and it's also, of course, bugged as well( why not?).
    JohnWick likes this.
  15. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I don't understand what you are meaning.
    You don't think it's a bug?
    I did 10 runs today and I met 9 times Vos The Reckless and 1 time nobody.
    It's the same bug when the random give you 10 and me nothing
    with the difference that now I can't complete my daily challenges.
  16. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    I I got 5 time same boss and sentinel.
    I'm not premium so I can't test.
    In daily there is only one boss/sentinel or all of them (I think they are 3)?
    In 2nd case you can first enter Kalodoro, see boss/sentinel then change daily until you can choose the correct enemy to kill.

    In my case I change daily with 40 andermants then I go in Q to farm materi fragments
    EmilyRose likes this.
  17. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    4 leaders, have ever seen one only.
    4 sentinels, I think they all spawn randomly.

    Well, of course this event is P2W, but not in the way you think. 15-19 tokens (of 26) are virtually unobtainable for F2P players. The rest is almost fine.

    It seems like sources of tokens are the following:
    1. neat amphoras (free)
    2. festive amphoras (keys)
    3. sentinels
    4. preparation progress
    5. shady jon 27.06
    6. '' 28.06
    7. '' 29.06
    8. '' 30.06
    9. '' 01.07
    10. '' 02.07
    11. '' 03.07
    12. '' 04.07
    13. '' 05.07 ?
    14. '' 06.07 ?
    15. festival progress
    16. ''
    17. ''
    18. for coins during festival
    19. arena of endurance
    20. meanie rumble
    21. "treasure hunter"
    22. '' ?
    23. '' ?
    24. '' ?
    25. '' ?
    26. $$$ (real money shop pack)
    In purple are tokens requiring andermants. In red are tokens requiring paying or otherwise looking irrational ("treasure hunter" gambling, I'm looking at you). Numbers 13-14 have a question mark because I'm not 100% sure shady jon will keep selling tokens during the festival (but probably he will). Numbers 22-25 have a question mark because I'm not sure whether the "treasure hunter" jackpot contains 1 or 5 tokens - if it's 1, I have no idea where would the other 4 come from... Piglets? Haven't found any, and others claim they're dropping sewers' stuff. Cursed amphora? Perhaps. What else could it be?

    Now some personal feedback. The general construction of the event reminds me Dark Dwarf Heist - it could be ok if not for the token crap we see above. What I dislike in the Treasure Hunter (I've seen it in TS already, I don't need live server version to have an opinion about it) is that it's so purely random based. I think that there should be an arena attached to the underground chamber that you would have to clear after locking in your choices. The waves would have an increasing difficulty and their number would depend on the number of "blanks" (wrong chests) you have hit. Dying would make mobs disappear (like in the Black Knights Battleground) and destroy the rewards (like it does now instantly after hitting one blank). So, you could be choosing chests until you hit, idk, 3 wrongs, and then lock in for safety - and clear the mobs and claim the rewards - or, if you're feeling cocky or you have a strong character, you could just blindly mark all the chests and prepare for an incredible challenge. Either way, it'd be way more interesting and fitting in this game than what we have now. We've been asking for less PRNG, not for even more!
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2020
    Majkelix and DreamWill like this.
  18. Steve75

    Steve75 Junior Expert

    Release 236
    Marsicanus likes this.
  19. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    HOW is this event P2W?? HOW? And who says Im defending BP?

    -But if U ask me if I wanna give some dishonest feedback, my answer is: NO!

    This event is a wonderfull step in the right direction! So many events in 2020 has been P2W galore! But this 1? IS NOT! If U want both pet and mount U will have to pay sum andermant, yes! If U just wait till event comes again, U will get it without paying, so the question is how greedy U are!

    And no matter if U are P2W or F2P U will be able 2 get what U want the most from this event! And the fact that U are able 2 chose ur own prizes? Even MORE wonderfull!

    And @EmilyRose/Marsicanus: 1 last time:
    Step#1: Go into Kalondoro!
    Step#2: Look at name of miniboss in Kalondoro! DONT KILL IT YET!
    Step#3: Set daily quest to kill the miniboss that U see in the map U are in!
    Step#4: Kill Miniboss!
    Step#5: Enjoy reward!

    U understand now?
  20. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    oh yes I understand you, the problem is that you don't understand me....
    Why after 15 runs today i didn't meet Kip but only Vos??!!!!
    Tell me about how this random system DSO is so unfair....
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