Suggestion Report system for pvp

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by OrochimaruSama, Jul 21, 2020.

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  1. OrochimaruSama

    OrochimaruSama Someday Author

    For those who like pvp , probrably have found such autoclickers, players who use auxiliary programs to gain an advantage.
    However, I didn't notice any easy and accessible way to report this type of player, what we have is the option to make a video and send a ticket, but that takes time and not everyone is willing to do it.
    So I thought why there is no option at the end of a pvp match to report a player as it exists in several games, and with that BP could at least have something to be based on, for example a player with 50 reports from different players would be investigated or something like.
    Of course, honest but skilled players could be reported by crybabyes after all cause moving and attacking is something possible, but the biggest difference that i see is the accuracy of attacks and movements that cheaters seem to have, but as I said, having many reports would not be = ban and yes to an investigation.
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I hate cheaters-leechers-ticks in general, but I could say the same about pvp so implemented. But since someone who still wastes time seems to be there, and that a part of them enjoy cheating-leeching, then I think that your request is normal and reasonable.

    However, as far as I understood, BP does not have any automatic system that allow them to reanalyze moves and behaviors of a player, as they on several occasions said they only notice for example when a player accumulates more resources than those who have been made available in the course of the game. Therefore, in other words, it seems to me that being able to report the alleged irregularity of a match in real time, even as soon as this happens or is still happening, is useless if on the other side they don't put a guy in flesh and blood who has the possibility to see the match from a monitor, as if it is an external observer present at that moment.

    All this is only science fiction here, the only way is and remains to make a movie and send it to support. Is it a meaningful effort? Probably not.