Suggestion Concept props

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by lhuqe222, Aug 23, 2020.

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  1. lhuqe222

    lhuqe222 Forum Apprentice

    Use props:workbench
    reuse parallel world equipment
  2. raider

    raider Forum Pro

    Even more OP Damage stuff for Dwarfs?!

    Gotta love how this game turned into some kinda modern-warfare era with Steamers though.
    While DK and Rangers still stick to Melee weapons and Bow.. Go figure.
  3. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    You make it look like a jewel, muuch too OP
    anyways how would this stack on top of q7? double?
    No that would make heavy shot a 8 frame skill which would then make it shoot what? 8 hs a second?
    and 300% damage? no dude, this just wont do, I have been thinking of something today and will make a separate thread for it