Feedback Release 239

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Aug 2, 2020.

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  1. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Is this a joke? :D
    If you read players' complaints they couldn't login on 3rd of September ... so how would they get compensated when they couldn't even login into the game? XD
  2. Forum Apprentice

    We got access later in the evening yesterday (Sept. 3) :) But yeah they should also have it for players who logged in on the 4th too.
  3. Aslandroth

    Aslandroth Regular

    The joke must be on me cause I'm not laughing.
    trakilaki likes this.
  4. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    How should I call this: Creating hard new difficulties Inf5-7 with bad drops, pushing players into spending a lot of resources to upgrade items to tier10 knowing that later you had the idea of simply removing all the Infernal modes and all the tiers from the game. Scam? Rudeness? Disrespect?

    Remember guys, the expansion is in process since 2017, they were adding modes consciously that later they were going to remove it all, features that made a lot of players spend a lot of resources, time, maybe money... Every release DSO team goes below their own low moral line.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  5. raider

    raider Forum Pro

    Feels like a trial&error Beta game..
    Elégedetlenkedő and vampiro like this.
  6. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    Strangely who mostly ends winning in this DSO weird situations is the less active player, those who less farm, who less effort put into the game, sounds funny but it isn't.
  7. raider

    raider Forum Pro

    From what I understand..
    It's like 1 year of hardcore farming/money spending, then enjoying ur "OP" character for about a year before DSO Devs/Management screws you again.
    Rinse and repeat.

    Truly feels like a Beta game..
    Only that, Beta stage lasted/lasting a Decade!

    I don't think less active/casuals/people with life "win" anything though.

    It's just they get to enjoy the moment without putting themselves to a year of torture lol
    Elégedetlenkedő likes this.
  8. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Please stay on topic, dear Heroes. Release 239 feedback- that's what is required here.

    Thank you;

  9. raider

    raider Forum Pro

    Maybe, just maybe
    , we need an 'Official' Feedback topic for the planned changes then?
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