Forum Contest [December] - Advent 4

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Biztart, Dec 22, 2013.

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  1. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    Oh okay thanks DemonHunterx, but i still didn't recieve that package in my inv. Should the 2 other winners post the info and then all 3 of us get rewared at same time?
  2. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    I always send my info to support and I haven't received my reward too. We just have to wait patiently for some time.
    Muscle likes this.
  3. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    I'm flattered to have been picked as winner, but I'm going to have to decline the prize. I did it just for the lulz.
    Muscle likes this.
  4. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    lol, you deserve the prize so why not take it even if you just did it for fun? XD
    If you really don't want it might as well give it to me :p
    Muscle likes this.
  5. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    You're welcome to it, buddy!
    Muscle likes this.
  6. NightWalker

    NightWalker Board Analyst

    ..... wait you serious bro? o.o
    Muscle likes this.
  7. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    Yup, if that's okay with Biztart.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
    Muscle likes this.
  8. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    The awards have not yet been allocated for this Advent, but we haven't forgotten about you. ;D

    That's really nice Brian1919. I'll find out for you.
    Brian1919 and Muscle like this.
  9. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    Okay, thank you Biztart :)
  10. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    Man in black, can you post your details instead please, since Brian doesn't wish to win :)
    Brian1919 likes this.
  11. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    Character Name - Themaninblack
    Server - Heredur
    User ID - 105962096

    Thank you :)
    Muscle and Brian1919 like this.
  12. Brian1919

    Brian1919 Junior Expert

    Enjoy, my friend.
  13. *Man-In-Black*

    *Man-In-Black* Forum Apprentice

    Prize received today, thank you, with a special thank you to Brian1919 :)
    Brian1919 likes this.
  14. Muscle

    Muscle Forum Pro

    Yes i recieved the reward aswell, thanks ^^

    P.S. Will there be another forum event soon? I would love to participate in again ^^
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
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