What Do We Know So Far?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by raider, Sep 10, 2020.

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  1. Czzaccz

    Czzaccz Someday Author

    its so funny seeing people complaining about this since the reveal of the feature when jesse literary said multiple times that the higher the tier of your weapons is now the higher level you will get and max XP level will be lower than possible max item level
    also runes will mostlikely just be taken out of your items so that you can you them for crafting
  2. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I am going to break this down for you so that you understand the concept behind it
    firstly in games in general
    you get 2x forms of linear scaling
    1 is horizontal and the other one is vertical
    now with tiers we have experienced horizontal scaling
    meaning items go up per tier but stay on a level cap aka level 60
    now as you know your level 60 items are a lot stronger than your level 55 items
    but we wont need to glyph anymore after CE
    lets say the level cap is 65
    I am going to copy paste what i just told a friend
    you dont
    lets say the cap is 65
    painful will be level 70
    excr 75
    fatal 80
    inf1-3 90 100 110 merciless will be level 130? and bloodshed level 165?
    so you farm your way to max level
    and on level 165
    dude sargon weapon will have like 1k dmg as unique value"
    meaning in this iteration of drakensang items with numerical unique values will have much higher values
    such as the sargon weapon
    such as the sargon amulet or adornment
    I believe items with numerical unique values will be highly sought after as absolute modifiers
    so I am going to say to you what i tell everyone else
    grab the ghost off hand on t10 because it will be your max level for that item for a year
    but picture q4 belt quick on level 100 even what? 2k 3k crit as a unique value?
    oh and get the ghost jewels for sure
    there is something else you have to bear in mind
    as much as @trakilaki has pointed out that enchantments percentages increase with increased levels
    they are making the crafting much easier so that we can replace enchantments much easier and keep farming where we left off
    This is not good news in my books this is great news
    You have to understand that the devs have been losing playerswith every content expansion from 50?
    Or that is what I am told at least
    In my personal opinion the devs are doing all these amazing things not just to keep their current players
    But also to gain new players and have many many return
    I do fear that we will bore easily after the content expansion
    however on the brighter side
    a much bigger player base will allow for much more money which will allow for much more new content
    all of this is good news
    so i ask of you not to be negative
    on the contrary
    we will know in advance what to do because it will be on test server for minimum 3 weeks before we get it
    as for the tiers of your items should they be level 65 after ce as an example atleast you will be able to farm till max level and painful
    then from there on you will be replacing enchantments up till you have the best in slot gear and you will keep farming that gear on higher levels
    and just swap the enchantments ez pz no hassle
    Hmmm lets see quick
    they did say the gems drops will be exponentially increased
    they also said there will be a new easier way of increasing gem levels
    firstly we will have 130 gems slots and 70 runes slots
    it opens new possibilities in my opinion
    dont take me for a devs chill, as you know i disagree with things in the game i leave for a good 3-4 months at a time
    I just dont think they can afford to mess this up and they know it.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  3. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    A lot of stuff there.. funny guy on twitch with he is fidel and fideless what ever it was said lvl cap would not exceed lvl 75. Making stuff up I see.

    --- MERGED ---

    Where did you read this? This thread is about what we know? Nothing in official forum announcements. Nothing on their facebook page. nothing on the test server yet, that really isn't official.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 6, 2020
  4. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    not at all let me show you
    I was talking about item levels
    as we will farm gear on higher levels in higher difficulties
    this gear will have a level requirement to wear
    meaning lets say its a level 100 item you farmed on bloodshed difficulty
    it will require that you are level 65 to wear the level 100 item
    There now we are all in the know okay xD
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  5. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Guy on twitch said cap is less then lvl 75.. so your display using a calculator is pointless. Do your high school math some place else.

    --- MERGED ---

    Key part of this is gems and runes will be added to a new item. Total guess on my part but sounds like they can't get the math or programing right. So you will have something like your special bag and your gems and runes will not be in gear. Call it a gem bag for lack of a better word. You put the gems and runes in the bag in the appropriate slot.

    And I doubt there will be a ruby spamming.. They will just put a max on how many gems. Like the pyramid gems, pumpkin, snowflakes, skulls.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 6, 2020
  6. gbit

    gbit Forum General

  7. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Insults my maths but is unable to read
    all 10 slots on gear will be used for gems, and we are getting7 new items with 10 slots each for runes those are called trinkets.
    Also item cap and level cap is different.
    If you do not understand the concept maybe ask a school child to explain it to you.
  8. Zardast

    Zardast Forum Apprentice

    I remember well that what he said was that level cap will not be 75, that is all he said.
    Also, he was talking about xp level which is a different thing from item level.


    Last edited by moderator: Oct 6, 2020
    trakilaki and gbit like this.
  9. Nostalgiac

    Nostalgiac Advanced

    I'm worried about item level variance within each difficulty... combined with no item level upgrade, we will be at mercy of game's RNG to drop high level uniques. If level variance is, say, 15 at Bloodshed difficulty, and certain unique's drop rate is 5%, we will need ON AVERAGE 300 runs to get a max level unique. If you also want good base stats, add another zero to that number (unless they remove RNG for base stats). All assuming uniform distribution, it gets worse if higher levels are progressively more rare.

    Overall, I like this change (and removing of tiers), makes the game much more transparent, having two parallel "leveling" systems seemed unnecessary.

    Luckily, we can just keep farming and each time we drop a higher level item, we transfer enchantments under the new system. Also, farming for good lines is probably a thing of the past, just find 4* item with plat line. One set of enchantments will be enough (all +%damage? :D ), and just transfer them between equipment on the fly.

    Also, regular dungeons are getting all difficulties, perhaps we will see more regional builds instead of PW and Event? With PW being Infernal+ only, lots of new players won't be able to play them for a long time anyway.
    trakilaki and raider like this.
  10. raider

    raider Forum Pro

  11. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    Scaling dungeons difficulty:
    PW difficulty:
  12. Akageshi

    Akageshi Forum Duke

    Here's one more thing about runes. A lot of them modify the item they are socketed in. Could this be part of the rune theft, or are they going to change the runes' values in order to balance out the rune effect? The thing is, it's a different situation if you have a +10% IDotI on a 100 base dmg helmet, vs. if you have a +10% dmg rune on a trinket with probably no base stats, or +10% IDotI on a trinket with different stats, higher or lower.

    (We touched on this in another threat, but here it's more appropriate I guess.)
    trakilaki, gbit and raider like this.
  13. raider

    raider Forum Pro

    Ok changing the "question" to "
    'WT F, Are they serious?!'

    If only non-PW sets weren't useless trash.
  14. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Nice Pic Gbit,, just what is it for. It does not explain where raider got his information on just how glyphs will be used in crafting.
    gbit likes this.
  15. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    Good point, we have to wait and see if trinkets are linked to a specific item ; in this case nothing will change.
    But if trinkets will be other items (not linked to classic equipment) without base stats, obviously they will change their bonus and we now can only guess what will happen...
    Sincerely I'm really curious about CE, my hope is for the best... But we can judge only after a test period, now simply we don't know enough...
    what we know is that glyphs will be used only on switch crafting, no more upgrading items....till now.
    How it will work see zardast post before.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  16. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    hmmmm,,, gonna be like the old days in PW maps. When we all just ran through Ocean to get HOD. Then cleared the map to farm and never even did Mortis. And the game is going backwards. Oh well LMAO

    --- MERGED ---

    LOL,, you seem surprised by the PW map scaling Raider. What you weren't here eight years ago. When all we did was run through Ocean to get to HOD. Clear HOD and never even bother to kill Mortis LMAO. Ahhhhhh the good old days are coming back. LMAO
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 6, 2020
    gbit likes this.
  17. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I dont think it will work like that
    there is a dying arpg where if you farm on level 125 when youre level 100 you drop items on level 125
    I would assume the latest changes to be similar and not rng based <- or I hope so atleast
    gbit likes this.
  18. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    Agree... I think we will have level cap on pg but not on mobs and bosses that will drop equipment of higher level, but is only my opinion, nothing official :)
    trakilaki and rcch like this.
  19. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Anyone have an abacus I can borrow? I was trying to count how many times the MODS have merged all these posts and made a jumbled mess of it. They have made such a mess of it, I broke mine trying to get an accurate count. Really is a shame I had that old abacus near 60 years.
    trakilaki and raider like this.
  20. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    which is exactly why I said if our level cap is 65
    painful mobs and bosses 70
    excr mobs and bosses 75
    fatal mobs and bosses 80
    inf mobs and bosses 90 gear 90
    merciless mobs and bosses 105 gear 105
    bloodshed mobs and bosses level 125 <- gear 125
    As an example
    gear will be as an example level 125 on bloodshed difficulty and the level required to wear them will be level 65
    and here comes what I have been telling everyone over and over
    farm the ghost jewels and the ghost off hand on t10 when its ghost fest
    and this is also why I believe sargon weapon will be best in slot because the unique value is numeric and will be higher on higher levels
    gbit likes this.