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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Nov 3, 2020.

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  1. Mirke

    Mirke Forum Greenhorn

    Why did they change the icons of everything? Will it be on live server like that for sure? Or will they leave it be like it is now?
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    @EmilyRose ... current limit is 3 Jewels of Rejuvenation. My main toon is still very light on defensive stats, so adding 2 more of these jewels (I have 3 socketed and three more stashed in the locker) will be very much welcomed by me :)
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  3. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    No, there will be none of those jewels anymore. They are getting converted into runes of regeneration (as shown in the picture), of which 5 can be used, like in the case of all runes. I suppose you have a few those runes anyways?

    If you say so, I decided today to check it out. But then TS release spit me in the face screaming "no". I was on the beginning of the questline with 2 of my toons (one only unlocked the "suburbs" and didn't enter, one done 2-3 "quests" on the suburbs). So, the quests I'd have to do to progress in the story just don't work on either char. That's two bugged quests right on the start.
    trakilaki likes this.
  4. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    You just don't get it Dkarl I have far more crap then what you have. It is not what you have, it is what you will be able to use with all the caps and changing some to jewels and some to runes. Or more like it is what they are going to force you to use. SMH,,,, have a good day Dkarl.
  5. Dzungla

    Dzungla Forum Expert


    Does anyone have any idea what will happen with those two? (note: no melting message).
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    yes, I know.
    And i told you i made a video :p
    EmilyRose likes this.
  7. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    As long as some one else is asking about old runes. Seeing as the Christmas event is on the test server. Anyone have input about the Christmas runes. Before some Scrooge tries to correct me that it is not the Christmas event. You know Solstice runes, the runes That have plus % Crit hit, ice resistance, HP.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  8. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    i already got all the trinkets from drops on normal and painful mode,
    im level 91.
  9. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    The combined runes stay like most of runes, albeit its stats will be reduced and we'll be compensated with andermants (21k per single lowest-tier rune, less loss on higher tiers = less compensation). The single runes (only hp, only crit, only res) are getting converted (and some andermants given, a table is coming to forums today probably) to their respective runes: HP rune (which is global % now anyways), crit rune (which gives crit rate now anyways), ice res (runes for all resistance are getting added, just like the existsing poison res runes). Combining the three runes into a combined rune requires a fourth item, called "solsitce breeze" or something in those lines. One such thing is in the event's progress bar, perhaps further can be obtained from challenges.
    cigarbennett and 1vanka like this.
  10. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Thank you
  11. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    From my test server bag
    Taurissan and Arr like this.
  12. masernik

    masernik Forum Greenhorn

    it's better to make dust all of the Jewel of Rejuvenation now to upgrade gems later I think
    1vanka likes this.
  13. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    its from ts isnt it?
  14. sirleandro

    sirleandro Forum Greenhorn

    a question: what will happen to the nuclei, now that there will be no more utilities.
  15. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    they will be changed in ghlyps; 800/1200 for 1 core (depends from which type of core)
    sirleandro likes this.
  16. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    New update on TS is changing character and item stats.
  17. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    What a joke of compensation
    trakilaki likes this.
  18. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    Armor-piercing shot (dwarf)
    250% shot.
    100% explosion on hit.
    2.5% skill х10
    5% explosion х10
    Total Damage 425%
    2 sec cooldown
    20 pair
    3 essences

    Frozen sphere (mage)
    174% damage (maximum)
    200% explosion
    Total Damage 374%
    5 sec cooldown
    25 manna
    6 essences

    Where is the logic here and why does the gnome have a 2x advantage?
    I am also interested in the position of the developers regarding the skill of the magician of the circle "blood magician" - this is a poor and useless skill, why only the magician has debuffs? While the gnome just needs to put the tower and get 50% damage.
    Why does the mage's guard not aggro mobs on himself?
    Why does the gnome doll aggro mobs on itself?
    Why did the sorcerers spoil the singularity?
    Why didn't you spoil the dwarves' rocket?
    Why many others have messed up
    stasis likes this.
  19. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    Mages arent exactly the ones who should complain ;)
  20. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    This is not an answer, I need an adequate answer to my question.
    Why 7 years the game is dominated by gnomes, and AGAINST the gnomes are given privileges.
    I brought several skills of a magician and a gnome, why all the skills of a magician were spoiled, WITH THIS, the skills of a gnome were improved. ;)
    rcch and stasis like this.
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