CPU Overheating.......again!

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by salotr, Dec 4, 2020.

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  1. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    Before Dark Legacy, while playing, the CPU temperature was between 49°C and 54°C.
    After Dark Legacy the temp jump in few seconds to 61°C.

    The only way to lower the temp is to close the game before the computer shutdown on its own.
    The computer is clean, no dust on fans and heatsinks.

    I dont have overheating situations with other games like Doom Eternal, Battlefield IV, Farcry 4 and so on.
    This happen with this game only.
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    61C is not a high temperature for CPU.
    Try cleaning the air vents if possible.

    That is because those games are putting the primary stress on the GPU ... while DSO is not well optimized old school game that puts preasure on the CPU.
  3. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    No dust in the case,on air vents, fans and heatsinks.
    If there is no chance to optimize dso to stress less the CPU, it will be (and it is) a negative factor in the game that will put them at a disadvantage I think.
  4. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    61C is not much .. i have a pretty new gaming laptop and i was playing dso with 70C+ on CPU .. the real problem is when you are getting over 80-85C .. you should just probably leave the game and find an another, better MMORPG (if you want to play one). DSO will most probably never change it's engine so they can optimize their game finally. So if you think that your PC is overheating just quit, devs won't fix it and the problem will be there forever.
  5. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    If the machine is turning off on its own then the issue is possibly with your power supply. Either your PSU is overheating or it is not able to modulate the vcore voltage when on heavy load.

    Yes this game is CPU intensive but the issue you are facing is local to you, I would advise you to disable any kind of overclocking while you troubleshoot this. Good Luck.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2020