Feedback Dark Legacy is here!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. Khrone

    Khrone Someday Author

    The CE surely needs some time to be tweaked, and the bugs have to be fixed, but hey, DSO devs don't choose their deadline, that's why everything was rushed I suppose. Hopefully the future is brighter, some features, like the crafting, seem very promising! :) Props to the QA and QA Assists that helped ensuring the CE is playable. <3
  2. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Have you played the level 55 expansion? What we have now is much more enjoyable so far.
    The last one was really really bad.

    And yes, this is an expansion( using DSO as a standard, of course using better games this would not qualify as an expansion).

    the combat system is really the least important reason to complain about, it's probably the best part of the expansion, the complaints should be first of all directed at the gamebreaking bugs that are still not fixed and should be fixed asap or the fact that half of the expansion is locked behind an event and it seems that that event is going to be temporary and not permanent, at the fact that they stole q6 and no replacements are to be seen, at the fact that daily quests are not calibrated to the players' levels.
    Exactly, this expansion has, surprisingly, renewed my interest in the game: i thought it was going to be a complete trashfire, but so far i have enjoyed the new content.

    I mean, it's better than the level 55 expansion, but probably it's still below the level 50 expansion.
    Hetsunien likes this.
  3. Amordihomi

    Amordihomi Forum Apprentice

    I spent more than 2 years without playing DSO, due to my disagreement with the time of your "genius" modification of indexes at the time of the extinction of sapphires and many cuts of general indexes.
    I received an e.mail, invitation to try, from your relationship team, excited about the "new game" that was being released! Incluse with surname "dark legacy" - wow ....
    I returned 20 days before the launch, and I still had a "certain nostalgic inventory of old weapons and armor that had been stored for a long time" and I was aware that they would be deleted unconditionally and definitely from the inventory. And more than 3000 good health potions.
    Because the "dark legacy" was implanted.
    As I have a veteran experience with this game, I was not surprised by the "new game!" - Disastrous, demotivating and as many other players have already commented, erroneous.
    Today, December 7, 2020, I only make few considerations of failures and mistakes, after all I agree with other comments, criticisms and previous comments from other players.
    1.) The "dragon wings stick" weapon does not spit fire when using the magic missile. This is absurd, as this was the "charm" of this unique weapon. Return the fire design in place of the magic missile.
    2.) In general, the design appearance of weapons, armor, capes, etc. in the inventory is ridiculously primitive, confusing and ugly. - It does not compare to the previous design.
    3.) Simply, you did, they erased my 3,000 health potions, and left me less than 200 potions from the new generation of health. - What is this?
    4.) Ok, your launch modifies all the work with precious stones. ok: a) I crushed many stones transformed into a large amount of "shiny powder" - b) I use the workbench to level up 1 precious stone, which worked because it showed the stone, the necessary amount of "shiny powder" 'and the cost for the operation. c) I tried to raise the level of other stones with all the available ingredients, and THERE IS NO HOW TO COMPLETE THE OPERATION, as the value of the operation cost is inactive.
    This is their "new / old game" that Bigpoint offers its players. That is, nothing new in this universe.
    Thanks for listening.
    tozagol and LordDennius like this.

    JEKAJE Junior Expert

    Sorry, how is the combat the best part? How is it even good at all? The current skill trees for all the characters feel like an alpha version of this game.

    Just speaking for DK, most of the skills are stripped to the bone, are the same, or are straight up useless now compared to the other ones. A lot of decisions don't make the slightest sense. It really feels like the people behind the new versions of the skills don't even play the game. The DK class lost most of its mobility now. Rage Jump doesn't make sense. It lost all of its purpose and serves now mainly as an evade skill. Charge is useless because I don't have enough slots for it and I already have the Rage Jump that is better at what charge does even though it is like 10% of what it used to be. Dragon Hide is nerfed to the ground. On top of the nerfs, it is an unstun that (well, doesn't unstun or free me from anything else) leaves me standing in the same spot vulnerable to other stuns and effects? Sounds great.

    And other skills as well. MWS is what now? Why would I even use that when BWS is much more superior. MWS is a taunting skill now. That's all. What a waste. DK had a great taunting skill already. And Outburst is much worse now as well. Iron Brow doesn't give fury back now which was essential to that skill. Ground Breaker is still useless.

    The combat is much slower and simple now. All you do is spend points for more damage, cooldown reduction, recource cost reduction, etc. Intead of things that would actually make the combat more variable and fun. Just fewer slots for skills make the combat much worse than it was.
    tozagol and LordDennius like this.
  5. Archane

    Archane Forum Apprentice

    Personally i love the update. The dk can actually survive difficult fights now due to the extra health and the banner of war and fury of the dragon do awesome damage with the right setup. Yes you can be stunned now and you don't have the healing of mighty wild swing but so what? You get healing from dragon hide and you can pump up your health regen so it balances out. If you build right now the dk is awesome. I'm really enjoying this update completely.
    Hetsunien likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I played for couple days and even tho i can see some postive things like more options to make certain builds (which most likely become void anyway, since there always will be a meta).

    There are more negative things in my opinion and they overshadow the good things
    -Bugged quests (im stuck with Urda 2/2 in need and Recapture 6/6) Maybe im doing something wrong, if so, please enlighten me.
    -Price of dust needed to upgrade gems is just insane.
    -Wisdom drop is realllllly low (i feel bad for fresher players)
    -The skills are remade very poorly. As dwarf, the only decent skill is the mech.turret. All other skills are either to slow or have CD that are too long. The flame thrower is ok, but the range is way too small.
    -Most unique vallues ive seen on unique items are completly useless.
    -Vallues on some pets are weird compared to others. I would expect the arachna pet had most crit, but its the jabbax-bug. 30% to 25%
    -Prices for potions/buffs (asking anders/materi is just crap...and way too high)
    -Prices for potions/buffs too high? Go craft them....and pay crapload of gold/bonecoins/materi for the bottles/papers. Wayyyy too high :)
    -Vallues on items are weird aswell. Ive leveled up to lvl100 and about 80-90% of items have blockrate. And not 1 weapon adornment has dropped for me. Not 1...
    -Healing spheres are super rare. (which also make some unique items worthless as they have bonus for healing sphere pickups and also groupbonus option which makes no sense)

    Theres prolly some more, but those stand out the most for me.

    If this is going to be the new Drakensang, i really doubt im going to stick around long. And im 100% sure new players dont. For new/fresh players this update is a nightmare.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
    LordDennius likes this.
  7. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Awesome. Two things though.

    1. As a DK, you may have more survivability now, but the DPS classes (and their equipment) have been nerfed so much that you'll have to tank a boss for 3 hours before someone will actually kill it for you. Oh, and we all have more survivability now (talking as a mage who can't die on PW infs) so we don't actually need DKs. We need dmg.

    2. Since you're such a big fan of this update, I'm sure you're ready to cover the hole in the [EDIT]'s cashflow, created by the PAYING players who left because of the CE, right? What's that? No? Well, you might want to see the big picture before speaking in public. :)

    Carry on.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 7, 2020
  8. Goldd

    Goldd Forum Apprentice

    There is a bug that hunters are exploiting, to level up by staying afk
  9. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Don't die - perhaps. Can't die - not possible. You may stay alive without spending potions etc., but I doubt you can't die. That would mean that you can literally stand in the face of Grimmag or Bearach and they can dump all the fire/lightning/bees into your face and nothing happens. Is it the case? I don't think so. DK meanwhile is supposed to be able to do that as long as he is fighting and not standing still.

    DK is not tank, DK is DK. Also, as I said earlier, can you just stand and hit with no running at all? No? There you have your higher base damage. DK has less, but attacks more, while the other classes are dodging. I'm not sure it's all balanced properly (and probably isn't), but the gap is in fact way lesser that it would seem.

    And many others didn't pay because nothing was happening. If enough payers stayed through R214, more than enough will stay through this CE. I personally know people who came back because of an update.

    The devs now have time to fix some stuff as long as there's still the initial hype.

    I personally don't like many things about the update, but the crafting changes and the exp tree changes are good enough. Complexity is there - now time for balancing.

    I don't like the wisdom cap increase, but welp... and the new group tree is simply boring, and for no reason our lvl there was reset. I am not a fan of the new way the PW uniques work, but it's perhaps the easiest way to bring balance to those.

    What I don't understand nor do I like it is the fact that many uniques can't be obtained on the item cap lvl (145): Only the PW uniques and the worldly drops can have that lvl. The regular world uniques can at most be obtained on lvl140 and the merchant and cube uniques on lvl100 - am I right? This seems like many possibilities go to waste for the high end, and that's not good. I hope they fix this before long.

    If I am guessing correctly what you are referring to (wolves), that's not a bug. Also, there's still the simple old way of afk levelling - to have a group kill the monsters (especially in an open wilderness) and get the free exp. That kind of leeching used to be quite common.

    Also, why are you concerned? There's virtually no profit from having the level only and nothing else.
  10. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    I love how you broke down what I said and in a fatherly manner went out of your way to explain.. stuff to me. Sadly, one sentence in and I decided I don't actually care.. so you wasted your time trying to seem smart.

    Carry on.
  11. wavi

    wavi Junior Expert

    the challenge was to reach level 100 and end of story.
    - the positive is the new maps, the history.
    -The negative are the skills (abysmal nerf).
    -Level 140-145 legendary and unique items, with offensive golden spells, are not enough for the final boss in painful-cruel-lethal mode ... (they last forever even with broken armor)
    -the gameplay to kill the final boss is to press the mouse for a long time and it is not a joke hahaha
    -Events done in normal mode- painful is boring and time-consuming (event cloak is no longer helpful), considering that the rewards are obsolete for the update.
    Anyway, there are more negative things when reaching level 100 hehe. the time had to come to quit the game or the game forces you to quit, and this is the second case.
    I repeat the goal is only to reach level 100 and there is nothing to do. Before update 145 ... We were happy and didn't know it hahaha. if there is any way to go back to update 144 please do it xd.
    tozagol and LordDennius like this.
  12. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I'm talking as a mage.
    The theft of our group levels is probably a bug, i don't really think they could have done it on purpose.

    And wisdom drop is really low, daily quests are not adequate to the player level, that fact that bosses take ages to kill( and don't really drop anything good, the drop is very low), some uniques or sets are also not available on the highest level, the fact that the expansion still isn't complete and probably half of it is locked behind an event.

    So the far the only really good things about this expansion are in my opinion the crafting system and the new skill tree, but that's that.

    The new maps are really recicled, with recicled mobs and such, they are not bad but they're not good.
  13. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    You are playing a SW ... try ranger ;) or should I say the new "Forrest Gump" class ... because running is the only thing he is good at.
    Of course they stole the group points just to slow the players down.
    and not just the group points ... they stole wisdom from players too.
    Level 30 is the new level at which the Wisdom Tree is available. So much of the "friendly to new players" game. By the time new players get to level 30 they would probably quit and never see and learn what Wisdom in the game is.
    That is an old low level toon with level 44 wisdom level blocked.
  14. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Don't like the changes in dark legacy to the Full moon event. Why were the attack speed runes removed from event progress with the update?

    If you already have the attack speed runes, but not maxed out, you still need ways to get rune dust. If you're a new character, you need ways to get runes to advance. The runes should have been kept on the event.

    Also, I don't like the decision to essentially make old unique items permanently uncraftable unless they were previously crafted with enchantments. I especially dislike this decision in light of the decision to also make certain unique items have weird base values - like the tenebrous adornment, which many people crafted with some sort of increased critical hit % or critical damage line and which now no longer has a critical hit value base line but rather has an increased attack speed/movement speed line. These old unique items had their base values and enchantments modified for the update - so why not modified the enchantments to be craftable values.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    tozagol and Elendel80 like this.
  15. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    ok I got to level 100 on Saturday
    about to go to bed and this is my stats with legendary items

    I know its bad but i do have a loot of gems to improve eventually
    JohnWick likes this.
  16. Omarius77

    Omarius77 Forum Greenhorn

    I have 2 secondary characters at level 55 with whom I cannot access the new Cardhum missions, what do I have to do to receive the invitation? With the secondary ones I'm in hiraya and I haven't killed the genie yet, is that why?
    tozagol likes this.
  17. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    I'm never writing for the opponent in the dicussion, I'm writing for the benefit of the other readers.

    It's rather a feature.

    Of course ranger has problems... one being the fact that new longbows don't have cost reduction and another being too low damage of PS (nobody even uses that skill, ranger is good at running without it - as you said). The rest is minor. Well, maybe the fact that the green arrow doesn't pierce the first opponent anymore can be felt.
  18. elitecrew1031

    elitecrew1031 Regular

    Really ? I use all the turrets , dwarf in the box ,oil slick and c14 micro rocket. Here is my experience tree if you want to try it, for me it's the best of all my experiments. The reason I've putted point on the useless fire mastery is because it makes my oil slick deal extra fire damage.
    ΣMiwel likes this.
  19. bonjourvietnam

    bonjourvietnam Someday Author

    About quest:
    -Who ever designed the quest is just ...EDIT. I've stuck at the quest Lost in the woods for 2 days. It's just EDIT.
    Class (Ranger): Hunting arrow can't pierce the mobs. Precise shot is way too weak so it's limit our option of using skill.
    Skill design for ranger is EDIT especially those master of fire and master of ice.

    About game play:
    - Wisdom drop rate is too freaking low.
    - The debuff from mobs in Bloodshed difficulty is just unacceptable. It's a terrible idea when they let the debuff remain although the player died or change the map or reset.
    - The drop rate for Trophy/Adornment is too low. It's weird.
    - Daily deal is a joke. A polished ruby as a reward for spending 6k andermants?
    - Daily quest is a joke too. Who ever want to do quest with some hundred glyphs and gold? It's way too many quest with that poor rewards.
    - How on earth they don't add fearture that can help us grind the gems? It's way too frustrated being click and click hundred of times to grind gems.
    About the event:
    - Full moon: Not worth doing because the reward is just EDIT.
    - Winter event 2020: worst ever. The rewards is terribly poor compare to the progress we must grind for. The final boss is ridiculously hard and I believe that no one would want to farm it because the lack of snow essences.

    After the hyped of getting rid off Q7 set, now I'm a lil bit disappointed.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 8, 2020
  20. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Really did the developers think they were doing a smart, right or fun thing to implement similar contexts and environments with such a scrap of graphics engine?

    Guys, let those who have better products do certain EDIT, and you limit yourself to things that are possible here.

    Last edited by moderator: Dec 8, 2020
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