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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Is it really that bad for rangers?
    I heard my dwarf guildmates complaining the most, perhaps for a good reason.

    This game hasn't been friendly to new players ever since the level 55 expansion, and probably earlier.
    Only in level 45( which is what i started it was friendly).

    Indeed, this expansion is also bad, not as bad as i thought it would be and not as bad as the level 55 expansion
  2. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    Those mobs are not suppose to spawn like that, the live server is not able to handle the load - there is something very wrong with how the game splits the map population and creates multiple instances. Its just bad code hogging resources. I also noticed that solo lags less than being in group, the map become more laggy if the group has more than 3 players.
    And I know its server side because on the client side there is no resource depletion. The fun part is that there are many bugs pending that were reported on test server which will possibly be resolved in R246, which btw is coming in January... so be ready to suffer for a atleast a month and may be then they will look into the issues that are reported on live.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 8, 2020
  3. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    About new content;
    I have only a hunter char, he is so bad, the skills etc, like @trakilaki say is good only at running...

    - WOLVES are pretty ok, is hard to control where you want to atac, they give healt and have some dmg, but on grimmag boss they are not good bcs mindcontrol. So this skills are the best atm for us unfortunately. So summon wolves and just watch, this is very very very boring.

    - BEES, this skill is only for the visual view to feel power but is trash. 45% skill dmg at max and you need to stay close on mobs.

    - SCATTER SHOT(multiple shot) is to simple this skill, only do some dmg and just that. And will eat the concentration in just few hits, a bad skill for me.

    -PRECISION SHOT, is also bad, even if the mobs are mark this skill is to weak., one unmarked mobs in front of your marked enemys and you will hit only one by one, in 2h you will end a map, this skill is the best for player with time, min 10h per day(just kidding). BAD SKILL.

    - EXPLOSIVE ARROW is pretty nice 3,5m radius dmg with 10m mark radius. I don't like the cooldown and the big concentration requied. Make no cooldown on EA and a less concentration requied. And longer time on armor brake to enemies.

    Now you will say i want again to use only EA, now if they will improve, precise shot or multiple shoot I will use gladly those skills. I want or i will like a precise shot with radius dmg 2-3m or something like that, I will like the rangers to have one good skill without cooldown like fire ball on mage, we need a good substantial skill, and rangers don't have it now.
    Now I play only with wolves, tree, adrenaline, EA and deadly impulse bcs don't require cooldown or concentration.
    I hope they will change someting.

    Wisdom i make like 10% in 20-25h of play. So i still need 99levels and 90%, in 20years will be done. Make something with drop of this wisdom.
    Grup wisdom don't work, i rank up a skill to +5 and a rune +4 = 9 realm frags drop, but i still pick +1 ..
    A lot of bugs, i hope you devs are start fix them.

    Guys, a question what stats is the best in items?
    Atac-impact-atac speed or
    Atac-moving sped-atac speed etc
    What you choose? Thx!

    Good luck.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    LordDennius likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    They are supposed to spawn like that.
    The number of spawning monsters is multiplied by the number of players present on the map.
    If the player is alone on the map only groups of 5-10 monsters will spawn. It make sense because those are wilderness maps and high number of players can be present at same time.
    well ... that is a different story :D
    The lag is so high that the toons are simply shifting randomly across various parts of the map.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    tozagol, ргцт and ΣMiwel like this.
  5. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Or you get nebula because the engine is so bad it can't handle all those entities in a map.

    I mean, i only really get nebulas where there are either too many mobs or players, so in cities or wild regions.
  6. Melethainiel

    Melethainiel Team Leader Team Drakensang Online


    Watch your language. Let's keep the thread within the boundaries of polite.
    Thank you very much.

    Good luck!:)
  7. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    Well that's just a bad design for a "sub urb" where the limit of players per instance is higher than a wilderness map.

    This is true.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't think the engine is bad ... it is only doing what it was meant to be doing. It can be modified and altered , but the problem is when you make changes and re-purpose something for different needs you need to make changes and upgrades not only on engine but hardware, infrastructure, resources and tools as well. They were like preparing he servers with those "scheduled maintenance and upgrades" in the past year or more ... but it is not enough.
    They changed the game completely because they saw what other games are doing. They introduced raids like in some other games but without a capacity to do that. The real problem in the game is plagiarism and having no clear plan what to do in the next few years.
    And that is not a weakness of an engine or programmers or testers.
    The fish stinks from its head ...

    The dailies are not working and I can't even take the first chest for days because bosses in the middle challenge are not working and on top of it I can't get a pvp match because of my level :D

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Even tho entrance info says that green items have 0% chance to drop on Bloodshed, i still get quite allot of them.
    Also bit lame to make legendarys 1% chance from painfull to infernal then merciless 2% and bloodshed 8%. Just a bit weird way of increasing values...
    tozagol likes this.
  10. Irish

    Irish Forum Apprentice

    Instead of just saying watch your language, why not also add.... Thank you for all your feedback to date, we are looking into a lot of things at the moment. Thank you for hanging in there with us through this, and thank you for your support.

    This might give us all some sort of hope.

    Good Luck!
    tozagol and LordDennius like this.
  11. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    You don't. You need to approach the mobs every 10s.

    It is not a horde skill, it just need increased damage.

    And come back to the crap we've had before? No thanks, EA design is way better now. It's other things that need to change: HA, PS, longbows.

    Longbows are the solution. If you don't choose a longbow... there are still ways, but that should be one of them.

    Actually, it's possible to make a good build without turrets at all, and that's nice.
  12. Arr

    Arr Forum Expert

    another bonus not working

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Events are really boring now. Shooting the boss for 5minutes on lowest diffuclty with 200k+ dmg/200k ish crit. (allot worse offcourse on higher modes)
    And PVP is worse than ever before... DK's erruption skill makes the entire map explode and you cant do anything about it.

    After the pvp match I pressed close game, cus i dont see any reason to play atm.

    Goodluck all :)
    Im off for now
    tozagol, ргцт and LordDennius like this.
  14. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert


    participated in the poll about what people is thinking about the new game.
    But does Bigpoint really care.
    Most likely not but still i still got hope that they will.
    And until they do i will go on playing other games.
    it's a world of games out there.

    Feel like being released from prison.
    tozagol, ргцт and LordDennius like this.
  15. guardpaladin

    guardpaladin Forum Apprentice

    as a DK playing this game since 5 years or more i can that this CE is the worst update ever ( or expansion or whatever they call).
    the devs didn't leave anything good without spoiling it, starting from the skills down to the HUD and icons.
    giving me the double amount of HP while removing almost all my crit/block/armor/resist rate is just a terrible joke, the day before CE i was a DK with 80% on all those stats with 120K HP, able to play fatal as easy as normal, now after CE my DK have 360K HP but with a destroyed stats ( crit down to 19% and armor/resist to 30%), even that Big Paws is hard to kill at normal diff.
    the runes has been made less worthy, the gems has been multiplied in numbers and decreased in effect, the enchantments i get on items is really ridiculous, mostly crit values enchants, the DK now moves slightly faster than Galapagos turtles while he need to wait for every skill to cooldown, making him the biggest useless rock ( or trash) in the game ( or the new game)
  16. telj

    telj Forum Greenhorn

    thank you for the broken Archer skills. 6 skills don't worked. It would be better if the warrior's skills didn't work
    tozagol and hugovic like this.
  17. brayan1994

    brayan1994 Forum Apprentice

    Which stuns does dragon skin work with? it doesn't thaw and I don't think it worked on non-elemental stuns.

    I really need one more skill space.

    The wisdom drop needs to be increased urgently.
    tozagol, 1vanka and LordDennius like this.
  18. sairacas

    sairacas Forum Greenhorn

    Honest opinion of an endgame player.

    i really liked the expansion for the first 2 days.
    i had a lot of fun grinding exp with my guildmates and also grinding blood chests for legendary items.
    Creating my own build entirely focused on crit/damage/attack speed was also fun to do.

    Now what i dislike about this expansion. I actually think the person that reworked the skills, wisdom and the group effects should be ashamed of himself for not only the lack of creativity but also neglecting old useless things that could easily have been changed to something new and exciting.

    Let me dive a bit deeper into this.

    #1 The 4 skill talents that all start with "master of" giving +50% on a resistance of your choice are very boring and this just means you can change to fire whenever you go to fight a fire boss.

    Also the second parts of these "talents" are so boring and bad.... I can increase lightning attacks by 5% damage for each debuff i stack on an enemy, but i don't even have acces to any lightning attacks......
    Oh it gives 50% extra lightning damage on outburst yay....... so useful...

    #2 Wisdom talents i died a little bit inside when i saw you did not rework the 300 point skills... like really... NO ONE uses this it's so bad i do not want to dive deeper into this as it will only make me mad.

    #3 group skills were reset. I don't even care that you took away my group exp that i've spent probably over 1000 hours gathering because honestly the new group skills are so useless and boring i'm not even using them. Only the realm fragments increase but hey that one is bugged nice.

    overall impression of this release.

    You did some good stuff in the way you changed the gameplay to a more slow paced style of play.

    The skill/wisdom/group changes are so bad though it entirely overthrows the good changes and makes my rating go down to a 2/10 whereas if i would only rate the gameplay i would give at least an 8 or maybe even a 9 out of 10.

    Oh and by the way. Every class can be built and played in at least a decent fashion. Dwarfs still dominate the damage meters especially because of their 3 armor breaks. I'd rate DK's and mages at the same level because DK'S have 3 armor breaks but mages at least twice the DPS when u count in base damage. Only rangers are a bit wacky. If the rangers had 3 armor breaks and dwarfs only 2 it would be more balanced IMHO

    Thanks for reading. I hope you don't get overwhelmed by my negative criticism.

    It must be my own fault for expecting way to much of this CE and the devs.

    I forgot something important, i thought the whole premise of this expansion was to let us do creative builds and make our entirely own playstyle. but it seems that was just a lie as by just a few looks at the skill pages i can see that for every class there if you want to be fast and do damage you should just spamm armor breaks and your main damage skill. it's basically exactly the same as it was before the CE. There might be some very minor improvements here and there but it is not much. As far as i can see dwarfs are the only class with some variety.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    ргцт likes this.
  19. TheWomb

    TheWomb Forum Greenhorn

    I came back to Drakensang after a long break when I heard about the update.
    To say I am dissapointed is an understatement. My character is complete trash now. Level 41 and I can barely kill a few level 36 monsters without almost dying. Limiting our skills to only 5 at a time is a complete joke. The set up I had for my character's skills doesn't even work anymore. I am a ranger and all the skills are different. Blade dance does not mark enemies anymore, and I can only use deadly blow every 30 seconds? I can barely even have a functioning skill setup to use in battle since i am limited to 5 attacks. My attack speed is complete trash and the skill points are not even worth using. Not to mention the skill bar is so small i can barely see it anymore.
    This was the worst update I have ever witnessed in Drakensang. And if the skills are not put back to the way they were I will not be playing anymore. It is actually painful to play at this point. 6 years down the drain.
    tozagol and cigarbennett like this.
  20. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    But this is a problem of the engine, anytime i crash i get a nebula error or a "failed to download critical file", despite the fact that i allow the game to download all of its files.

    And probably all other things compound the problem as well.

    The thing is, the game is too unstable and sometimes it is down right unplayable.
    Hell, sometimes i get high latency despite the fact that my wifi signal is good.
    tozagol likes this.
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