Feedback Dark Legacy is here!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. damatta

    damatta Someday Author

    Bye Big Point...
    notify me when they return to 2013
    tozagol and cigarbennett like this.
  2. Silentstoker

    Silentstoker Forum Greenhorn

    • I came back after several months. Played for 5-6 days.' was bad.

    • Whats wrong? Almost everything: half items from invetory/locker has gone, what is left unusable, what is usable is broken, skill tree is a joke, most skills nerfed and useless, itemization is absurd, crafting trivial, the new maps are tiny, bad quest design (every 2nd is "defend X"-that's creativity, right there), grind for grind's sake, events (reason #1 why I left) even worse... Most important gameplay is so slow and so boring.

    • (I could give more detailed feedback but whats the point? It won't change anything.)

    • Wait, is something good? Yes. Loading screen. I would pay for transmog like that.

    • But I won't pay for gems, gem slots, buffs, farming herbs and ores, resurrection on map, event attires...

    • Overall impression: 2/10. Epic fail.

    • How to fix? Drakensang Online II. Completely new game. Nothing fancy. Something like TL2 would suffice.

    • Or, for my personal taste, The Dark Eye and The river of time remastered. Those Drakensangs, unlike this one, are excellent games.

    • Stay safe and see you when I see you.
    To BP: Don't bother to send me mails with question: Why did you stop playing DSO? Or, like this summer, bonus code with 100 gold, 300 drakens and 2999 pink ess. I left tens of tousands of it. That won't bring me back. Fun and enjoyable game will.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
  3. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    I mean, how did they manage to make the Cardhun so unstable and so prone to crashing?
    I mean, i couldn't spend ten minutes without crashing today at least two times.

    Sometimes the game crashed only a minute after i already crashed and relogged.

    The stability of the game has gone to EDIT
    And not only that, many of the secondary quests are still bugged.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 10, 2020
  4. LANDY18

    LANDY18 Forum Greenhorn

    these vampires suck your life energy))) you are aphids for ants)))
  5. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Of course there are lots of problems with the update, but these two don't belong to them. Most skills are useful actually, and crafting is way better than it was before.

    Most of your other points do stand though, and it's disturbing.
    sargon234 and Hetsunien like this.
  6. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    Not sure how this made it to live servers.
    Tried it, got sick of the bugs in the quests, slowness of gameplay, general disappointment of the game itself.
    I do not want mails of why do you not play DSO anymore.
    Read the forums and you can see why.
    tozagol, cigarbennett, Spugna and 5 others like this.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    And the fact that they, yet again, exponentially increased the grinding in a manner even worse than level 55, if you can believe it.

    Which means that the expansion is bad, but there some( few) good elements in it.
    tozagol likes this.
  8. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    It depends on what class you are playing.
    All ranger's skills are joke ...
  9. callme0216

    callme0216 Padavan

    Every class skills are a joke..
    The fact that people limited to use 5 skills on the bar is just *

    Reminder the steam cost with runes..
    • Dwarfs mechanical turret has no cooldown (44 steam) , you can put it down as many as you want after another. But only one stays down..
    • Automatic turrets are on cooldown.. (42 steam) for me its 7sec with cooldown reduce runes.. believe without its 10sec.. its just dumb and cant even put down two of them..
    • Rocket jump (escape) doesent even work right and it cost a lot of steam, and cooldown..(35 steam)
    • The Heavy Shot cost steam.. (before it was free with a cooldown) doesent even worth to use it..(17 steam)
    • The little Bombs useless(26 steam)
    • Sharpnel shot cost no steam, have a good cooldown ,one of the only skills that worth to use.
    • Iron Dwarf is just broken.. 0 steam, 35 sec more than enough to just spam it non-stop ,and every hit incrasses the tiime that you can spend with the Iron Dwarf. Really good to use but thats all the good part.
    • Steam Conductor (26 steam) more of the time its useless to use..
    And I cant even believe how new players will play this.. I have 177 Steam. But like nerfing classes this much is just nonsense..

    I dont think I said this before ,but it wasnt a Content Expansion. Changeing skills ,and their charateristic has nothing to do with a CE..
    If you make a CE you add skills, like DSO did, but not changeing and nerfing almost all which existed before. Speaking of gears too..

    Yet I still didnt get back my max group level so I guess I never will.

    They not going to revert anything, even struggleing with all the hotfixes which is hillarious for me never ever seen any other game fail this much and this often with this big of a supporting community. And Im not speaking of myself.. I know [EDIT] regarding feedback.. but this game was close to me and seeing that it fails soo hard after the Eastern company took over it is just sad.
    There will be at least 10+ hotfix, prepare for that.

    I hope my comment doesnt get deleted. Cause this is truly what I feel about this game, and will never forget how miserable this CE was with its release.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 10, 2020
    tozagol, trakilaki, ргцт and 2 others like this.
  10. 7Kana

    7Kana Junior Expert

    Here is my feedback after trying the game.
    The command bar has changed and the one you put sucks, it's not like moving things and shrinking them improves something.
    We want to talk about the graphics of the objects? that too is garbage, unwatchable, who got the idea that this was better than the previous one? looking at objects one does not understand what is what.
    Not to mention the abilities, cooldowns, mana consumption, the skill tree. The game as it is now is terrible.
    I had a respectable wizard before CE, now my items are garbage, it's a disappointing CE, I feel like wasted my time (1 year) here.
    This is no longer DSO, but it is another game I don't want to play.
    Maybe BP doesn't read player feedback, and maybe my time writing here will count for nothing, and neither does the time and money I spend on this game.
    The CE is garbage and I'm off to play something else, bye. Merry Christmas everyone.
    tozagol, cigarbennett, Spugna and 6 others like this.
  11. FredyX666

    FredyX666 Advanced

    Coming here after today´s hotfix with great disappointment. What was actually changed by the hotfix in reality?

    - Group talent runes should now grant the full bonus.= no, they dont. i have a group rune +2 to spherical fragment. I went to the great dessert map purely for this purpose, to find out whether it has been repaired, on infernal difficulty. I took a guildmate with myself, after 3 or 4 full clears and kills of sentinel, finally i dropped a spherical frag. I have a rune which grants +2 to the stack, its seen in the group talent window that it adds + to the stack. How many frags did i get after 15-20mins of play? 1 and i am absolutely sure it was just one because i wrote down the number of frags i had on a paper. Unless i was supposed to get minus 1 frag from the drop (lol) the group talents still arent working atlthough they were supposed to sad.
    I went with the route of spherical because i found that to be the most accurate, since i dont know what the stack drops for wisdoms, coin, anders might be. Already lvl 100 hundred so exp is irrelevant and not interested in hunting the Shard of despair or what, since during 55-100 i dropped 11 only.

    - HP regen runes still dont work
    - burn, poison etc. debuffs on enemies still dont work properly!

    Since it happened many times in the past that even changes which were not introduced in the patch/hotfix notes were deployed, i was hoping that the bosses hp would be modified....Didnt happen.
    I went christmas event solo infernal. Bear has over 5milion hp on shield and that i think is an okay value, but his hp is over 160 MILLION!
    THIS IS TOTALLY UNIMAGINABLY RIDICULOUSLY STUPID omg. I cant write it any differently. Absurd ridiculous ludicrous crazy insane. Pick which you like.
    Just yesterday i created a warrior purely for fun. You know what was the funniest? Heredur boss fight. I was on lvl 17, heredur had over 3K hp in shield (i remember this very well) and over 16 000hp. You know what dmg i was dealing? 16 with the lvl1 skill, 26dmg with smash. Make the calculation and make your own opinion on this. Fighting up to catacombs the mobs were very easy to kill with warrior, however entering the next wilderness Wild Forest it starts to get a little hard (i play this game long time, when i say it gets hard, you can honestly trust that). In the wildhertz cavern you someone start to feel you deal little dmg although your gear is up to lvl. In slifmoor you have insanely hard time killing the beasts in Southwest, because there spawn maybe over 40 mobs in that section, and they are all after you. I mean, if i was a beginner and new to the game, this would probably be the point when i uninstall the game and look for something else.

    ts not my job to put some serious thought into this game, i am not payed for that. Others are.
    I will only mention the horrible bosses situation further.
    Many simple solution to that. Option 1: Reduce their health. Drastically. Looking back at the bear. 5milion hp shield, 160milion real hp. Lower the hp to triple value of shield. Seems fair. They drop garbage most of the time anyway. For bear 5milion hp for shield, 15milion real hp.
    Option 2: repair the debuffs so they work AS THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BY THE DESCRIPTION. For burn its 1%hp per sec, for poison 2%hp per sec i think. Make this work. Yes the bosses will go down in 20 seconds, so what. Is this the best solution to this problem? No. Is this the worst that has happened in the game? No.

    Game where bosses go down in seconds with players who actually play it makes more sense to me than game where bosses take 15minutes and people dont play the game. And noone sane will play this anymore, because its just too far beyond the line of whats acceptable. Please moderators listen to the real feedback and forward it to bp. They really need it, because it seems like no one in development is actually REALLY playing the game and understanding it. If they were, they wouldnt sell a part of recipe in kinshill for hp buff which lasts only 2hours for 120 760 gold (yes 120 760 gold, go check it yourself). Oh my god how could just something so ridiculous take place i dont understand
  12. MagicProtection

    MagicProtection Someday Author

    it is humiliating to realize that you wasted your time or how little it was worth. but the game does not force us to continue, and the developers are working to solve the problems, not to play. they know well the value of this game and how to use the time in that game. if any of you have the opportunity to actually speak to an important employee, you will understand that he is here professionally and you are here to have fun. for developers, you are not creating anything of value to you while playing, just for your character, any ordinary user is treated like no one else, and if you leave here nothing will change with your exit. the emails they send are automatic. and if you come back, stay tuned.
    tozagol and goawaythenob like this.
  13. DamarèRo

    DamarèRo Padavan

    Some player already say this big problems but I want to say it to;

    DK have that skill ridiculous designed which BURN the whole area and i do not see a ****, I don't even know which side I'm shooting at, it destroy our eyes, and here are still a few skills which make the same thing...

    Yesterday i was on bloodsheed(q3) with some friends and all of us are around 200-250k dmg and 150-170k impact, anyway what I want to say is we fight with heredur for like 10min and the drop was 3x premium cube and 3x blue items, this is ALL i GOT, very sweet what I can tell more? Ah one more, I know all classes have problems or su**s skill but the RANGERS is TRASH !!! First time in 4years I think to drop the game if you BP dont change something big SOON not LATER.

    Darcy legacy / solo play = dead, not anymore !! I really enjoy sometines to play on relax alone.
    tozagol and .kibertron. like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Thats also one of the biggest downsides for me. My guild died in 2015 and been solo since....and now im forced to play with other if I want to fight a boss.

    Also some stuff went poof from my locker during the CE update and support says they cant find anything. And thus its gone and this really piss me off.
    tozagol likes this.
  15. нафаня

    нафаня Forum Greenhorn

    I remember the romance of the days when Balor was only one level of difficulty. How long and meticulous it took to assemble a party, collect vials with cures and all sorts of resurrectors to leave them all there in one go. How they fought him for 30-40 minutes, fell by the whole pack from one of his attacks...... It was all, but after the victory everyone was satisfied, Balor generously gifted the winners.....
    And the day before yesterday, some of my buddies (I was not in the game) gathered into a party at Arachnu MM complexity bloody, all players with considerable experience, as far as could equip and forward. According to the story they were fighting for a long time 15 minutes, also fell down all the pack rising and so until killed. In the end a bang, niodoi legendary, I'm silent about unics, one person and why the blue gifts from the winter stock.
    As shame on the developers, people so many years of your game, and many of the money you paid a lot...
    Lord owners BigPoint, I draw your attention that the current team of developers, this rotten tech, they do not understand the spirit of the game Drakensang Online, drive them in the neck, and return the players well, if not the version of 2013, then at least that was before this new content.
    I suspect that this letter will be removed from the access, but I hope that everyone will sign up for it.
    PS: And the new workbench loses its charm on the background of the rest, it is useless with the current disbalance ...
  16. Nalucitura

    Nalucitura Forum Apprentice

    HP on bosses is simply ridiculous. I have no idea yet if one can actually solo high mods but even on Painful mode it's just...boring. There is no fun in it anymore. They are not meant to solo you say ? Before CE, upgrading your character was something to look forward to when you could farm t10 solo. You felt you've acomplished something. If it was implemented to encourage team play, it think it failed there as well. Also, inf fragments are not dropping (at least for me)
  17. JoeXOnu

    JoeXOnu Forum Greenhorn

    Here's my feedback on Dark Legacy CE (Besides Feedback you've already received about a multitude of issues) : DSO/Bigpoint seriously needs to ditch the several clear and obvious money grab ethics that launched with this CE ; specifically things like the 500 anderment cost on a single use "Multi Tool" or 2300 for 5 (Noticing yet that hardly anyone is buying them???) I know I refuse to I just won't gather materials , oh well. = I"m ok if it's a 2500 Anderment cost for a permanent "Multi Tool" per character but the CE current method is severe BULLCRAP.
    tozagol, Spugna and FAALHAAS like this.
  18. MisterNoob

    MisterNoob Advanced

    hmm "Dark Legacy is here!" o_O

    so now we waiting for "Dark Legacy is away!" :D ... terrible patch
    tozagol, cigarbennett, Alpaca and 5 others like this.
  19. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Another really reprehensible problem, I can not understand how such absurdity is possible. Whenever I transfer any % enchantment like movement, attack, block, its resulting value is changed to -2147463648. I have totally stuck from being able to craft this type of lines.

    If it's a joke, it's in bad taste, if it's nonsense, you better get it sorted out first, because these are things worthy of a complete incompetent.

    And do not bother me telling that I have to report it to support. I've already done it, of course, but unlike in the past, now I don't even get the automatic reply email, so I don't even know if they have received my inquiry or not.


    Last edited: Dec 11, 2020
  20. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    you shouldn't report game bugs since they won't fix them this year anyways .. they simply don't care about most of the new bugs ... they care more about getting enough money for a next-year summer vacation
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