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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. Aeneas

    Aeneas Forum Apprentice

    Want to say something similar:

    Bosses' and monsters' hps and also their dmg should be lowered, bcs noone can now run maps solo (I mean bloodshed), bcs there are too many monsters around with in average 20kkk hp for each one of them, so how am I supposed to kill them all with my dmg 180k with 1h (green ess), when they're hitting me for like 150k and 800k (mini boss) when my hps are 1,7kkk ? I know it's not impossible, but at he same point it's boring, takes too much time to kill something when they have hps like that...

    Speaking 'bout the final bosses, in my opinion developers could just make the system same as it was before CE, by that I mean bosses had MORE lower hps, but u couldn't go for double armor pen. as much as now, but it was better when u could hit them with double arm. pen. in a range like from 75% of boss' hps to 25%, bcs they didn't have such a big hp, so it wasn't that hard even for solo run. Now u're 5 in group killing boss with 750kkk hp, which takes a let's say not bad team like 6mins... and after killing a boss u're amazed 'bout the "nicely done" drop system -> only 3x magic items and 1x extraordinary item (bloodshed diff.)... Literally u spent 6 mins for nothing at all and also drop from monsters and mini bosses is ridiculous, at least mini bosses should always drop something... New players must think that it's impossible to make a progress, so it becomes unplayable.

    And speaking 'bout the drop I hope dev. already know that drop is not working the way it should be, so I just want to mention some stuff that should drop more (like it was before CE):
    -> ancient wisdoms
    -> spirit stones
    -> lockpicks
    -> realm fragments

    And also as it was mentioned before FRAGMENTS OF INFERNAL PASSAGES DOESN'T DROP (from merciless diff.) AND THEY CAN'T BE OBTAINED ANY OTHER WAY IN THE GAME.

    Eventually I want to say a message to the dev.: GAME MEANS TO BE PLAYED BY PLAYERS, BUT PLAYERS PLAY THE GAME TO ***HAVE A GOOD TIME***, BUT IF THEY DON'T FEEL THAT WAY, THEY'LL NOT PLAY IT NEXT TIME AND THE GAME WITHOUT PLAYERS WILL DIE. **So start to more think 'bout your players needs, otherwise u'll lose them all. And I'm sure I speak for other players too, not just for myself.**

    Wish u all Merry Christmas and the best of luck in new year!

    (I'm a player who's walking on wire and soon will have to decide if I stay here or I will quit it once and for all, after 7 years)
  2. sharky07

    sharky07 Forum Greenhorn

    tnx god i didnt pay for month after new "improvements" . dnno what i was hopping for - game before this ... still dont know how to call that tbh , was more than good . now ... its complete garbage ... and EDIT why u have to mess whit skill tree ?! gl and gb
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 12, 2020
    tozagol and cigarbennett like this.
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    This is a blocking bug that prevents to improve the char, it's not any of the silly things reported here on, as well bad working buffs or so on. Its gravity seems to me much greater and such as to require immediate resolution. I'm not saying they have to postpone their holidays to fix thousand bugs of all kinds and nature, but things so far-fetched like this can't be left until January or whatever.
    tozagol likes this.
  4. cogix

    cogix Regular

    if that is a joke, what do you think about this?

    500 gold for 3700 progress on the second bar in the mini event.... I will feel very rich
    tozagol and trakilaki like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Nice man! Dont spend it all at it, so you can buy a legendary bottle for 120k and craft yourself a nice buff!!

    woohooo doing a happy dance yet?
  6. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    that thing for 120k gold is just laughable ..
    tozagol and MagicProtection like this.
  7. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    as far as being able to play, got few issues there, dc a couple times.
    a couple quest's seem to be bugged:
    Surrounded 1/1, i found him and he does not respond
    A Faint Hope 1/1, cleared the map at least 75 times and got no scroll
    Dear Diary 1/2, every time to the map Q guidance says re enter map so no pages found
    Darkness My Old Friend 1/1, 0 carnelians and 0 ferns to be had with every visit to the map
    The Flute of Shelter 1/1, no idea where to even look

    start DSO may 21 2012
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
  8. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Since that number is the lowest possible signed 32bit integer value (and you probably know it), it's rather clearly a bug. How does it happen - I don't know honestly, but the percentage calculation is broken all around anyways.

    Game required major changes. It was terrible and would die if they didn't overhaul it. The problem is... for every problem they fixed, they introduced 10 new ones. Also, the skilltree was one of the reasons of problems before CE. Now, it is more complex and, in my opinion, easier to balance. That said, it is not balanced - but again, compared to other things, this is an easy fix.

    Now some of my own feedback:
    + new enchantment transfer crafting is very good and effort-reflective
    + new gem crafting system is good
    + new skill tree conception is quite interesting
    + the lower amount of difficulties in PW and events and the some differences aside of mob stats between the difficulties are a good idea
    + loot quality over quantity approach is good - there was way to much loot before
    + class and set balance is a bit better

    - classes and skills are still not fully balanced, especially the damage of the ranger's precise shot is too low, hunting arrow should pierce at least one opponent and the mage's fireball with the fire mastery is too strong - it shouldn't pierce unlimited enemies; on top of the some elemental mastery talents are weaker and uninteresting when compared to other options
    - some uniques got destroyed too much: for example the gnob's weapons and offhand items are boring, also their unique values (and those of the premium shop items) don't fit their names anymore
    - merchant uniques are useless - lvl100 vs lvl140-145 - and even 140 vs 145 shouldn't be there
    - the costs of crafting bottles etc. is way too high
    - multitool is just laughable
    - there are still lots of bugs in important game aspects
    - killing most minibosses and bosses doesn't feel rewarding enough - minibosses should have at least one item guaranteed (quality mod-dependant) and bosses should have just more interesting drops - just please not the junk-spam we had!
    - some other problems that I view as minor or I forgot about
    Spugna and trakilaki like this.
  9. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    Why do you want to put the enchantment on wrong place?
    if you want the best you need to look at the base value ;)
  10. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Clearly, you are right.

    They are simply demonstrative images, in order to show the bug.

    Items are bad and i also switched random % lines among them, just to reproduce the problem and show here (and to support) what the hell i am getting out.

    When I started to receive this kind of weird results (maybe after hotfix, or whenever it started) I literally destroyed several full plat items, during proper crafting attempts, even because they seemed no longer able to correctly receive further enchantments after they were messed up by workbench. So in the anger of the moment I melted all them.

    Then I tried to understand the logic and the reason behind of the problem, and I made lot of other attempts, using trash items and lines. This morning I had a moment when I had the feeling that the issue gone, so I attempted to switch 4x plat dmg with 4x plat attack speed among two legendary items. This is the "remarkable" result I obtained from it:


    And it is not simply a matter of wrong visualization of the enchantment values on the screen: after they are messed up, these lines no longer have any effect in the calculation of the stats, regardless of the base values of the item you transfer them to. It is like as if they no longer exist.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
    trakilaki likes this.
  11. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    this happens when you switch block , movement speed and attack speed if they are not present in the basic values of the item, but you can resert with the right items...
    Javah likes this.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

  13. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    new cloak bug .. please make cloaks invisible while using certain costumes like it was before ...[​IMG]
  14. Spugna

    Spugna Forum Apprentice

    I mean, seriously, they must have outsourced all development process to some indian elementary school or something.

    Also, it's obvious that nobody is able to kill mobs or monsters, because you simply aren't paying enough.
    Just try and spend some andermants to buy all the buffs you need and that's it ;)

    What's that? You already did so but the boss didn't drop the shiny crap you wanted so much? In fact it dropped just a couple of white useless items?
    Well now, let's not be greedy here, you can't have everything... just repeat the process all over again, it takes just a few hours and a few thousands andermants...
    And when you get tired of constantly dying, you can always go harvesting some useless crap, you only need to throw away 500 stupid anders for each plant...

    We might as well open bets: how many days before the finally go bankrupt? o_O
  15. 7Kana

    7Kana Junior Expert

    I am not a person who likes to write in the forums, so I rarely do, but some things must be said. I've read a lot of concepts above, but one thing not everyone seems to understand is that:
    Suppose a person sits in front of the PC to relax and plays DSO for the first time, and dropping little or nothing, do you think he will stay playing? Maybe you don't know that for hack and slash games, player satisfaction comes from drops and the ability to kill monsters? Now suppose he keeps playing and then he will come to a boss, when he can't kill him he will definitely stop, and another reason to stop is the fact that he will have a hard time progressing with the character. This is just to show how bad it is in the new CE.
    It is not to be underestimated that people leave for a wrong CE, the player deserves respect too, you lose existing and future players at the same time, good game!
  16. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

    an another bug .. i think that i shouldn't be able to do this ...
    tozagol likes this.
  17. MagicProtection

    MagicProtection Someday Author

    when they launched on TS, in the early days it was very easy to kill the heredur even in the penultimate mode, a level 30 character killed effortlessly and very quickly. but it seems that they, with their reasons, decided to change that. but it is clear that, for me, changes aimed at the positive experience of the player, from the desire of the majority of the community, can be made with a decision of the development team. it seems that these horrible reports from most players are not being read, although we know that the team is certainly following the forum and attentive to this topic, we just don't know if they care about our opinion. by current behavior, it seems not. but we will expect a responsive position in a few days.
  18. Sentan

    Sentan Forum Greenhorn

    i just got the drain resource and wrath of death debuff for the first time. as far as i am concerned these debuffs are really BP's way of telling us to go explore their competitions games. like most people i have a set amount of time to play a game. if im going to risk getting a game debilitating debuff that causes me to stay logged into the game for an hour while it wears off the game is not worth playing. my time is better spent finding a new game that lets me play the whole time i have available for playing. thank you BP for giving me the time to explore new options. this debuff alone makes the game not worth my time to play.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2020
  19. EmilyRose

    EmilyRose Forum Duke

    I love this game ..nebula, bug and all you hate ;)
    Elégedetlenkedő and FAALHAAS like this.
  20. hugosaez

    hugosaez Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, i have a problem i no longer log in there is an error message why ? While was playing 40 min ago this account
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