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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    You love continual crashes and bugs that slow you down?
    I am not masochistic and i am not a shill.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. xmofixg

    xmofixg Forum Greenhorn

    Since BP only fixes the bugs that favor players and not those that harm them, people, take advantage of every bug you can
    Drakensang Online has been dead for 2.5 years. 4 latest junk expansions prove it. They won't cheat me anymore. Goodbye forever Drakensang. I will not miss you.
  3. dlsay8119

    dlsay8119 Forum Greenhorn

    I been playing this game over 10 years. I fed up trying to make my skills from zero after every release. What for you are doing tihs. What is your purpose to have new players or to make happier all players. You must know, you will not have any new players and nobody will be happy. Just take this release back to the 02.12.2020. If you don't do that, this game will be over. You are killing yourself, can't you see that.
    If you will not change back this game, this release will be the beginning of the end of dso.
    tozagol and M.Max0011 like this.
  4. Orange_George

    Orange_George Padavan

    the rarity upgrade crafting is not working on 4x of the same item type and all lvl gear within 3 lvl's.
    all items have been identified , the option is available untill i put the 4th piece on the WB ,
    then it changes to enhancement transfer only.

    the option for the upgrade is available when a unmatched 4th piece is added.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
  5. Svetlana

    Svetlana Active Author

    For 9 years the games have not learned how to make normal events. It takes an hour to kill the boss and you need 315 visits ...
    Understand, we cannot live in the game ...
    tozagol, gbit, ргцт and 2 others like this.
  6. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    That is by design ... all rarity upgrades are random crafts, requiring at least two different slot types (3x armor + 1x hat; 1x armor + 2x belt + 1x glove; etc.) You cannot put 4 of the same type of equipment on the workbench and craft 1 of that same type at the next rarity level.
  7. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    What kind of crashes and fixes were fixed? apparently none, as it still keeps crashing every five minutes, some times even a few seconds after reloading from a previous crash.

    Skyrim on my computer has over 200 mods on it and yet it manages to be much more stable than this game.

    How about you actually fix the issues and use better servers?

    A toaster would handle this game better than whatever pile of junk you're using as a "server"
  8. sairacas

    sairacas Forum Greenhorn

    I really hate to say this but....

    I just had the worst experience of my life playing this game.

    It all began as i noticed I was out of Infernal passages.

    So me with my positive but ofcourse in the case of "bugpoint" naïve as **** mindset. I got the idea to start killing some bosses on merciless mode in order to possibly gain some infernal fragments so i could enter the suburbs later with my guildmates and kill the legendary raid boss.

    Now keep in mind, im a fairly strong player, my guild members are all fairly OP too.
    4.00 attack speed 200-300k damage 50% crit thats about the average stats of us players.
    we spent 2 hours farming nefertari on merciless mode as fast as we could, using boss pets and the mastery of ice talent so the boss would heal almost no HP at all.
    Allthough this kind of gameplay where we just freeze the boss and spamm our armor breaks and dodge 2 meteors each bossfight is mind numbingly boring we still spent 2 hours there so i could try and get some fragments.
    As you might've seen coming i did not drop a single fragment.
    So i decided to kill some minibosses in random maps in merciless on my own. This went pretty fast. allthough i killed 30 minibosses and still did not drop a single fragment. I was kinda desperate, looking for infernal fragments in the materi shop and the andermant shop. No infernal frags to be seen, anywhere.

    I am so glad i have not spent a single dime on this game since at least half a year and im definitely going to keep it that way. The way these devs balance this game is so sh1t i just don't have any words for it. the only thing keeping me in this game are my friends and guilsmembers with whom i always have a great time. I fear that is slowly going to come to an end. I have been willing to look away from this mockery for a long time. But every time BP has to take it a little step further. Honestly, shame on you. With the way you treat your customers and your product, you don't deerve anything good in life. I know this may sound extreme, but i am dead serious. It has been going on for a too long time.
  9. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I feel like they are draining our resources on purpose, bad gems on higher modes
    low wisdom drop
    no infernal frag drop <- I did manage to drop 1 from a normal mob on merciless the other day
    I have 2k lockpicks left and plan to keep it that way too
  10. cogix

    cogix Regular

    my consideration for deluxe membership:

    * 20% more ex points --- reached lvl 100 I don't need it anymore
    * win 25% honor points --- PVP is dead
    * pay 35% less in ander and gold in workbench --- pity that now it is only with Glyph
    * 200 ander daily --- wow, I feel rich
    * mystic cubes --- they contain most green / blue items and all are lvl of the toon, drops from monsters are much better
    * portable locker whenever you are --- maybe it is useful
    * additional bag inventory --- (same as premium) and it can be useful
    * additional slots in locker --- it could be useful when tons of items
    * reshuffle daily for free --- daily rewards are so bad that most of the time I don't finish them
    * get and additional talent present --- ah.. really?
    * access to privilege merchant Emilia --- to buy craps? items are much lower than green items I can find from mobs
    * free travel on world map --- save few golds... not a big deal
    * free respawning in the same area --- good only if you are not in group
    * an additional royal surprise chest --- crap inside, no comment
    * exclusive tempest phoenix --- never used, useless
    * special harpy companion --- same as above
    * fantastic wings --- used 1 min, changed to my normal mount
    * additional hotkey bar --- I already have 3... useless
    * auto pick-up keys, ammunition and quest items --- saves 1-2 sec
    * increased auto pick-up range --- saves 1 sec

    now I feel a bit cheated by DSO, those are not updated rewards and I feel stupid because I renewed it
    tozagol, kerad19711 and ргцт like this.
  11. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    All 4 items must be same level - for example 80... Even one item differs - there is no option to craft it. 4 greens 80lvl=1 blue 80lvl.
  12. cogix

    cogix Regular

    it happened to me when for example one of the item is the "damage" shield.
    If I remove that item and put another item, it works
    I think that is a bug
  13. FlashRhymes

    FlashRhymes Forum Greenhorn

    Without steam regeneration, there is no point in playing with the steam technician. Even if it gives +5 steam with each shot, it is enough for us. They gave the archers +10 mana regeneration with each shot and we have nothing anymore. It's almost impossible to escape the enemies that destroy the steam in the winter event. There is only the iron dwarf ability that regenerates our steam and even if we use it, the enemy destroys our steam immediately and this time we cannot do anything due to the iron dwarf cooldown.
    tozagol, M.Max0011 and [Samotnick] like this.
  14. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    Lie some more.

    Those mobs are a bad joke and should be nerfed/reworked. Also think about DKs first.
  15. guardpaladin

    guardpaladin Forum Apprentice

    i want to talk a little about the daily quest system, before CE they said that " your loyalty will be rewarded", and mentioned a new system to make the daily quests much better an worthy to complete, but what?
    what's the point in giving me some quests that i can't do? for example: i get a daily quests that ask me to kill mobs or champions on fatal or infernal while i'am at lvl 55, so i cant' enter those difficulties because they require lvl 60 and higher, no comment.
    also: the rewards are joke, 1000 glyphs as a second reward? or maybe that useless chest?
    on top of this junk rewards a player need to do at least 2 quests to get a single junk, really great job.
    tozagol, ргцт and trakilaki like this.
  16. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Not to mention that the rewards were much better in the past, since for example the second raw of quests could give at least 750 blue essences and if you were lucky 250 red essences.
    tozagol and ргцт like this.
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    That is incorrect ... items of any level can be crafted. Only random "rarity upgrade" is available ... like in the old times with 25% chance of getting item type of one of the placed in the slots. But with a bug it can give you item type that is not even used in the process of crafting - in example 3x quiver and 1x bow and you can get a shield.

    Where do I need to subscribe in order to get that 10 resource regeneration ... on top of it mana?
    I know of such talent but it ain't free.
    And on top on even that it is BS.
    Come on, that is a low move insulting comparison. They don't deserve that. They are capable and worth much more than that.
    Don't underestimate the Indian pupils.
    tozagol, ргцт and Selene-Rip like this.
  18. stacker99

    stacker99 Forum Master

    @trakilaki I don't want to argue with you - just try 4 bows same lvl. Now quivers and shields are same thing - offhand item with random base stats, so IMHO this is not a bug. We all know the lack of creativity of Bigpoint. Now I don't have matching items but when I got some - will post result. Later today. Same items <> lvl and same lvl <> items.
  19. menestrelul

    menestrelul Someday Author

    There are steam regeneration runes, they are called: Rune of Recharging.
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I don't say something without checking it first. I have tried after the new game came on live servers.
    An i did check once again before replying to the previous post.
    4x same level pistols ... they have to be same level because i got them by clicking on daily chests ... and I did check if they are same level anyway.
    No, quiver and shield is not a same thing.
    Just like Hoaxbow and 1H bows are not same. And you probably have checked with mixed 1h + 2h weapons. That is like trying with belts and torsos. they are different type.
    Longbows and shortbows are same type ... 1H mace axe and sword are same type.
    tozagol, kerad19711 and silverseas like this.
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