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Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. Dampfxaoc

    Dampfxaoc Advanced

    SuRe! That is why im not complaining like you, not waiting for compensation like you, not crying everywhere that dwarfs are fully nerfed. And that is why i preffer farm in group where mages are always welcome.
  2. Шотто

    Шотто Advanced

    Indeed, the "Singularity" skill is bugged in the aspect that it doesn't decrease the armor and the elemental resistance values of the Bosses. Due to the skill description it should, but it doesn't. It works fine on regular mobs and mini-bosses only.
    I hope it will be fixed asap.
    tozagol likes this.
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    You are right, thank you. They seem to be screwed up, but they can be restored moving them back. However this creates huge confusion especially if you haven't gotten to fiddle with these issues on the test server, even considering that other kind of lines are not affected by this "bug" or whatever it is. I destroyed some really interesting items due of this problem, but never mind, I realize that it wasn't anything that really make a difference.
  4. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    A question, I have, said Yoda. Why am I getting level 12 legendary items as drops from level 100 mobs while playing on Infernal? I would say it's a bug, but knowing who created this game and how they think.. it might be intended.
    tozagol and sargon234 like this.
  5. Monkey

    Monkey Forum Great Master

    I am not interested in your behavior in the game and the schedule of your life (game), I am worried about the problem of the singularity and the state of affairs of magicians in the game.
    tozagol likes this.
  6. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The abstract concept of Drakensang
    tozagol, Steve75 and TwiliShadow like this.
  7. Dampfxaoc

    Dampfxaoc Advanced

    If you believe its bugged or doesnt work properly - report in official DSO-group in discord channel. You can also make suggestion there. If you need the link - let me know. No need to be thankfull. Crying and yelling all over the forums doesn't bring anything.

    JEKAJE Junior Expert

    The problem is that the new gameplay changes don't even sound good on paper. The new skill trees are a straight up downgrade. They are simpler, boring and mostly don't even make sense. On top of that I still haven't seen any examples of why the new versions are better even from players who like them. This update looks like an alpha version of this game.
    tozagol likes this.
  9. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    Actually doesn't get why you guys complain about the new CE, saying worst update ever
    but still playing the game. Have you given up and lost hope.
    instead of playing you rather should boycut Dso, you will never get the old game back if
    you dont, you should also stop writing about your gaming experience with the new game.
    Bp just thinks you have settled with it and find the game not good but fair afterall.
    I hope the CE dies because of lack of players, and Bp will be forced to revert back.
    I haven't played the game for a week now, and it was actually rather hard the first days
    being away from the game, but now it's a relief.
    Hope you guys wont be to angry with me. But just felt like saying my opinion.
    -=vizuviy=- and ргцт like this.
  10. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Okay, I really need some explanation. My Spellweaver's mana just halved, without me changing anything at all. I switched maps and that's all.

    Looking at the stats, it says: Primary Mana: 100 || Relative Modifier: -49.600%

    Again, I haven't changed anything at all. I didn't change items, I didn't change wisdom skills or XP skills. I didn't change runes and I didn't change gems.

    I would appreciate if anyone can offer some sort of information.

    I tried reloading the game. I changed skill pages back and forth. I reset the skills. Nothing. I also have no buffs or debuffs and changing locations doesn't fix it.

    Could this be a "new feature"?
    tozagol likes this.
  11. Khrone

    Khrone Someday Author

    Are you absolutely positive there's no debuff above your resource bar?
  12. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Yes! About one hour later, without changing anything again, my mana pool increased. Still didn't have the full resources. After another random time (10-15 minutes) everything was back to normal. No buffs, nothing.

    Thank you BigPoint for this new feature! I am now 100% sure it was a bug. I hope it happens again when I do Bloodshed or something. It would be fun.

    Next time I'll record the screen for everyone to see.
    tozagol likes this.
  13. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Hold on to those level 12 legendary items. They have 4 enchantment lines and make a great, cheap, place to store and line up your plat lines. :)

    Ummmm... HELLO. BLOODSHED. It's a feature!

    I hear other guidies who've already reached 100 going to the Library on Bloodshed and some of the monsters in there cause massive debuffs. And those debuffs are game time controlled, not go away when you leave the map and go elsewhere (which is a problem).

    === ===

    I just noticed that I forgot to record my level dates... I'm up from 55 to 71 already. :(

    === === ===
    Oh look. In answering post coming down the list, I ended up with 2 consecutive posts cause I didn't know I had the last one when I posted the second response. GEE WIZZZ, that WASN'T hard to do... that is.. getting multiple posts together.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2020
    tozagol likes this.
  14. Асото

    Асото Someday Author

    with tomorrow hotfix:

    Slightly increased damage and health points of all monsters
    Added additional debuffs to all attacks of the Sludges
    added an aura to all Sludges that will buff all enemies nearby

    is this some kind of a joke?
    tozagol and FAALHAAS like this.
  15. sargon234

    sargon234 Commander of the Forum

    Sadly it isn't and even if it was, it would a joke in bad taste.
    tozagol, Alpaca and FAALHAAS like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I was waiting for them to remove those dumb buffs....not make them worse.
    Im so confused :\
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  17. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Umm.. hello? I haven't entered Bloodshed yet and I didn't have any buffs/debuffs active on me.
    tozagol likes this.
  18. hacker09897

    hacker09897 Someday Author

    Oh really ?
    I was convinced they do it.
    Btw you know, why they do it? Becouse we were so stronger on bloodsheld. That right ! So nobody need it improve stones on max right?
    So idea Bp- improve power mobs and sludges, but wait it will be the best news now . New players atm no have party to farm frags right? well so what did bp is taking only on bloodsheld mode debuffs and save other modes.
    So after hoftix, you will be farming only mercilass. Now you know what i mean ? mercillass = frags on bloodsheld.
    max mercilass mode = nerf strong players again.
    Enjoy game
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2020
    tozagol likes this.
  19. linco1

    linco1 Forum Apprentice

    "Additional fixes for the monster spawn behavior to avoid map server crashes and client crashes"

    So, does that mean that there are no monsters in the map entries?
    Will the deaths caused during map exchanges are going to stop?
    I hope so.
  20. SuperMan888888

    SuperMan888888 Forum Greenhorn

    Guys,how i can craft light essence?
    i did that mission to kill 9999 shadow monsters but it didnt gave me anything like recipe for light essence
    tozagol likes this.
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