Feedback Dark Legacy is here!

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Dec 3, 2020.

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  1. 9ndrei

    9ndrei Forum Expert

    Dream on. :)
    tozagol and ргцт like this.
  2. Nalucitura

    Nalucitura Forum Apprentice

    tozagol, Alpaca, cigarbennett and 6 others like this.
  3. n1cky

    n1cky Exceptional Talent

  4. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I thought for days whether to leave a long and articulated feedback that can deal in detail with all these news that have been thrown up on us. Then I decided that my time is more important than feedback that nobody would care about, just like nobody cares about yours.

    I only intervene to say thanks to the production for freeing me from the embarrassment whether to watch a movie, read a good book, or play with Drakensang.

    Now this last option is absolutely useless, as well as totally unsatisfying: I reached in a few days the probably top equipment of these times, I tried other combinations such as the New Moon set and the Mechanic set only to realize that they change little and are not worth at all, because the gap between the players and the monsters is now abysmal and unbridgeable. And to take note that probably the only thing that would make me fill the gap is to spend thousands of euros on gigantic gems and runes to crumble, which I will never do, not because I can't, but because I'm not stupid to the point of chasing an ephemeral and short-lived advantage in such a way.

    The fact of having to group by force to be able to do even the simplest thing like taking down a boss in the lowest modes, is only right in theory, but deeply wrong because this game was dead before and now it remains dying anyway: people have started again to play much less, after the very first days when everyone was online, and to make a group you again need to wait often for a long time, with the result then of getting things that after a few days of intense farm are already superfluous if not totally useless.

    Till level 55, indeed, there was at least the possibility of doing things alone, when you didn't find a group or you simply didn't feel like pulling around the noobs begging for help in the chat region, now at opposite you can't even do that anymore, because you no longer know what purpose to do it, not understanding (at least me) what will be useful in the future times of the game, and in any case because you do not have the necessary strength to do anything alone, almost not even to destroy a materi portal.

    If the intention was to discourage me even more from playing, they did it very good, and they succeeded in full. Reason why I thank them for that, they freed me up precious time to do other things.
    tozagol, Alpaca, Steve75 and 8 others like this.
  5. rcch

    rcch Advanced

    Agree with Javah, sets are pointless. Will not spend 100k euros for gems(currently only way to get those).
    They effectively killed solo play. Most likely will get back to game more when 246 comes and they say(do not trust them at this point) that they would address issues on gems/wisdom/skill bugs/boss drops
    before that , there is nothing to go after.
    Bit sad because there is a lot that I like also with latest changes.
    tozagol, Alpaca and cigarbennett like this.
  6. wood00

    wood00 Forum Greenhorn

    TIme for a feedback, not that it will be heared because everything seams to be ignored but i made a list anyways.

    -Event rewards
    -Event duration
    -Boss hp
    -wisdom drops
    -drops in general: wisdom, keys, spheres
    -stones clog up inventpory, low quality, upgrade costs way too high
    -crescent, 3.5k anders to transform one pet
    -skill bar too short
    -old groupskills gone, new ones dont work and useless
    -cubes are a joke now
    -character changes, mages got the best of it dwarfs the worst
    -soloplay way too hard

    i can go on, *** happened here, this is an old game, u guys should have some experience at least
    feels like who ever brought this out has nothing to do with the game
    or they just want to squece out some more money before closing shop
    well, i canceled my premium and stopping this joke of a game
    tozagol, Alpaca, Steve75 and 6 others like this.
  7. lSeXyBoYl

    lSeXyBoYl Forum Greenhorn

  8. bonjourvietnam

    bonjourvietnam Someday Author

    Such an unprofessional dev team from the beginning till now.
    They have no plan, no vision.
    Everything coming with this CE proves it.
    tozagol, Alpaca, cigarbennett and 5 others like this.
  9. ргцт

    ргцт Active Author

  10. Dampfxaoc

    Dampfxaoc Advanced

    I have only 1 question, Developers are you serious?
  11. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    All that actually means is that you died a lot on the map, fyi everytime you die a zombie spawns from your corpse
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  12. linco1

    linco1 Forum Apprentice

    Unfortunately the map loading hasn't changed much.
    After waiting for 25 seconds this was the screen that appeared:
    It was a sweet dream. . . . .:(
    You were right:D.
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  13. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    With the hotfix the animations are bearable and my eyes thank!

    But what balance do you want to make with the armor wrecker just by looking at the differences, even one borrowed from another game understands that it needs to be redone!

    I watched your live for 2 minutes also from here we understand the usual Dk damage and defense problem and I hope your CM doesn't have a maximum Dk otherwise we are in really bad shape and a lot.

    I don't understand why in this class we have to have 3 useless skills to attract mobs?

    With only one skill of the other classes these 3 are replaced. From the boss some abilities freeze the bosses, what balance is created like this? infinite damage for bosses so 1 hit and sure death, as before in inf7? to balance this mess? so the only class that is damaged is the DK and it is not fair it would be appropriate to give a small disadvantage to everyone or better balance the bosses!

    You can't have decent defenses and good damage as a melee class, but it can be replaced easily maybe it's time to review everyone's abilities a bit and balance them well so no one gets replaced or fix the problem!
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
  14. Bulutsuz

    Bulutsuz Forum Greenhorn

    [other language content removed]


    hi everyone we are playing in heredur 3 clan's per clan have 35-50 nember's and we want to say when we are enter the map cardhunlibrary and brigavik after the first step we dying and second one after today launch game all wizard's build cant be use near on the bosses mind controland frost nova ( actualy i's soo important for us please turn back like before) and every time game control team try too do make for us best one but it's not happining dont all thinks much harder . at the last we are playing 3 clans totaly +100 nembers please lissen this guys and fix all problem we dont want to quit from DSO with a 100+ players . when we watching twich live action all Gm and Mod 's just smiling us they dont know too nothing they should be more helpfull person
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 18, 2020
    tozagol, Alpaca and tiki like this.
  15. KulawyMao

    KulawyMao Exceptional Talent

    i play mage and i use 3 skills now bc all others are useless
    mind control = take control of mobs
    singu~ = take off armor/restistance
    right click on fireball = to do dmg

    before ce i was useing 9 skills, now i can put sth on fireball button and go afk = it will be the same result as i will be in front of comp.

    who name it CE? for me its downgrade of the game to first day of this game where u have many uselles skills, many bugs, many stupid things, many impossible to kill mobs etc

    if bp want to do new game so go on and do new game.
    Alpaca likes this.
  16. Antenor

    Antenor Forum Apprentice

    Dragon's Fury skill visuel damage bug, explosions do not deal the correct critical damage value. 1,100,000 max visible on the andrakasch training dummies : why ?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
    Alpaca likes this.
  17. KARL31

    KARL31 Forum Apprentice

    “Bigpoint” just created less playtime, look at the picture, well done less playtime, less playtime, more people leaving and not coming back, and less money for “bigpoint”.
    the counter starts at 30 min or 27 min


    Already that it is very difficult to have Rune dust I do not understand how there can be runes in drop to know which does not bring anything similar dust for the runes of XP.

    Rune dust belongs to us, we shouldn't lose it when we grind a rune, it's exactly the same when we make glyphs and remove them from an object, we always had the same amount before or after , for the runes it should be the same.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
  18. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I suppose we are going through (another) intermediate period aimed (again) to make us to waste as many resources as possible, making us focus on chasing not very useful items (but on the other hand the game doesn't offer any better) like the Q4 weapon or the mechanical set, with objectively very difficult challenges for any player, even those who like to continue to call themselves "OP".

    In this way those who have more resources (such as infernal passages or in-game currency in abundance) continue to waste them, and thus end up lowering the level of what they possess.

    I think the explanation is trivial: the production didn't care the game at all for a long time, didn't think at all on how much people were doing and accumulating in the meantime. Then it was found that many players had acquired almost unlimited resources. At that point they were forced to proceed with a rebalancing: so let's proceed to remove the cores, devalue the gems, make us to waste andermants and fragments, etc. etc. etc.

    The many bugs of this moment find perfect placement in this "strategy": they are deliberately wanted, in this way the production will leave us languishing for longer, making us believe they are hardly working to solve all them meanwhile.

    During all this time the usual obsessed people will continue to waste resources more and more, remaining the same noobs they are now regardless of what they will get, and only in a later time (I am talking about several weeks or even 1-2 months, mid/end of winter I suppose) devs will introduce new and much more powerful items (at best), or will simply lower the power of monsters (at worst, if they will see they do not have economic advantage to develop new equipments) especially in solo mode... in any case achieving the goal of making us feel "OP" again.

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
    tozagol, Alpaca, Aras and 6 others like this.
  19. Irish

    Irish Forum Apprentice

    What's with this debuff thing.... I enter bloodshed/merciless and my steam goes down because i'm using my skills to where I can't use my Machine Gun Turret for 30 mins....... When I leave the map to go play in lower modes the 30mins cooldown is still there....
    So bottom line is you can't play the game properly till that CRAP DEBUFF ends.... Was Pissed off that is happening so I logged out, well what do ya know , logged back in and 23 mins still remain....
    This game is getting worse and worse everytime you's touch it....

    Such a shame that you's released this CE before you's fixed everything..... The amount of stuff that's bugged is unreal.

    Couldn't even chat in twitch to tell about bugs and all the other crap, lol cos now your charging guys just to listen to ye two telling everyone how great this is, lmao ... Plain and clear that you's don't even play your own game nor give a BEEP about anyone that is playing it.

    Last edited: Dec 18, 2020
    tozagol, Alpaca, cigarbennett and 2 others like this.
  20. psywarg

    psywarg Forum Apprentice

    I was wondering about Elysium, the grey area on the map beside Elysium, the end game bosses, and the faded 9 islands on the outskirts with some markings on them (may be they are just Qs) but then where is Q5 now?

    So pre ce it was the highest level player in group and now it is avg. thats all?

    Leveling by killing mobs was same pre ce, though scaling exp. from new quests is a good change.
    Why low level buddy or 4? I can understand the current scaling for end game "raids" but it is stupid for exploration and events. As I said I see the challenging part, where is the fun part?
    tozagol and Alpaca like this.
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