What are the high attack speed bonuses?

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by ManaThief, Dec 22, 2020.

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  1. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced


    I have managed to reach attack speed over 4.0 and I have noticed I am getting a buff, to my surprise, and it seems there is not a word about it.

    I have captured the description of the buff I was getting:


    ... which is quite vaguely described. For anyone wondering, I would like to specify following details: Battle Anger effect lasts for ~5 secs, and you lose all stacks in case you don't hit anything in that time. As soon as you reach 100 stacks, you lose all stacks and get the Unleashed Rage buff. This buff lasts for 30 secs, so when you have 4.0 attack speed you can get 100 stacks again in cca 25 seconds, so you have 5 seconds extra - this will refresh the Unleashed Rage effect.

    Then, there is written, you will get next bonus at 4.5 attack speed. Does anyone know what is this bonus? Are there other bonuses?
  2. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    With As 4-> 1 hit = 1 stack
    With As 4.5-> 1 hit = 2 stack
    With As 5 - > 1 hit = 3 stack
    And so on. The bonus stopped at attack speed 6 or 6.5 (not sure)
  3. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced

    Hmm that doesn't seem very good to go over 4.0
  4. kanlıhançerr

    kanlıhançerr Someday Author

    Indeed, I think 4.5 enough, or even 4.00. The buff is 30 seconds long anyway, which gives you enough time to get 100 stacks again if you have 4.00 attack speed only.
  5. jackoneill1976

    jackoneill1976 Forum Veteran

    o 10.340 :p

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