Looking for Guild / Heredur

Discussion in 'PvE Players Wanted' started by Bladevsbrain, Jan 26, 2021.

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  1. Bladevsbrain

    Bladevsbrain Forum Greenhorn

    Hey there this is Noah aka Bladevsbrain,

    I`m a lvl 93 mage on Heredur who is looking for an active guild to pursue the endgame activities once i hit lvl 100.

    A bit about me as a person. I´m a 19 year old German guy who is currently attending Uniersity. I´m fluent in both German and English. I started playing DSO around 2012 or 2013 if I´m not mistaken but took several breaks in between. I picked the game back up around Christmas since I´ve found to miss it quiet a bit.

    It shouldnt take a long time until I hit max lvl considering the speed I have been leveling up so far, maybe a week or so. Given the fact that im in Unversity and all clubs and bars are closed I have quiet a lot of time on my hands right now which I´m mostly spending on DSO these days.

    I´d be incredibly thankful if a guild decided to take me on.
    If you have any further questions feel free to hit me up ingame.

    Best regards Noah

    Server: Heredur
    IGN: Bladevsbrain
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Hi. Good CV I see, almost worthy for a job application :p

    We currently have a couple of free slots in guild, there are no particular requirements besides of be friendly, a bit active, and do not bother the guildmaster... ops :D:D

    Just sent you the invite, even if you off now, cause I am sure I would forget it later. Feel free to both accept or reject it. In case you join, you welcome.