March: Events feedback

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Anyki, Mar 1, 2021.

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  1. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Dear Heroes of Dracania,

    The March event schedule can be found here.

    You can use this thread to share your feedback regarding the current in game events. Positive or negative, constructive criticism and ideas for improvements are, as always, welcomed. Please keep discussions on topic.​

    If you are unsure what sort of feedback is being asked for, please read this thread.
    Any off-topic posts/pointless rants will be deleted.

    Best regards,
    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Why is the Vargulf offhand skin bug still not fixed after so much time?
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Board Analyst

    Hi @trakilaki remember you asnwered yourself in another thread... events february that it's gonna be mended in 2098 and we have been so bad guys that this month we have no wolves...
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2021
    1vanka likes this.
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