Classes - Primary Stats ???

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by salotr, Feb 24, 2021.

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  1. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    As a new player I have tried all four classes a bit, but I do not know which are the most important stats that I have to consider:
    + "x" damage
    + "x" attack speed
    + "x" movement speed
    + "x" critical value
    + "x" block value

    Any suggestions?
  2. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    How much you invest into a particular stat will depend on your class and your particular play style.

    But since you are asking in general terms, I believe crit will be the most vital. Everyone is trying to max that one out as much as possible, regardless of class.

    Attack speed will depend on which class you're playing. Spellweavers must get all their attack speed from items/gems because they get none from their Experience tree, while DKs have an easy time thanks to Fanaticism from their Rage Attack.

    Movement speed is capped at 13.00 on foot, so you can build your way up to this speed and no more.

    You can get tons of damage from your items, so until you start reaching endgame, that should not be a huge priority.

    As for block... this one is interesting. You can only have a max of 30 Emeralds. So the way I see block is an all or nothing. If you want to invest in it, you max it out. Otherwise, just don't bother.
    Shine2 likes this.
  3. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    The class I mainly play is the spellweaver.
    I know this class has low resistance, so I think the priority during the leveling phase is:

    1. movement speed
    2. crit value
    3. damage
  4. WillM0

    WillM0 Forum Apprentice

    At least worth a try