Info please on Lor Tac & Qaizah

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by EriduSerpent, Jul 22, 2021.

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  1. EriduSerpent

    EriduSerpent Forum Apprentice

    Hi all,
    Can anyone tell me how to move onto the other parts of the map.
    I have done all I can do (that I can find), just not killed the Teleportarium boss,
    it's wayyyyyyyyyyy to hard.
    So where can I enter these places?
    Do I need to be a higher level...I am 44 at the moment.

    Thank you :)
  2. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    To access Lor Tac you need to get to Stillwater Bay which iused to be 45-46 but is a level 41 dungeon now. You should unlock it when you get mission Expedition into Unknown.Hope it helps:

  3. EriduSerpent

    EriduSerpent Forum Apprentice

    Thank you so much, much appreciated ;)
  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    I'm glad to be of help... and since all seems to be clear I'm closing the threat:

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