Problems logging in now

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by Jimbo911, Sep 30, 2021.

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  1. Jimbo911

    Jimbo911 Forum Greenhorn

    I logged in fine earlier, but Now I'm getting the following error. I have tried both Agathon and Grimmag servers and get the same error on both.


    Download error:, code=6, msg=SSL handshake failed

    --- MERGED ---

    I have also tried uninstalling and re-installing the DRO client. Which was no help. Problem persists.

    Last edited by moderator: Sep 30, 2021
    FABIAN214215 likes this.
  2. -Cindy-

    -Cindy- Forum Apprentice

    I've had no problems with logging into the game for some time but this morning when i tried to log in I received this error

    Download error: url= code=6 msg=SSL handshake failed.

    Can I get some help understanding why this happened overnight while i wasn't even on the computer or in the game.

    Thank you
    Tarapart, Tegan Server
    FABIAN214215 likes this.
  3. Anyki

    Anyki User

    Hey Jim, it's a known issue that's already been reported to the development team. Alas, we'll just have to sit tight for a fix. :)

    -Cindy- likes this.
  4. ŽidQoo

    ŽidQoo Forum Greenhorn

  5. -Cindy-

    -Cindy- Forum Apprentice

    Thank you . It's a test of patience :)
  6. McBern

    McBern Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, i have the same problem, i can,t go inside game :(:mad:.
    FABIAN214215 likes this.
  7. vetrep7505

    vetrep7505 Forum Greenhorn

    Any update on a fix?
  8. Anyki

    Anyki User

    The devs attempted something a few hours ago. I'm guessing there's been no success in resolving said issue, based on the timestamps of replies here vs when said fix was attempted. We'll just have to continue waiting.
  9. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    cant log on
  10. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The client is not working ATM ....

    Use the browser, it is working just fine

    play in browser until they break the game even more ... i mean until they fix the issue. :)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
    AndJustice4All likes this.
  11. jeffzrx

    jeffzrx Padavan

    cant use browser either
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    What do you mean you can't use browser?
    You can't play in browser or the game is not working in browser?
    Here check this guide on how to play the game in browser.
  13. Piliguino

    Piliguino Forum Greenhorn

    the client is working now :):)
  14. -Cindy-

    -Cindy- Forum Apprentice

    Thank you! It looks like they fixed the problem. I'm now able to log in. Will comment again on how it all goes.
  15. FrenchWine

    FrenchWine Forum Apprentice

    some can play, i m in Tegan, always down, i'm waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting ...
  16. Asap

    Asap Forum Greenhorn

    for me is still not working !
  17. vetrep7505

    vetrep7505 Forum Greenhorn

    Client is still down any word on when this will be fixed? Will there be any compensation since we cant do the event?
  18. Jimbo911

    Jimbo911 Forum Greenhorn

    It is working fine for me, at least for the past 2 hours. I tried all 5 pve servers. All seem to work fine. Expect a long download and then lag as it seems to reload all graphics on the fly.

  19. vetrep7505

    vetrep7505 Forum Greenhorn

    Still not working for me. I have been trying for the last several hours to get it to work. Grimmag is obviously still down at least for me anyways.
  20. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Grimmag is running just fine like all other servers. It is the client that is having issues with the protocols.
    You better play in browser (see in my past posts) until they fix it.
    If you don't want to play in browser ... you will have to wait for the fix ... HOWEVER ... it is a weekend and it could mean you won't be able to play until the next week if you are waiting for the client.