Should i start playing this game again ?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by jarkko456, Dec 12, 2021.

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Worth to start playing again this game ?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. jarkko456

    jarkko456 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, DSO community After a long time I wanted to visit again and play Drakensang. The last time I was here was when the Dark Legacy update came out. I didn't play it long after this update. That is why I want to ask the community if it's worth to get back to this game.
    Danielek345 likes this.
  2. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Active Author

    A big NO from me,it is better to find something else to play.11/02/2022 will be a great day for me,best of luck everyone.
    salotr, Tronco_Vaaaa and Javah like this.
  3. Dragenstein

    Dragenstein Padavan

    No. To level up, you need to play (get carried) in groups. There aren't enough people playing that will let you join their groups. I forced myself to level one character to 100, but it was not fun.

    UPDATE: After thinking about this some more, I should have said NO NO NO NO NO!! I noticed that the Full Moon event is running. I spent a LOT of time playing Full Moon to get gems of celerity for increased attack speed. The Dark Legacy update removed those gems from the game. This is the lousy way they treat players. Your effort and money will count for nothing in the end. If you can have some fun levelling up a character, fine. DO NOT spend any money on this game.

    One more thing. If you do start a character, make it a spellweaver or ranger. My dragonknight is pretty much unplayable. I never thought the steam mechanicus was any good to play solo and I see a lot of people complaining about them.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    salotr and Tronco_Vaaaa like this.
  4. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    salotr and Tronco_Vaaaa like this.
  5. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    Why yes? Why no? It depends.

    You can easily see what the game is. Probably it won't change much anymore. Probably it won't change at all, will stay freezed at the state that it is now. Server will likely stay online so - yeah - you *could* play it if you want do it.

    If you have poor hardware as I have in my "gaming" laptop, it is almost a choice. Even in 2022. If you like as it is, and you have no expectation of any kind, it is a choice again. If you even better could find a lively and friendly guild - that is the only reason why I am still here sometimes - why don't staying a bit online, chatting and playing meanwhile.

    This just to say that - personally - there is not big motivation in playing an obsolete product that has almost no dev team in charge. This is strongly discouraging to me, I have few time for games and I like to put it where I see progress and future. A good guild or online friends to do things together could always fill other lacks, somehow. But god knows how hard is to find them now, if you start from nothing or almost.

    The good side, if any, in DSO immobility is that no changes mean no hurry to progress. Take your time and relax, it will steal thousand hours of your life if you play it solo, before you can manage hardest things, but you will succeed sooner or later.

    Either you agree to do a little and every now and then, in that case you could keep it in count, otherwise if you want to progress a lot and fast this is not a place for you.

    Reason why I will buy myself a serious gaming laptop as Xmas present :D
    salotr likes this.
  6. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    My first instinct my heart screams yes yes. I love this game it needs all the players it can get. But honestly no the game is pretty much done with. They drove hundreds off with their new Dark Legacy doubt many are coming back. Especially after reading the new team leaders statement on discord. He does not paint a bright picture for Drakensang. opppss sorry I mean Dark Legacy.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2021
    salotr and Tronco_Vaaaa like this.
  7. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    If you enjoy 2015 events with a 2020 talent system in a game that makes high end PCs hum like they're trying to transform into a jet engine, then this is the right game for you!

    Ah, in all seriousness, just play it if you want. It's nice to revisit the charm of an old game once in a while, but we haven't seen an update in literally months at this point, so don't get your hopes up for new content. If you just want to revisit some fond memories, then it works just fine.
    FAALHAAS likes this.
  8. kuwabaraz

    kuwabaraz Forum Duke

    The game is stopped, from the r252 excluding the routine management hotfixes and this is a very scary thing or it speaks for itself!

    It depends on where you stopped and you may see some changes made but nothing more!

    The gameplay for me is horrendous, with 5 skills, whereas previously you played with 7 in the command bar. The balance of the classes remains that of approximately 2 years or more. So in general, depending on the class you used, you may find yourself more or less well. Pvp has no modifications.

    No programming and very few almost non-existent communications.
    You can play it out of wistfulness if you accept the game for what it is now without expecting anything!

    I prefer to devote myself to other things, if not looking for news, but what I see is just ordinary management to keep the servers running.
    DBS-Flamelurker likes this.
  9. Tronco_Vaaaa

    Tronco_Vaaaa Forum Greenhorn

    salotr and Lambrusco like this.
  10. jorgemy2

    jorgemy2 Forum Greenhorn

    salotr and Lambrusco like this.
  11. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    No, considering the current pvp state which is a little unbalanced, just a bit. :D
    In fact it’s an incentive not to play dso anymore. ;)
    Lambrusco likes this.
  12. aBDuLHaMiTHaN

    aBDuLHaMiTHaN Old Hand

  13. A1ex3

    A1ex3 Forum Greenhorn

  14. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    Dear Heroes! Could you please explain the reasons why you think it is not worth to start playing DSO again. Simply writing "NO" will not do. We would like to see more of somewhat constructive feedback if you please. Cheers;

  15. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    Dear @Shine2 the questios says: Should i start playing this game again? and with YES or NO it is asnwered it doesn't say: and why? so this is our answer no more details are aked here... if someone is looking for feedbacks there are other treads for that.

    aBDuLHaMiTHaN likes this.
  16. ViktorG75

    ViktorG75 Active Author

    Jarkko set up a poll to be answered with yes or no. And, as far as I can see, in his post he did not ask us to explain why we are for or against.
    The only thing that is meaningless is to give the answer in the poll above, and to write the same word (and nothing else) in the comment.

    The place for feedback is not in the poll, or maybe you want us to have countless pages here as well, with reasons why we advise him to do something more useful or play better games.

    Lambrusco likes this.
  17. willemtelll

    willemtelll Forum Greenhorn

    No, sure the last year is there nomore fun for me ..i dont like it playing always in a group ..pvp was ok but now even that is take away from us ...Bp dont look to us and destray our fun
  18. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    Hmmmm it is a YES or NO Question poll.
    aBDuLHaMiTHaN and Lambrusco like this.
  19. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    The situation could have been different if there had been more attention in correcting pvp imbalances.
  20. mariusmgm

    mariusmgm Someday Author

    Alpaca likes this.