Error code 35

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by ___CCC___, Dec 30, 2021.

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  1. ___CCC___

    ___CCC___ Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, does anyone got code 35 error after today game upgrade ??
    Reinstaling client doesn't helped.
  2. Krisztian78

    Krisztian78 Forum Greenhorn

  3. mypuma14

    mypuma14 Forum Greenhorn

    Yes, It's impossible to play now, can't load maps and the only message i get is " The server keeps hanging...."
  4. Lulu70

    Lulu70 Forum Greenhorn

    anche io ho lo stesso errore e non posso entrare , ho provato a cancellare gioco e reinstallare, ma sempre lo stesso errore mi dà
  5. Asachausseur

    Asachausseur Forum Greenhorn

    yeah i got it too. I was farming at q1 when i clicked the door to going map2 my game got frozen after restarting game i got code 35 error..
  6. lorhold

    lorhold Forum Greenhorn

    stil have error code 35
  7. koikapr

    koikapr Forum Apprentice

    mají to všichni chyby opět na straně DSO.
  8. jakiro.25

    jakiro.25 Forum Greenhorn

    we are both, I also can't play because of error code 35
  9. Alpaca

    Alpaca Forum Apprentice

    error code 42
  10. mamba-neagra

    mamba-neagra Forum Greenhorn

    error code 35
  11. Lulu70

    Lulu70 Forum Greenhorn

    error code 35
  12. chiuseer

    chiuseer Advanced

    error code 42 , can't load maps:(
  13. ~Percilla~

    ~Percilla~ Forum Greenhorn

    Same error 42 Cannot enter the maps
  14. Zombi76

    Zombi76 Forum Greenhorn

    Zkusel jsem taky a nic, pomohlo nechat antiviráč udělat kontrolu a je to ok.
  15. dragorndu24

    dragorndu24 Forum Greenhorn

    i've always the same problem ! not solve ?
  16. Puszkarz

    Puszkarz Forum Greenhorn

    Ja kasowałem pliki w katalogu temp kilka razy instalowałem klienta i to samo kod błędu 35
  17. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    As I have said many times in the past ...
    All you have to do is delete that file.
    Don't listen if someone is telling you to delete all the files ... you need to delete only that file.
    Note to mods: I will repost this in few threads.
    Alpaca likes this.
  18. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    It doesn't seem to work.

    As far as I know from guildmates, those who were online at about 10am suffered a kind of game freeze, and are still unable to log in again. They receive error 35 trying to log in with the character in use at the moment, and error 23 (account already in use) when they try to log in with a different character on the same account.

    Just curious: what do you mean when you write "Start the client with the modified shortcut" ... what modification would that be?
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2021
  19. K-otik

    K-otik Forum Apprentice

    Just try !
    doessn t work ....
  20. Comandorul007

    Comandorul007 Forum Greenhorn

    Apoi accesați DSOClient\dlcache în folderul Temp și ștergeți fișierul dro_client64.exe .
    Porniți clientul cu comanda rapidă modificată și așteptați câteva secunde pentru ca jocul să instaleze din nou fișierul .exe corect. Apoi începe și joacă jocul.,de la ora 14 tot fac asta si inca nu merge,eroare 35......aveti de gind sa faceti ceva cu jocul astazi? vreau prelungirea premium cu o zi