DK Build 2h

Discussion in 'Dragonknights' started by J00rbi3, Sep 20, 2022.

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  1. J00rbi3

    J00rbi3 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, does any1 have a viablue DK 2h build mostly for solo, rarely for party ?
    Tried to looks for some on web, but found nothing, only some for version when max lv was 60
  2. ldso

    ldso Advanced

    Hello, you can try checking over at the Discord server. There are various pics and example shots of builds floating around there. :)
  3. septamemo

    septamemo Forum Apprentice

    Even with out crafting you have access to many sets, some of the best sets in the game can be farmed overland in public dungeons, world bosses, and delves. You can also purchase armor sets from guild traders, and many sets drop in dungeons.