Misleading bundles in shop

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by FAALHAAS, Oct 14, 2022.

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    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    You've been selling :
    *Tiny treasure hunter bundle 2.99€
    5x chip 5x hammer 3x map

    *Treasure hunter bundle 8.99€
    10x chip 10x hammer 8x map

    *Huge treasure hunter bundle 14.99€
    20x chip 20x hammer 15x map

    -The middle one is 3x the price of the tiny bundle, yet you get less than if you buy 3x tiny ones.

    -The Huge one is 5x the price of the tiny bundle and there you can do good math for the amount of maps you get but not for chip and hammer.

    I find this very misleading, since normaly bigger bundles are a better deal, but you guys do the complete opposite.

    Do you think most players are complete idiots, so you can scam them this way? Or is this some stupid mistake?

    Either way, I think its shamefull!
    oslecGar_022 and Marsicanus like this.
  2. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced

    Not sure if this is the case, but many bundles are one-time offer, which should mean they are all "better deal", but if you want to get more you get "worse, but still somewhat better deal". Or it is just profiting on careless players.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Not the case in this matter. You could buy more than 1 tiny bundle.
  4. silverseas

    silverseas Count Count

    DSO, the only game where I have to whip out a calculator before I buy stuff from the shop because I'm always suspicious I'm getting ripped off with a new bundle/offer. XD
    FAALHAAS and jeffzrx like this.
  5. Dimash1964

    Dimash1964 Forum Apprentice

    € 30 for a cloak that drops 5 mortis bones isn't that shameful?
    FAALHAAS likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Such a shame none of the mods/devs gave an explaination.
  7. Kernelly

    Kernelly Junior Expert

    Forum is still useful for player announcements which are less common nowadays, but still exist. Also a matter o preference.