Constant game freezes

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by salotr, Nov 26, 2022.

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  1. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    Lately I've been having freezing in the game and this happens frequently. No matter in what map or zone I'm playing or what spells I'm using.

    This happen even if I do nothing, when my char is stationary.

    Is it just me or are others also having this problem?
  2. Nicojaman

    Nicojaman Forum Greenhorn

    I've got the same problems as you, no worries.

    Added to that, I can't even login anymore, I've always got this "dusty, brown" screen, where nothing is shown (either gold, andermand, skills, etc..)

    The map-switching-problem is also a thing, when I can finaly play the game after relogging 20 times.
    After I walked around a bit, the map switch hits me in the face again.

    Probably the worst servers ever.
  3. salotr

    salotr Active Author

    Ye, even the map problem, I forgot that.

    I would like to know if this problem is related to a specific server or for all of them.
  4. Nicojaman

    Nicojaman Forum Greenhorn

    Don't know, but I can imagine, that this problem only exists on Heredur, because it's the most visited server