when coming Bigpoint 20th anniversary event?

Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by dam18, Mar 9, 2023.

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  1. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    it said it was implented in maintenance 23.12.2012 but there is no sign on anything yet?
  2. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    If you just think that an already done and ready event like Dragan, that would require no effort to the developers, had to arrive "early" this year (accordingly to one of the last Q&A sessions between community and production) while in March there is still no date for it, you can rest easy about what should be an entirely new event, even if small and modest as I can imagine (maybe mistakenly) it will result to be.

    Not even the fact that they have introduced some of its elements in a previous release could mean that it will arrive so soon, given for example that for Q10 we had to wait years despite being practically implemented at the database level.

    Since this is an anniversary, the only certain element is that you can expect it by the end of the year, reasonably no later than the first week of December because Christmas is one of the few things that not even Bigpoint should be able to procrastinate.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2023
    mestamer67 likes this.
  3. mestamer67

    mestamer67 Padavan

    I really struggle not to understand why they haven't put the DTU event for almost a year now like the Dragan event for months, instead they insist on putting little events of little interest that keep players firmly away. It seems that it has become a game in which you can play in periods and not every day as it was years ago. This story is really worth it.
    Javah likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Those events give players too much progres and bigpoint too little cash. That's the reason we wont see those events anymore.
    tozagol likes this.
  5. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    It also seems to me understandable, in principle, that highly requested events take a little longer.... The fact is that this shouldn't be just once a year or even less, which is also possible here.

    Many events of the past (the vast majority) have literally been abandoned and fallen into oblivion, even though they are themselves ready and theoretically easier to put into live server than something to be created from scratch. And now just those annoyance of the Moon and Desert of Essence remain, every so often in theory every month Sargon, plus something else randomly like the ugly Sewers (or has this disappeared too?) and BGH which is certainly what makes the producers happiest. Obviously we don't talk about cyclical/seasonal events, such as Christmas or Spring, which perhaps still seem to be resisting more or less year after year.

    But it is evident that we speak without knowing, and the technical difficulties behind the game mechanics are being underestimated. Or perhaps, and much more simply and pragmatically, it is as FAALHAAS says: these are events that do not monetize much, and therefore are not "worth" giving them to play.

    No one will ever come to give us the answer anyway.