Random crafting

Discussion in 'Questions about Getting Started in the Game' started by god47ak, May 6, 2023.

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  1. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    Is there a way to craft a legendary item thats not random(rarity upgrades)
    I just want to combine 4 extraordinary items to legendary


    Guess no one replying is because it's not possible to craft regular items other than random
    That sucks so bad.. Thought it would be fun to get back to the game after being away for 3 years
    but no, this blows, see you guys in another 3 years, or maybe not
    Last edited by moderator: May 8, 2023

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    you can try 3x same item +1x , high chance you get the 3x.

    Maybe its fixed, dont know...maybe im crazy.
  3. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    Thanks dude for replying...And i'll try that maybe im lucky
  4. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    Maybe I'm wrong but there is no longer any reason to craft regular items at the workbench after Dark legacy.
    Anyway if you want a legend torso you can put 3x extraordinary torso and 1x gloves/boot/... to have 75% that you got a torso.
    Drabis777 likes this.
  5. god47ak

    god47ak Junior Expert

    Do you know what else than 3 extraordinary weapons you need to pull that off
    Drabis777 likes this.
  6. Drabis777

    Drabis777 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for that, I didn't know before that crafting did work like that.

    I think it also works for the weapons as well. Gonna try it later to see if it works.