Discussion in 'General Forum' started by judoka021, Jun 18, 2023.

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  1. judoka021

    judoka021 Forum Greenhorn

    Friends, after the map is loaded, I look at this screen for 25-30 seconds, what could be the reason? Has anything like this happened to you?

    16 GB RAM 3200 mhz DDR4
    1660 GTX 6 GB
    AMD RYZEN 5 3500X
    Tüylüdonut and oslecGar_022 like this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    I got almost same PC specs I think, only i got 3600 and 1660 super on a B550M DS3H mobo, but my loadingscreen are quite decent. Takes a couple secs at most.
    judoka021 likes this.
  3. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    After the last update, quite a few times!!!

    Server: Agathon
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

  5. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    It gets worse the more players that are on the server at the same times also.. I can't even play from 10am-4pm CST.. It's very frustrating when the best time to play on Tegan server.. Is 9pm-6am CST.. This wasn't even a issue before these new Dev's became part owners..
    tozagol likes this.
  6. judoka021

    judoka021 Forum Greenhorn

    server : Heredur


    Please help, I'm connecting via internet cable, internet speed test : DOWNLOAD: DOWNLOAD - 38.37 Mbps UPLOAD - 11.33 Mbps, I hope we can solve the problem.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 19, 2023

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Same server here and as stated in other post our pc specs are quite similiar aswell. My speeds are little faster. Got 15ms on average.

    Now, even tho I'm a pro in bashing the DSO team and their mods, I do think these loadingscreen are a client side problem and not server.
    Untill last year I had same problem. Loadingscreens took forever, couldnt do BC, ending up alone in boss maps etc.etc. I blamed the servers, cus my PC was ok. (intel 5 16gb and 1050 ti)
    Then I got another PC and loadingscreen problem was never seen again.

    Now im not nerdy enough to understand it, but I can surely rule out : server , internet , computer specs.
    Maybe theres a problem in certificates/registry/firewall/antivirus....something, no idea :)
    oslecGar_022 and judoka021 like this.
  8. judoka021

    judoka021 Forum Greenhorn

    I found out that the problem is caused by the internet, when I connect to the game with my phone's internet provider, there is no problem, so I need to fix problems with my internet service. thank you for the answers. And remember capitalism gives comfort but takes your freedom <3
    FAALHAAS likes this.
  9. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    Using mobile ISP and better pc that only workaround from a users side.
    On steam system requirements (recommended and minimum)
    • Processor: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
    But that not really true now :newer CPU with more cores, cache and higher frequency are more proper requirements.
    Not a proper DSO servers configuration (plus overloaded servers) and badly optimized game client or something like what causing that issues .
    I'm still think that not a your ISP problem... in rare case it does, but when only DSO not working, LOL then not .
    I remember old posts( about 3 years ago, before DSO DL) about "bad working" main ISP, when from mobile working ok. Nothing new here...and i can't believe too many ISP from different countries have issues , but not a game.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2023
    oslecGar_022 and judoka021 like this.
  10. Alex_Thor

    Alex_Thor Advanced

    I don't want to buy another computer or change ISP again, I'm tired, it's already the way it is, it's not a fact that Dso will run better and without problems
    tozagol and Tüylüdonut like this.
  11. monika1991

    monika1991 Forum Greenhorn

    When will the 5v5 rotation of the map for which you can get a dog come back? I have 100 wins left :)) Will this pvp come back or has it been removed permanently?
    oslecGar_022 likes this.
  12. judoka021

    judoka021 Forum Greenhorn

    friends I checked out internet service providers and solved the problem, ask for a guarantee for a better ping value.
  13. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    Glad to hear you solved that problem. Btw after pve leaderboards Dso servers working much better too.:cool:

    I'm curious that i5 cpu exactly u have before Ryzen 3600? I have i3 4th. gen, and can upgrade to i5, but don't know if that worth it to do...:)
    judoka021 likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Think it was 11400, but not sure. Don´t have it around anymore, so cant check. I´m not really nerd enough to know, but i think i5 is allot betetr for gaming than i3, so if the upgrade is cheap or affordable, why not :)
  15. gintarszb

    gintarszb Junior Expert

    I'm just shocked.. because that i5 11400 from 11th generation and have same amount of cores/threads as Ryzen - 6/12 , and cpu almost from same class category. Intel newer and faster slightly in games, Ryzen only have more cache and higher base frequency .

    My cpu much worse , no argument here ..and i5 4th gen series bad too vs 11 or latest 13th gen ( have less cores ,cache).I have a little bit more delay when changing maps vs my friend with newer pc.

    DSO until 2020 , not have that issues when changing map, and game worked well with older hardware. I think maybe all that "shiny things" added later in to the game caused that issues.(hd icons etc).
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2023
  16. CiscoNetPlus

    CiscoNetPlus Old Hand

    Remember that before every 4 hours the game would freeze for all players for about 3 seconds.

    That doesn't happen anymore, I think they loaded that time when loading the maps, that's why now it's taking a long time, only a few players with less powerful PCs are affected.

    It affects me a lot, it takes 45 seconds to load a map, which makes it impossible for me to make blood chests.
    judoka021 likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    Well i still think its not a hardware problem. As noted the OP and I have almost same specs and I dont have problem. My old PC had good specs but had a terrible loadingscreen, never changed internet, get new PC and no more problems (while OP with almost same PC does).

    So what is it? Maybe something stupid as a crappy networkcard or its drivers. Maybe cus of some stupid settings somewhere that got changed by software/games/i dont know what.

    Wish I was smarter ^^

    Its every hour and the lag is still there, but only for a second or 2-3 max. I still think its cus the servertime is off or something stupid like that
    judoka021 likes this.
  18. judoka021

    judoka021 Forum Greenhorn

    -I also changed the cables coming to the modem.
    -the service provider I changed assured me that I would get low ping.

    note: In order to find out that the problem is caused by the internet, you can try by connecting your phone's internet to the computer.
    my problem was all about internet!
    FAALHAAS likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    In that case, it could be network card or something that has to do with it. I never changed ISP or router or anything and my loading times were solved with different PC.
  20. Alex_Thor

    Alex_Thor Advanced

    After delete dso folder, same brown/blue screen 30+ sec on change map :(, Heredur server. I dont know what to do with this...
    On Harold server I dont have this problem with char lvl 10
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2023