“When Ashes Fall”

Discussion in 'Technical Support' started by ΜΑΤΣΟΛΑΣ, Aug 16, 2023.

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    ΜΑΤΣΟΛΑΣ Forum Apprentice

    the quest “When Ashes Fall” is not fixed, why? i go to the map and always says reenter the map because there are no quest items. when will you fix that?

    ΜΑΤΣΟΛΑΣ Forum Apprentice

    isn't anyone there from the game to answer my question????
  3. -dravin-

    -dravin- Junior Expert

    No unfortunately DSO isn't going to reply.. the forum team maybe if they consider it important.. I have been playing since BETA and have completed every single main and side quest in the game so you may be just on the wrong map, or it's bugged.. if it's not part of the main quest line then it's not important and best to just dump it..
  4. Selene-Rip

    Selene-Rip Regular

    moderator Teropos say today at 10:03 AM :
    "the task is not yet fully fixed, so you will complete it on the first map just outside the city."
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2023